Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment
Article Name | Ferroerezonans Emergency in the 24 kV Generator Voltage Circuits of NPP Units |
Authors | S.А. Baran*, V.V. Nechitajlov**, V.V. Krasnokutskij*** |
Address | Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, |
Abstract | The paper analyzes the causes leading to false protection and shutdown of NPP units as well as damage to the measuring voltage transformers installed in the generator voltage network. The reasons that lead to the appearance of ferroresonance phenomena in the network and the way to eliminate them are considered. A number of emergency shutdowns of power units from the network by the action of earth fault protection are observed in the network of NPP generator voltage. According to the emergency situation investigations some of them turned out to be false. The cause of false accidents is often the appearance of ferroresonance phenomena in the network caused by load switching, short-time arcing and a number of other reasons. When a ferroresonance occurs it is well known that in many cases it is possible to have high multiplicities of overvoltages, dangerous for voltage transformers and for interturn isolation of the generator. This article analyzes the possibility of manifesting ferroresonance phenomena in the generator voltage network of NPP power units under various emergency conditions. |
Keywords | ferroresonance, generator voltage, isolated neutral, voltage transformer, overvoltage |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 56 - 65 |
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