
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameEnvironmental Radioactive Contamination Radiation Control Methods by Means of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones) and Their Piloting Aspects
AuthorsA.P. Elokhin, D.A. Labashev

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russia 115409
e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

AbstractThe article tells about the analysis of the use of environmental radiation control automation systems (Automatic Control System of Radiation Dose Level – ACSRDL) revealed that control methods performed by these systems along with current widely used instrumentation do not always allow obtaining information in the real time mode (on-line). In this article, for solving this type of tasks, we propose a new method, based on application of a set ("swarm") of unmanned aircraft (drones) randomly distributed in three-dimensional space, carrying a complex of equipment, which can then be used to solve a number of research tasks. It is shown, that to fulfill the research task, motion of the aircraft (drones) in the swarm should be arranged in some order. For this purpose, each drone is equipped with an electromagnetic generator with the directional radiation pattern in 4π and a detector. This equipment as well as special software allows prevention of an emergency situation such as collision of the carriers. Similar equipment can be installed on manned aircraft with a view to preventing accidents of the kind.
Keywordsradiation monitoring; environmental radioactive contamination; unmanned aircrafts; electromagnetic generator; directional radiation pattern; electromagnetic detector; oscillating circuit, tuned frequency

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