

Article NameInstrumental Software Tools for Measuring the Reaction Time of a Person
AuthorsV.M. Alyushin

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

ORCID: 0000-0002-3816-6239

WoS ResearcherID: R-7963-2016

e-mail: VMAlyushin@mephi.ru

AbstractThe importance of monitoring the reaction time (RT) of the dangerous object managing operator directly during his professional activity is substantiated. The relevance of the use of RT automated controls is shown. The capabilities of the developed instrumental software tools for RT control are analyzed. The perspectivity of the instrumental software tools application is shown when creating automated testing systems, as well as assessing the level of acquired knowledge and skills.
Keywordsreaction time, instrument software, background mode of operation

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Papers81 - 86
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