2021, 4 (41)


Article NameManagement Commitment to the Goals of Production Safety as a Formation Factor of Integrated Safety of Industrial Enterprise Management System
AuthorsI.E. Lyskova

The Komi Republican Academy of State Service and Administration,

Syktyvkar, Russia 167000

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2748-2794

WoS Researher ID: T-1644-2018

e-mail: IrinaLyskova@mail.ru

AbstractThe paper actualizes the political, social and economic, cultural foundations of the formation of a culture of industrial safety of industrial enterprises. The structural and substantive aspects of the management's commitment to the goals of industrial safety are revealed. A general analysis of the current regulatory framework defining the methodological foundations for the formation of an integrated safety management system of industrial enterprises in the Russian Federation is proposed.
Keywordsproduction safety, production safety culture, management commitment to industrial safety objectives, integrated safety management system, industrial safety management, quality management, environmental management, occupational safety and health management, production safety culture management.
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