Operation of nuclear industry facilities
Article Name | Adaptive Neural Network Controller for Power Control in Nuclear Power Plants WWER 1000 |
Authors | H.F. Almasri |
Address | National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», |
Abstract | The task of power control in nuclear reactors is one of the most important tasks in this field. Therefore, researches are constantly carried out to improve the power reactor control process. Nowadays, in the department of Automation in National Nuclear Research University MEPhI a study of intelligent power regulator models in the control systems of nuclear power reactors is carried out on the grounds of on multifunction computer analyzer (simulator) of reactor WWER 1000. In this paper, a block diagram of an adaptive reactor power controller was built on the basis of an intelligent control algorithm. When implementing the intelligent neural network principles, it is possible to improve the quality and the dynamic of any control system in accordance with the principles of adaptive control. As it is known, adaptive control system allows to adjust the controller's parameters ac-cording to the changes in the characteristics of the control object or external disturbances. In this paper it is shown that the promising options for an automatic power controller in nuclear power plants is an intelligent neural network control algorithms. |
Keywords | artificial intelligence, neural networks, adaptive control, nuclear reactor, automatic power controller |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 64 - 73 |
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