

Article NameThe Terminological System of the Russian Federation Criminal Code of 1996 in the Field of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Legal Protection
AuthorsE.A. Bragina

Volgodonsk Institute of Economics, Management and Law Southern Federal University,
Mira St., 47, Volgodonsk,Rostov region,  Russia 347383 
e-mail: advokat.bragina@mail.ru

AbstractIn this paper we have the analysis of historical events and facts, effecting on formation of the Criminal Code provisions in 1996, which elaborate criminal responsibility for crimes in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. The focus of the research is devoted to the gaps in the conceptual apparatus of the offences.
Keywordssource of ionizing radiation, weapons of mass destruction, conceptual apparatus, radioactive substances, radioactive materials, the Russian Federation Criminal Code of 1996, criminal responsibility, nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear law

[1] Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii (prinyata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) [The constitution of the Russian Federation (it is accepted by national vote 12.12.1993)]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 26.01.2009, №4, st. 445. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 26.01.2009, №4, article 445]  (in Russian)

[2] Federalnyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 21.07.1994 № 1-FKZ «O Konstitucionnom Sude Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal constitutional law 7.21.1994 № 1-FCL "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 25.07.1994, №13, st. 1447 [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 25.07.1994, №13, article 1447]. (in Russian)

[3] Federalnyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 28.04.1995 № 1-FKZ «Ob arbitrazhnyx sudax v Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal constitutional law 4.28.1995 № 1-FCL "About arbitration courts in the Russian Federation"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 01.05.1995, №18, st. 1589. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 01.05.1995, №18, article 1589] (in Russian)

[4] Federalnyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 31.12.1996 № 1-FKZ «O sudebnoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal constitutional law 12.31.1996 № 1-FCL "Judicial system of the Russian Federation"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 06.01.1997, №1, st. 1. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 06.01.1997, №1, article 1.] (in Russian)

[5] Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast pervaya) ot 30.11.1994 № 51-FZ [The civil code of the Russian Federation (part one) 11.30.1994 № 51-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 05.12.1994, № 32, st. 3301. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 05.12.1994, № 32, article 3301] (in Russian)

[6] Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.1995 № 223-FZ [The family code of the Russian Federation 12.29.1995 № 223- FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 01.01.1996, №1, st. 16. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 01.01.1996, №1, article 16.] (in Russian)

[7] Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast vtoraya) ot 26.01.1996 № 14-FZ [The civil code of the Russian Federation (part second)  1.26.1996 № 14-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 29.01.1996, №5, st. 410. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 29.01.1996, №5, article 410] (in Russian)

[8] Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 № 63-FZ [The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 6.13.1996 № 63-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 17.06.1996, №25, st. 2954. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 17.06.1996, №25, article 2954] (in Russian)

[9] Ugolovno-ispolnitelnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 08.01.1997 № 1-FZ [The Penal Code of the Russian Federation 1.8.1997 № 1-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 13.01.1997, №2, st. 198. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 13.01.1997, №2, article 198] (in Russian)

[10] Vozdushnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19.03.1997 № 60-FZ [The air code of the Russian Federation 3.19.1997 № 60-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 24.03.1997, №12, st. 1383. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 24.03.1997, №12, article 1383] (in Russian)

[11] Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast pervaya) ot 31.07.1998 № 146-FZ [The Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part one) 7.31.1998 № 146-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, № 31, 03.08.1998, st. 3824 [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation № 31, 03.08.1998, article 3824]. (in Russian)

[12] Federalnyj zakon ot 21.11.1995 № 170-FZ «Ob ispolzovanii atomnoj energii» [The federal law 11.21.1995 № 170-FL "About use of atomic energy"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 27.11.1995, №48, st. 4552. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 27.11.1995, №48, article 4552] (in Russian)

[13] Federalnyj zakon ot 09.02.1999 № 26-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolneniya v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 2.9.1999 № 26-FL "About modification and additions in the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 15.02.1999, №7, st. 873. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 15.02.1999, №7, article 873] (in Russian)

[14] Federalnyj zakon ot 19.06.2001 № 84-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v statyu 355 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 6.19.2001 № 84-FL "About introduction of amendments to article 355 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 25.06.2001, №26, st. 2588. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 25.06.2001, №26, article 2588]  (in Russian)

[15] Federalnyj zakon ot 07.05.2002 № 48-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stati 225 i 226 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 5.7.2002 № 48-FL "About introduction of amendments to articles 225 and 226 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 13.05.2002, №19, st. 1793. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 13.05.2002, №19, article 1793] (in Russian)

[16] Federalnyj zakon ot 07.05.2002 № 50-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stati 188 i 189 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 5.7.2002 № 50-FL "About introduction of amendments to articles 188 and 189 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 13.05.2002, №19, st. 1795. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 13.05.2002, №19, article 1795] (in Russian)

[17] Federalnyj zakon ot 08.12.2003 № 162-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 12.8.2003 № 162-FL "About modification and additions in the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 15.12.2003, №50, st. 4848. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 15.12.2003, №50, article 4848] (in Russian)

[18] Federalnyj zakon ot 21.07.2004 № 73-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 7.21.2004 № 73-FL "About introduction of amendments to the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 26.07.2004, №30, st. 3091. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 26.07.2004, №30, article 3091] (in Russian)

[19] Federalnyj zakon ot 21.07.2004 № 74-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stati 57 i 205 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 7.21.2004 №  74-FL "About introduction of amendments to articles 57 and 205 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 26.07.2004, №30, st. 3092. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 26.07.2004, №30, article 3092] (in Russian)

[20] Federalnyj zakon ot 30.12.2008 № 321-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdelnye zakonodatelnye akty Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosam protivodejstviya terrorizmu [The federal law 12.30.2008 № 321-FL "About introduction of amendments to separate acts of the Russian Federation concerning counteraction to terrorism]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 05.01.2009, №1, st. 29. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 05.01.2009, №1, article 29] (in Russian)

[21] Federalnyj zakon ot 07.12.2011 № 420-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i otdelnye zakonodatelnye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 12.7.2011 №  420-FL "About introduction of amendments to the Russian Federation Criminal Code and separate acts of the Russian Federation"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 12.12.2011, №50, st. 7362. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 12.12.2011, №50, article 7362] (in Russian)

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