

Article NameLegal Framework Formation of the National System of Nuclear Export Control in the USSR as Necessary Condition for Physical Nuclear Safety Ensuring
AuthorsBragina E.A.

North-Caucasus Federal University, Pushkin St., 1, Stavropol, Russia 355009
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4865-2476

WoS Researcher ID: T-6397-2018
e-mail: advokat.bragina@mail.ru

AbstractThis article discusses the stages of legal framework formation of the national system of nuclear export control in the USSR, taking into account the requirements of the IAEA and developed on the basis of international non-proliferation regimes recommendations as a prerequisite for nuclear security.
Keywordsnuclear law, nuclear export, physical nuclear security, nuclear materials, UN, IAEA, Zangger Committee, Nuclear Suppliers Group, Trigger List, nuclear disarmament

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