Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety
Article Name | Application of Modern Digital Technologies for Atomic Energy Safety Strengthening from the Angle of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime |
Authors | A.V. Goncharuk |
Address | The State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”, Bolshaya Ordynka, 24, Moscow, Russia 115211
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9159-4243
WoS Researcher ID: O-63562018
Abstract | this article studies the concept of safety and reliability of atomic energy from the angle of nuclear weapon non-proliferation regime. The main distinctive features of atomic generation compared with traditional sources of energy are highlighted. Basing on the selected features the current challenges to safety of atomic industry are presented and the main risk factors are introduced. Circulation of dual use items and sensitive technologies has always been raising extraordinary public attention whenever the nuclear energy is mentioned. Current technological progress allows people to elaborate new instruments for tightening of control on the nuclear non-proliferation regime. This paper goes through the main tasks of the Russian program of digital economy and its reflection on the nuclear industry. The features and advantages of blockchain technology application are examined. Basing on this analysis the concept of possible synergetic effect of introduction of blockchain into nuclear industry is discussed. Key features of blockchain might be widely applied in establishing of a control mechanism for tracking fissile material life path. The article brings into discussion the possibility of utilizing of a new digital instrument for tightening of control for movement of dual use items and sensitive technologies and by these means strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime. |
Keywords | nuclear non-proliferation, IAEA safeguards, fissile material, digital economy, blockchain |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 17 - 22 |
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