Operation of nuclear industry facilities
Article Name | Forecasting Algorithm of Temperature Drift of Main Circular Pump Oil System of the NPP Unit with the VVER-1000 Reactor |
Authors | Yu.S. Sysoev*, V.G. Bekhetov**, N.A. Simakova*** |
Address | Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», |
Abstract | When modeling the hardest consequences of global scale at nuclear power plant accidents special attention of researchers is paid to a problem of forecasting of those NPP equipment parameters which are able to afford to inform about the approach of emergency in advance. The control of the parameters influencing safety of reactor installation becomes particularly important. One of such parameters is oil temperature at the entrance to the Main Circulation Pump (MCP). The new technique of forecasting of continuous parameter changes allowing to predict emergency situations at the NPPs which can happen because of oil overheat in Main Circular Pump oil system and warn station personnel about possible time approach of emergency situation is presented. |
Keywords | parameter restoration, interpolation, extrapolation, method of the smallest squares, forecasting |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 57 - 63 |
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