
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameThe Mechanism of Connection Impact Strength Increase during Pulse Impact on the Welding Circuit in the Nuclear Power Complex
AuthorsS.M. Burdakov

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: SMBurdakov@mephi.ru

AbstractBACKGROUND The processes of plastic deformation proceeding with different speed can take place at production and operation of responsible metal designs on the basis of heat resisting alloyed by steels in the nuclear power complex. A number of the used designs of their details and knots can be exposed to different deformation changes. Three samples for test for impact strength when welding with imposing of tension 80B with a frequency of 40 kHz and three samples without imposing of a pulse component were made. METHODS Multipass butt connection of steel plates 15 mm thick with imposing and without imposing on an arch of a direct current of tension 80B with a frequency of 40 kHz from the special generator at parallel connection to the main welding source was carried out by means of manual arc welding the electrode of TML-3U with a diameter of 4 mm. RESULTS The following results were received after carrying out mechanical tests. Average value of impact strength for samples without imposing of a pulse component is 24 kgf∙ m/ cm2, and for samples when welding with imposing of tension 80B with a frequency of 40 kHz is 26,6 kgf∙ m/ cm2. CONCLUSIONS It is possible to tell that the electromagnetic field with a frequency of 40 kHz provides metal structure formation of welded seam with higher rates of impact strength.
Keywordsresponsible metal designs, processes of plastic deformation, stability of the arc category burning, mechanical properties, dynamic loadings, impact strength, crushing of dendrites, defects of welded connection, electromagnetic field, metal structure of welded seam, high-frequency fluctuations

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