Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment
Article Name | Calculation of Stressed State and Durability of Bending Element Taking into Account Radiation Environment Influence |
Authors | R.B. Garibov*, I.G. Ovchinnikov*,** |
Address | * Balakovo Engineering Technical Institute - branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Balakovo, Saratov Region, Russia **Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia |
Abstract | The paper considers problem of computational modeling of the bent structural element (beam) subjected to a joint action of a bending moment and radiation irradiation. The basic equations of the model taking into account the process of damage accumulation and the influence of irradiation are given. Using the experimental data on the basis of the method of least squares, the model was identified, that is, the values of the coefficients were determined. Comparison of the calculation results with the help of the coefficients found with the experimental data was made, which showed good agreement of the results. Then the simulation of the irradiated beam loaded with a moment is performed numerically using the above equations with the found values of the coefficients. The effect of irradiation on the kinetics of the change in curvature is studied; stresses and damages are plotted along the cross-section of the beam at different instants of time. It is recommended to use not only experimental data on long-term strength and long-term ductility but also creep curves to improve the accuracy of modeling results when identifying models. |
Keywords | radiation, radiation exposure, modeling, fluence, durability, bending element, beam |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 36 - 46 |
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