Article Name | Main Problems of Specialist Training for the Nuclear Industry in the Professional Standard Implementation |
Authors | V.A. Rudenko, S.A. Tomilin, N.P. Vasilenko |
Address | Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», |
Abstract | Today urgent is a question of providing nuclear power by highly qualified specialists capable quickly and accurately to solve the arising production problems. Extremely high degree of responsibility of workers employed in this industry defines the special requirements for training and qualification for personnel. However, there were no modern normative documents that contain clearly defined qualification requirements for each employee skill level by separately taken activity, necessary knowledge and skills for specific job functions for a long time. The introduction of professional standards should resolve this contradiction. The work presents the main problems of vocational training organization of workers in the nuclear industry during the implementation of professional standards. They are caused, first of all, by lack of the new educational standards considering requirements of professional standards. Furthermore, the requirements of professional education standards given in accordance with “All-Russian qualifier of specialties by training”, which causes a number of difficulties. The work suggests some ways to smooth the presented problems. |
Keywords | nuclear industry, professional standards, specialist training |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 80 - 87 |
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