
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameEnvironmental Radioactive Contamination Radiation Control Methods by Means of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones) and Their Piloting Aspects
AuthorsA.P. Elokhin, D.A. Labashev

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russia 115409
e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

AbstractThe article tells about the analysis of the use of environmental radiation control automation systems (Automatic Control System of Radiation Dose Level – ACSRDL) revealed that control methods performed by these systems along with current widely used instrumentation do not always allow obtaining information in the real time mode (on-line). In this article, for solving this type of tasks, we propose a new method, based on application of a set ("swarm") of unmanned aircraft (drones) randomly distributed in three-dimensional space, carrying a complex of equipment, which can then be used to solve a number of research tasks. It is shown, that to fulfill the research task, motion of the aircraft (drones) in the swarm should be arranged in some order. For this purpose, each drone is equipped with an electromagnetic generator with the directional radiation pattern in 4π and a detector. This equipment as well as special software allows prevention of an emergency situation such as collision of the carriers. Similar equipment can be installed on manned aircraft with a view to preventing accidents of the kind.
Keywordsradiation monitoring; environmental radioactive contamination; unmanned aircrafts; electromagnetic generator; directional radiation pattern; electromagnetic detector; oscillating circuit, tuned frequency

[1] Sanitarnye pravila proektirovaniya i ehkspluatatsii atomnykh stantsij» (SP АS-03).
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[3] Elohin A.P. Principy razmeshcheniya datchikov moshchnosti dozy vokrug AEHS [The principles of dose power sensors placement round the NPP]. Atomnaya ehnergiya [Atomic Energy]. 1994, Т.76, [Vol. 76], Vyp. 3. [Iss.3], ISSN 0004-7163, pp. 188–193. (in Russian)

[4] Elohin A.P. Zhilina M.V., Rau D.F., Ivanov E.A. Polozhenie o povyshenii tochnosti prognosticheskih ocenok radiacionnyh harakteristik radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya okruzhayushchej sredy i dozovyh nagruzok napersonal i naselenie [The provision on increase of predictive estimate accuracy of radiation characteristics of environmental pollution and dose loadings on personnel and population]. Ministerstvo prirodnyh resursov i jekologii Rossijskoj Federacii [The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation]. Federalnaja sluzhba po jekologicheskomu, tehnologicheskomu i atomnomu nadzoru. RB – 053 – 09 [Federal service on ecological, technological and nuclear supervision. RB – 053 – 09]. Utverzhdeno prikazom Federal'noj sluzhby po jekologicheskomu, tehnologicheskomu i atomnomu nadzoru ot 8 ijunja 2010 g. [It is approved by the order of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, June 8, 2010], №465, 79 p. (in Russian)

[5] Elohin A.P. Avtomatizirovannye sistemy kontrolja radiacionnoj obstanovki okruzhajushhej sredy [The automated monitoring systems of a environment radiation] : uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov vuzov [manual for higher education students]. Nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij jadernyj universitet «MIFI» [National Research Nuclear University "MEFhI"], 2012, ISBN 978-5-7262-1716-1, 316 p. (in Russian)

[6] Gorn, L.S. Klimashov A.A., Matveyev V.V., Samosadny V.T., Khazanov B.I., Khazanov D.B., Chebyshov S.B., Cherkashin I.V. Yadernoye priborostroyeniye [Nuclear instrument making]. V 2-kh tt. [In 2 vol.], T.1. [Vol. 1]. Pribory dlya ioniziruyushchikh izlucheny [Devices for ionizing radiation] / Pod redaktsiyey S.B. Chebyshova. [Edited by S.B. Chebyshov]. M. Pub. Vostochny gorizont [East horizon], 2005. 447 p. (in Russian)

[7] Elokhin A.P., Rau D.F., Parkhoma P.A. Sposob distantsionnogo opredeleniya kontsentratsii radionuklidov v vozdushnom vybrose radiatsionno-opasnykh predpriyaty i ustroystvo ego osushchestvleniya [Way of remote determination of concentration radionuclides in air emission of the radiation-hazardous enterprises and its device implementation]. Zayavka MPK G 01T 1/167, № 2006124100/28. [Demand of MPK G 01T 1/167, № 2006124100/28.] Prior. ot 06.07.2006. Patent RF № 2299451, [Patent RF № 2299451] byul. №14 [bulletin№14], 07.12.2006, pp. 604-605, ch. 3. [part 3] (in Russian)

[8] Elokhin A.P., Safonenko V.A., Ulin S.E., Dmitrenko V.V., Pchelintsev A.V., Parkhoma P.A. Primeneniye bespilotnogo dozimetricheskogo kompleksa dlya opredeleniya kontsentratsii radionuklidov v atmosfere v usloviyakh radiatsionnykh avary [Application of a pilotless dosimetric complex for determination of radionuclides concentration  in the atmosphere in the conditions of radiation accidents]. Yadernye izmeritelno-informatsionnye tekhnologii [Nuclear Mesurement & Information Tecnologies]. 2007, №3(23), pp. 42–59. (in Russian)

[9] Belorusskiye vertolety [Belarusian helicopters]. Available at: http://www.indelauav.com  (in Russian)

[10] Elokhin A.P., Zhilina, M.V., Rau D.F., Parkhoma P.A. Sposob distantsionnogo izmereniya zagryazneniya radionuklidami podstilayushchey poverkhnosti v slede radioaktivnogo vybrosa radiatsionno-opasnykh predpriyaty i sistema dlya ego osushchestvleniya [Way of remote measurement pollution by radionuclides of the spreading surface in a trace of radioactive emission the radiation-hazardous enterprises and system for its implementation]. Zayavka MPK G 01T 1/29 № 2009117759/28 [Demand of MPK G 01T 1/29]. Prior. ot 26.06.2009. Patent RF № 2388018 [Patent RF № 2299451], byul. №12[bulletin№12], 27.04.2010 (in Russian)

[11] Elokhin A.P., Zhilina M.V., Parkhoma P.A. Osobennosti skanirovaniya podstilayushchey poverkhnosti pri pomoshchi bespilotnogo dozimetricheskogo kompleksa [Scanning features of the spreading surface by means of a pilotless dosimetric complex]. Atomnaya energiya [Atomic energy]. 2009, T.107 [Vol.107], Vyp. 2 [Iss.2], ISSN 0004-7163, pp. 103–112. (in Russian)

[12] Elokhin, A.P. Ob effektivnosti ispolzovaniya aviatsionno-raketnogo kompleksa dlya operativnogo monitoringa krupnomasshtabnykh ekologicheskikh katastrof [About efficiency of aviation missile system use for expeditious monitoring of large-scale environmental disasters]. Aviakosmicheskoe priborostroenie [Aerospace instrument making]. 2004, №7, ISSN 1729-2689, pp. 52–63. (in Russian)

[13] Material podgotovlen na osnove materialov RIA Novosti i otkrytykh istochnikov. Sm.: RIA Novosti [Material is prepared on the basis of RIA News materials and open sources. See: News:RIA]. Available at: http://ria.ru/spravka/20121012/772846765.html#ixzz2nXtNnhBG (in Russian)

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Article NamePlasma Utilization and Waste Reprocessing Immobilization of Spent Nuclear Fuel
AuthorsA.G. Karengin*, O.D. Podgornaya**, E.E. Shlotgauer***

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
30 Lenina, 10 building, Tomsk, Tomskaya region, Russia, 634050,
* e-mail: karengin@tpu.ru ; **
 e-mail: shahmatovaol@tpu.ru ; *** e-mail: shlotyara@mail.ru

AbstractThis article describes the problem of utilization and waste reprocessing immobilization of spent nuclear fuel. The purpose of this work is the determination and evaluation of waste reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel recycling possibility with application of plasma equipment in powder of metal oxide for further conservation or use. The possibility of such recycling on the basis of thermodynamic modeling and experimental research is shown. Results of conducted research can be used for designing plasma technology and equipment for utilization and neutralization of waste reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
Keywordsplasma, utilization, immobilization, magnetic separation

[1] Nikiforov A.S., Kulinichenko V.V., Zhikharev M.I. Obezvrezhivaniye zhidkikh radioaktivnykh otkhodov [Neutralization of liquid radioactive waste]. M. Pub. Energoatomizdat [Energoatomizdat], 1985. 184 p. (in Russian)

[2] Skachek M.A. Obrashcheniye s otrabotavshim yadernym toplivom i radioaktivnymi otkhodami AES [Treatment of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste of the NPP]. M. Pub. Izdatelsky dom MEI [MEI publishing house], 2007,  ISBN 978-5-383-00057-1,  448 p. (in Russian)

[3] Tumanov Yu.N. Plazmennye i vysokochastotnye protsessy polucheniya i obrabotki materialov v yadernom toplivnom tsikle: nastoyashcheye i budushcheye [Plasma and high-frequency processes of receiving and processing of materials in a nuclear fuel cycle: present and future]. M. Pub. Fizmatlit [Physmatlit], 2003. 759 p. (in Russian)

[4] Panteleyev Yu.A., Aleksandruk A.M., Nikitina S.A., Petrov Ye.R., Bogoroditsky A.B., Grigoryeva M.G. Analiticheskiye metody opredeleniya komponentov zhidkikh radioaktivnykh otkhodov [Analytical methods of components definition of liquid radioactive waste]. L. Pub. Trudy Radiyevogo instituta im. V.G. Khlopina [Works of V. G. Hlopin Radium institute], 2007, T. XII [Vol. XII], pp. 124–147. (in Russian)

[5] Karengin A.G., Shakhmatova O.D. Modelirovaniye protsessa plazmennoy utilizatsii zhidkikh radioaktivnykh otkhodov [Modeling of process of plasma utilization of liquid radioactive waste]. Vestnik nauki Sibiri [Siberian Journal of Science]. 2012, №2, ISSN 2226-0064, pp. 22–26. (in Russian)

[6] Karengin A.G., Karengin A.A., Poberezhnikov A.D. Plazmennoye polucheniye zharostoykikh pigmentov dvuokisi tsirkoniya [Plasma receiving heat-resistant pigments of zirconium dioxide]. Izvestiya vuzov. Fizika [Russian Physics Journal]. t. 54[Vol.54], 2011, №11/2, ISSN 0021-3411, pp. 369–372. (in Russian)

[7] Vlasov V.A., Karengin A.G., Karengin A.A., Shakhmatova O.D. Modelirovaniye protsessa plazmennoy utilizatsii otkhodov pererabotki otrabotavshego yadernogo topliva [Modeling of plasma recycling process  of spent nuclear fuel processing]. Izvestiya vuzov. Fizika [Russian Physics Journal], t. 55[Vol.54], 2011, №11/2, ISSN 0021-3411, pp. 377–382. (in Russian)

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Article NameSeismic Loadings Amplification in Equipment of Nuclear Power Plant with VVER-1000
AuthorsK.N. Proskuryakov, E.E. Efymenko

«National Research University «MPEI»
14 Krasnoznamennaya St., Moscow, Russia 111250
e-mail: ProskuriakovKN@mpei.ru

AbstractIt is shown that the vibration frequency of the main equipment of NPP with VVER-1000 falls in the frequency spectrum of the response corresponding to extending the maximum amplitude of the seismic action. It this work the results of the analysis of experimental data are presented. According to these results it follows that the logarithmic decrement of oscillations in the coolant may be less standardized to ensure seismic resistance values decrements for equipment and facilities. Expediency of full-scale experiments, under the impact of NPPs with VVER intended for decommissioning, artificially produced vibrations that simulate seismic and shock.
Keywordslogarithmic decrement, seismic resistance, frequency fluctuations, quality factor, resonance

[1] Sargsyan A.E. Dinamika i seysmostoykost sooruzheny atomnykh stantsy [Dynamics and seismic stability of nuclear power plants]. Sarov. Pub. Izd-vo RFYaTs–VNIIEF [Russian  Federal  Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute Of Experimental Physics Publishing House], 2013,  ISBN 92-0101803-7, 550 p. (in Russian)

[2] Shary N.V. Metody raschetnogo obosnovaniya prochnosti i dinamika konstruktsy reaktornykh ustanovok dlya AES s VVER [Methods of settlement justification of durability and  reactor installation dynamics for the WWER NPP] : avtoref. dis. dokt. tekhn. Nauk [Doctor of Engineering abstract thesis.]. Podolsk , 2008. 48 p. (in Russian)

[3] Arkadov G.V., Pavelko V.I., Usanov A.I. Vibroshumovaya diagnostika VVER [WWER vibronoise diagnostics]. M. Pub. Energoatomizdat [Energoatomizdat], 2004, ISBN 5-283-00787-1, 344 p. (in Russian)

[4] MR Normy proyektirovaniya atomnykh stantsy na seysmostoykost [MP Construction standarts nuclear power plants for seismic stability]. М. 2011. (in Russian)

[5] Ananyev A.N., Kaznovsky P.S., Kaznovsky S.P. etc. Seysmicheskaya bezopasnost atomnykh stantsy [Seismic safety of nuclear power plants]. M. Pub. Izd-vo MGTU im. N.E. Baumana [Bauman Moscow State Technical University Publishing House], 2011, ISBN 978-5-7038-3517-3, 229 p. (in Russian)

[6] Pechinka L., Stulik P., Zeman V. Vliyaniye vibratsy VKU reaktora VVER 1000/320 AES Temelin na ustoychivost shakhty reaktora [Influence of reactor internals vibrations of the VVER 1000/320 reactor of the Temelin NPP on mine reactor stability]. Obespecheniye bezopasnosti AES s VVER [WWER NPP Safety]: materialy 5-y mezhdunar. Konf [5th international conference materials]. 29 maya – 1 iyunya [May 29 –  June 1] 2007. Podolsk, 2007. pp. 36–48. (in Russian)

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Article NameWood Biodiversity Increase of Cultures in Public Plantings of the Thirty-Kilometers Zone of the Rostov Nuclear Power Plant
AuthorsS.A. Bogorovskaya

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: swetlinka1@mail.ru

AbstractThe article is devoted to the specific structure and decorative qualities of trees-introduced species for their introduction in public green plantings. It also describes the criteria of types selection developed for green plantings in Volgodonsk.
Keywordswood plants assortment, decorative qualities, esthetic appeal, biodiversity

[1] Povysheniye bioraznoobraziya kustarnikov v rekreatsionno-ozelenitelnykh nasazhdeniyakh zasushlivogo poyasa Rossii (nauchno-metodicheskiye ukazaniya) [Increase of bushes biodiversity in a recreational green plantings of Russian droughty belt (scientific and methodical instructions)] / Pod red. K.N. Kulika, I.P. Svintsova, A.V. Semenyutinoy etc. [Edited by K.N. Kulik, I.P. Svintsov, A.V. Semenyutina]. M., 2008. (in Russian)

[2] Postanovleniye Administratsii Rostovskoy oblasti ot 19.10.2006 № 418 «O pamyatnikakh prirody Rostovskoy oblasti» [The resolution of Rostov region Administration 19.10.2006 №418 "About Rostov region nature sanctuaries"] (in Russian)

[3] Smagina T.A., Kutilin V.S., Kizitsky M.I. Priroda, naseleniye i khozyaystvo Rostovskoy oblasti [Nature, population and economy of the Rostov region]. Rostov–n/D.: izdatelstvo Rostovskogo IUU [Rostov TTI Publishing House], 1994. 304 p. (in Russian)

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Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameSkills Development Building of Member Organizations SRO NP "SOYUZATOMSTROY" in VETI MEPHI
AuthorsV.S. Opekynov*1, V.A. Roudenko**2, Y.V. Zayarov**3, Y.I. Pimshin **4, A.V. Stambylko*5

* Self-regulatory Organization of the Nuclear Industry,
29/1 Bolshaya Ordynka St., Moskow, Russia, 119017

** Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch
of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1e-mail: info@atomsro.ru ;  2e-mail: VARydenko@mephi.ru ;
YVZayarov@mephi.ru ; 4e-mail: YIPimshin@mephi.ru ;

AbstractThe paper presents the dynamics of growth of the major indicators of educational activities of SRO NP “SOYUZATOMSTROY” for the period 2010-2014. The analysis of the organization refresher courses VITI MEPhI for managers and specialists who are members of SRO NP “SOYUZATOMSTROY”. The measures that improve the level of training of students, as well as to expand the geography of technology and educational activities VITI MEPhI for member organizations SRO NP “SOYUZATOMSTROY”.
KeywordsSRO NP “SOYUZATOMSTROY” nuclear energy, training programs, training courses, managers and specialists of construction organizations

[1] Opekunov V.S., Ivchik T.A., Shreyber A.K. Povysheniye kvalifikatsii spetsialistov – put k modernizatsii otrasli [Professional development of experts is a way to branch modernization]. Ekonomika stroitelstva [Construction Economy]. 2011, ISSN 0131-7768, №3. (in Russian)

[2] Opekunov V.S., Stambulko A.V. Povysheniye kvalifikatsii spetsialistov, vypolnyayushchikh stroitelno-montazhnye i puskonaladochnye raboty na obyektakh ispolzovaniya atomnoy energii [Professional development of the experts carrying out the construction installation and commissioning at atomic energy objects]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, № 2(7). ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 78–82. (in Russian)

[3] Opekunov V.S., Stambulko A.V., Chupeykina N.N., Shornikova M.E. Razvitiye obrazovatelnogo proyekta SRO atomnoy otrasli. Podgotovka kvalifitsirovannykh rabochikh stroitelno-montazhnogo kompleksa atomnoy otrasli [Development of the SRO educational project of nuclear branch. Training of skilled workers of nuclear construction complex]. Atomnoye stroitelstvo [Nuclear Construction]. 2013, №14. (in Russian)

[4] Zayarov Yu.V. Opyt VITI NIYaU MIFI v organizatsii i provedenii kursov povysheniya kvalifikatsii NP SRO «SOYuZATOMSTROY» [VETI NRNU MEPhI experience in the organization and carrying out advanced training courses of SRO NP "SOYUZATOMSTROY"]. Atomnoye stroitelstvo [Nuclear Construction]. 2012, №7(13), noyabr-dekabr [November-December]. p. 35 (in Russian)

[5] Pimshin Yu.I. O povyshenii kvalifikatsii spetsialistov stroitelnykh organizatsy [Skills development of the construction organization specialists]. Atomnoye stroitelstvo [Nuclear Construction]. 2012, №7(13), noyabr-dekabr [November-December]. p. 36. (in Russian)

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Article NameNumerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of SCWR Fuel Assembly
AuthorsD.S. Grusintsev*, A.S. Shelegov**

Obninsk Institute of nuclear power engineering the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
1 Studgorodok, Obninsk, Kaluzhskaya region, Russia 249040
* e-mail: gruzintsev.d@gmail.com ; **
e-mail: a_shelegov@mail.ru

AbstractThe article is devoted to the results of numerical simulation of heat transfer characteristics of a fuel assembly cooled by a water of super critical parameters. It also corresponds about the calculation done for verification of ANSYS CFX code. The authors tell about the verification carried out with the use of empirical correlations for Nusselt criterion. The flow velocity field and temperature distribution are obtained. The results of a simulation in a whole are in agreement with experimental data.
Keywordssupercritical parameters, coolant, fuel assembly, heat transfer, numerical simulation code

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[2] Vasilchenko I.N., Kobelev S.N., Makhin V.M. Kontseptsiya aktivnoy zony VVER-SKD; vybor konstruktsionnykh materialov i konstruktsiya TVS [Concept of active zone WWER-SCP; choice of constructional materials and fuel assembly сonstruction.]. Godovoy otchet «Ob osnovnykh nauchno-tekhnicheskikh rabotakh OKB «Gidropress» za 2007 god» [The annual report "About the main scientific and technical works of experimental design bureau of "Gidropress" for 2007"]. Nauchno-tekhnichesky i reklamny sbornik №8 [Scientific,technical and advertizing collection № 8]. Podolsk, 2008. (in Russian)

[3] Richards G., Pioro I., Harvel G., Shelegov A., Kirillov P. Temperature Profiles of a Vertical, 7-Element Bundle Cooled with Supercritical Freon-12. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering. 2013, №2, Volume 7, ISSN 1934-8975 (in English)

[4] Kirillov P.L., Yuryev Yu.S., Bobkov V.P. Spravochnik po teplogidravlicheskim raschetam [Heathydraulic calculations reference book]. M. Pub. Energoatomizdat [Energoatomizdat], 1990. (in Russian)

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Article NameComparative Сharacteristics of the Weld Form, Obtained in Welding Butt Joints of Pipes Use of Tapes and Methods «Hot and Cold» Phases
AuthorsDoronin Y.V., Kuznetsov P.S., Brodjagin V.N., Doroshenko F.E.

Joint Stock Company «Expertcentre», Moscow
e-mail: bekkenbauer@yandex.ru

AbstractThe article considers the problems of the formation of the reverse side of the bead in welding with consumable electrode pipelines made of carbon and low-alloyed steels. It shows the various conditions of the formation of the weld in welding use of ceramic and fiberglass tape , but also with use of power of sources weld of arc, working in a model « hot and cold» phases.
Keywordsweld seam, steel pipe, conditions of assembly, amplitude, dute cycle

[1] Terai K., Arikava M. Sovremennoye sostoyaniye odnostoronney avtomaticheskoy svarki [Current state of unilateral automatic welding]. Leningrad. Pub. Sudostroyeniye [Shipbuilding], 1974. 219 p. (in Russian)

[2] Veselkov V.D. Odnostoronnyaya svarka stykovykh soyedineny sudovykh korpusnykh konstruktsy [Unilateral welding of ship case butt connections]. Leningrad. Pub. Sudostroyeniye [Shipbuilding], 1984. 238 p. (in Russian)

[3] Cantrell R.E. Ceramic weld backing evaluation. Welding Journal. 1982, №10, pp. 27–34. (in English)

[4] Patent SShA № 5,451,741 MKI V23K 9/32 [The patent of the USA № 5,451,741 MCI B23K 9/32.]. Opublikovano 19.09.1995 g. [Published 19.09.1995.] (in Russian)

[5] Aleshin N.P., Gladkov E.A., Doronin Yu.V., Brodyagin V.N. Aktualnye voprosy svarki nepovorotnykh stykov truboprovodov v montazhnykh usloviyakh [Topical issues of not pipeline rotary joint welding in assembly conditions]. Svarka i diagnostika [Welding and diagnostics]. 2013, №3, ISSN 2071-5234 (in Russian)

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Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameExperience of the Novovoronezhkaya NPP at Diagnostics of EDF
AuthorsM.T. Slepov, N.P. Sysoyev

Novovoronezhkaya NPP,
1 Yuzhnaya, Plant zone, Novovoronezh, Voronezh region, Russia 396072
e-mail: nvnpp1@nvnpp1.rosenergoatom.ru

AbstractThis research is devoted to the reliable operation of electrodriving fittings (EDF) as one of important factors of NPP safety. In the article long-term experience of inspection of fittings by department of technical diagnostics of the Novovoronezhky NPP is generalized. For the purpose of diagnosing the current signals of the engines of 832 units of fittings were received when performing the operations "opening" and "closing". Thus, the EDF of blocks №№3,4,5 of Novovoronezhky NPP was surveyed. In the analysis of current signals so parameters as the duration of fittings operation, the difference between the duration of opening and the duration of closing, smoothness of a working course and the duration of the general backlash was determined by current. Discrepancy of these parameters to standard values is treated as a sign of malfunction of the equipment. Authors analyze tendencies of change of the condition of the equipment during 2011-2013. For the fittings which technical condition didn't change towards deterioration, change of category of repair with capital on current is offered. For fittings with natural considerable deterioration of technical condition replacement of procedural current control on capital is offered.
Keywordssafety of NPP, capital repairs, limit switch, finger-tight moment, moving moment, maintenance, electrodriving fittings
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Article NameThe Nuclear Power Plant Equipment Diagnosis with the use of the Phase and Plane Method
AuthorsE.A. Abidova, O.V. Malik, D.S. Gavrilenko

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute
the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

AbstractThe article tells about various malfunctions and sudden refusals arising in use of electrodriving fittings as a part of power units of NPP, it can lead to safety decrease and big economic losses. For definition of fittings technical condition on the nuclear power plant the analysis of spectrum and analysis of bending around the signal of the current consumed by the equipment in the course of work is applied. For the purpose of sensitivity increase of diagnosing the phase and plane method based on the analysis of a phase portrait of a signal of current is offered. It is shown that the best quality of diagnosing is reached when using the regular methods connected with the analysis of bending around and spectrum of current signals together with an assessment of phase portraits.
Keywordsdiagnostics, electrodriving fittings, equipment failures, defects, phase and plane method, phase portraits

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Article Name15D-100 Diesel Generator Diagnostics on Vibration Indicators
AuthorsO.J. Pugachyova, A.K. Pugachyov, V.I. Soloviev, E.A. Abidova

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute
the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

AbstractThe research tells about diesel-generator installation as the most important element of nuclear power plant safety system. Scientific research institute "Nuclear Power Mechanical Engineering" of Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute of National Nuclear Center of Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute within the contract with the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant developed the working program of diagnosing of the diesel generator 15D100. In article the basic provisions of this program concerning the vibroacoustic analysis are stated. When developing approaches to diagnosing authors consider normative documents, features of operation of the diesel-generator equipment in the conditions of the nuclear power plant, generalize experience of diagnosing of the similar equipment in the transport sphere. Diagnostics on indicators of vibration covers all rotating equipment (pumps) entering into group of diesel-generator installation. Much attention in the article is paid to a choice of installation sites of vibration sensors. As methods of diagnostic data processing the preference is given to the spectral and сepstral analysis, the peak-factor and trend characteristics also are used. It is offered to estimate a deviation of the actual corner of fuel injection, wear of sealing rings, increase in a gap in a piston joint on bending around a vibration signal. Methods offered by authors have to provide reliable diagnosing of the equipment, detection of defects at early stages of development, forecasting of the diesel generator condition.
Keywordssafety of the nuclear power plant, diesel generator diagnostics, diagnostics of pumps, vibration sensors, points of measurement of vibration, spectrum, cepstrum, peak-factor, trend, the actual corner of fuel injection deviation

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Papers91 - 97
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