Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment
Article Name | Influence of Circular Action Crane on Technical Condition of the NPP Constructing Protective Tight Cover |
Authors | Yu.I. Pimshin*1, E.B. Klyushin**2, O.A. Gubeladze***3, V.N. Medvedev****4, S.M. Burdakov*5, Yu.V. Zayarov*6 |
Address | * Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 1 e-mail: ; 2 e-mail: eklyushin ; 3 e-mail: ; |
Abstract | OBJECTIVES We researched technical condition of a protective tight cover of the polar crane. In article questions of stage-by-stage installation and adjustment of the circular action crane established in NPP reactor buildings and its impact on protective cover wall are considered. A stage of installation of the crane for a rail, a stage of trial and static tests are allocated. Results of the natural measurements characterizing deformation of a protective tight cover (PTC) are presented. CONCLUSIONS The presented material describes NP-1000 situation covers, that is the project, realization of which at the constructing NPPs, comes to the end. However there are the same researches in the NPP-2006 project and their results are fair and require the solution. |
Keywords | protective tight cover, deformations, movements, circular action crane, polar crane consoles, crack, construction part |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 33 - 42 |
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