Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment
Article Name | Information System for Decision Support in the Management of Social and Economic Systems in the Nuclear Facility Territories |
Authors | V.M. Kureichik*1, E.A. Tsvelik**2, R.V. Pirozhkov**3 |
Address | * South Federal University, |
Abstract | The task of ensuring the development of the territories for the placement of nuclear facilities consists of two stages: the task of assessing the state, the quality of the functioning of individual systems and areas of these territories and the stage of selecting the control impact that will improve the assessed parameters and increase the efficiency of these systems. This paper proposes an information system (IS) that supports the control action selection based on fuzzy complex estimates of system parameters. IP is based on the integration of fuzzy control systems and the procedure for determining the integral indicators of the system functioning of particular criteria linguistic estimates. |
Keywords | decision support systems, fuzzy sets, fuzzy inference systems, complex systems estimation, expert linguistic estimates |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 76 - 86 |
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