
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameTest Results of the Rostov NPP Power Unit № 3 Protective Cover
AuthorsV.N. Medvedev*, Aleksandr S. Kiselev*, Aleksej S. Kiselev*, A.N. Ulyanov*, V.F. Strizhov*, A.A. Salnikov**

* Institute of nuclear power safe development problems,
52, Bolshaya Tulskaya, Moskow, Russia 113191

** Rostov NPP the branch of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern,
Volgodonsk-28, Rostov region, Russia 347340
e-mail: admin@rosnpp.org.r

AbstractThe assessment of the intense deformed condition of the Rostov NPP power unit №3 protective cover is given in work from the moment of the termination of pretension to acceptance tests.
Keywordsprotective cover, NPP, reinforcing ropes, concrete, tension, efforts

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Papers71 - 83
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