
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameProspects of Nanoliquid Use in Heat Withdrawal Systems in the Beyond Design Basis Accidents Accompanied with Fissile Area Melting
AuthorsA.L. Sirotkina, E.D. Fedorovich, V.V. Sergeev

Peter the Great St.-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St.-Petersburg
Polytechnicheskaya S
t., 29, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 195251
e-mail: sashulena991@inbox.ru

AbstractThe article represents assessment results of prospects of nanodispersible liquids (nanoliquids) use in the NPP security systems, in particular, in emergency cooling system of the reactor vessel in the beyond design basis accidents accompanied with fissile area melting. The assessment is based on experiment and theoretical model operation results which short description is given at the beginning of article
Keywordscorium deduction, nanoliquid, security systems, burn-out, critical heat flux

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