Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment
Article Name | Development of Methodical Recommendations of Transition Process Assessment When Processing Large-Size Products Mechanically |
Authors | V.T. Saunkin*1, I.R. Grigoriev**2, O.E. Draka*3 |
Address | * Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, |
Abstract | The problem of control and an assessment of transition process when processing large-size products of atomic mechanical engineering is considered in the work. Machining of products is offered to be considered as process of cutting in the closed technological system "machine – adaptation – tool - detail" (MATD). The technique of an assessment of transition process time, proceeding from the set measurement error in a dynamic operating mode of system is offered. |
Keywords | atomic power engineering, "machine – adaptation – tool - detail" system, transition process, lag effect, product processing quality |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 54 - 58 |
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