2021, 3 (40)


Article NameStrategic Planning of Municipal Education Development in Modern Conditions (on the Example of the City of Volgodonsk)
AuthorsD.G. Khukhlaev1, V.Е. Dovbysh2

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4035-3102

e-mail: omega356@yandex.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8532-077Х

e-mail: VEDovbysh@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article considers the issues of building an effective balanced strategy for the development of a municipal entity in the conditions of factors characteristic of the territories of nuclear power facilities. As an example, the city of Volgodonsk is chosen, where the parts of divisions of State Corporation Rosatom are represented. Within the framework of the study, a range of problematic aspects of the strategic planning of the municipality is determined: the need to allocate projects of an economic orientation, drawing up a hierarchy of projects within the framework of the strategic development of the city, the criticality of the issue of financing these projects, etc. The authors made conclusions and suggestions regarding the principles of planning the strategic development of the municipality on the example of the city of Volgodonsk. The role and mutual influence of the strategic development of the city of Volgodonsk with the stable functioning of nuclear industry enterprises is determined
Keywordsstrategic management, strategic planning, city development strategy, ensuring the functioning of nuclear industry enterprises
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Papers85 - 91
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