Article Name | Minimizing of the Human Factor Impact on the Reliability and Safety of the NPP and other Dangerous Objects by Improving the Effectiveness of Training Sessions |
Authors | M.V. Alyushin (1), L.V. Kolobashkina (2), А.М. Alyushin (3) |
Address | National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409 |
Abstract | The article is devoted the human factor impact on the reliability and safety of the NPP. We consider the educational technology of the training sessions of all kinds, using the adaptation of the training load to the current functional and psycho-emotional students' state directly in the process of training. The proposed technology is based on the objective information obtained automatically using the remote non-contact detection technologies of person bioparameters in a purely passive mode. |
Keywords | educational technology, NPP, health monitoring, remote non-contact technology, biofeedback |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 78 - 88 |
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