Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety
Article Name | Peculiarities of Underlying Surface Pollution by Radioactive Gasoaerosol Impurity after its Passage over Extensional Water Areas |
Authors | A.P. Elokhin*, M.V. Zhilina** |
Address | National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», |
Abstract | The issue of radioactive contamination of the underlying surface with a gas-aerosol radioactive admixture after its passage over vast water areas within the framework of a hypothetical radiation accident is considered. The peculiarity of passing the admixture over the water area consists in increasing the effective altitude of the emission flare due to the interaction of the jet with the convective airflow emerging over the water area in the summer season. It is shown that the deposition of a radioactive impurity in this case decreases significantly over the water area and it increases over the underlying surface which reaches the air flow during its passage. The article gives a method of estimating and substantiating this effect, which requires measuring the temperature difference of the convective airflow, or directly the vertical component of its velocity, or other meteorological characteristics determining this parameter. |
Keywords | underlying surface, water area, radioactive contamination, convective airflow; atmosphere stability state; surface impurity concentration |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 21 - 37 |
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