

Article NameCorporate Values in the Industrial Enterprises Sustainable Development and Safety Economy (on the Rosatom State Corporation Example)
AuthorsM.V. Golovko*, V.A. Rudenko**

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

* e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru ; ** e-mail: MVGolovko@mephi.ru

AbstractBACKGROUND The problem of Russian industry enterprises sustainable economic development doesn't lose the relevance and becomes aggravated during the crisis period. The nuclear power plays a special role in formation of competitiveness potential of the state at world level. For this reason ensuring mechanism development of its economic and operational safety is a serious national objective. OBJECTIVES We showed a corporate value role in providing sustainable development of nuclear industry economy and designated their place in strategic priorities system on the example of the State corporation on atomic energy "Rosatom" (further Rosatom State Corporation). It is necessary to solve the following problems: – to designate the main criteria of level assessment of enterprise economy sustainable development (organizational, production and technological, human); – to define valuable and ethical components of sustainable development criteria; – to consider specifics of the Rosatom State Corporation enterprise activity and to prove need of corporate values integration into of strategic development tools taking into account the national importance of their operational and economic safety. CONCLUSIONS: 1) The carried-out strategic analysis of internal and external factors of Rosatom State Corporation development helped to draw a conclusion on possibility of Russian nuclear power efficiency formation due to scientific and technical progress achievements, human development and economic positive dynamics. 2) It is defined that a condition of production, innovative and economic efficiency of the industrial enterprises is existence of system of values in the organization. Set of efficiency key indicators forms the basis of transition strategy to cross-border rendering complex nuclear and power industrial services, promotes overcoming of powerful resistance from foreign competitors, helps to reduce of prime cost and to increase the energy resources availability to all groups of consumers. 3) Need of corporate value formation in the course of training of future experts in profile higher education institutions is proved. The role of economic disciplines is opened for economic thinking development as prerequisites of the effective production organization according to the "Rosatom" principles, for search of the best objective achievement, rational use of company resources and working process improvement. The specified skills become a basis of economic safety culture. RESULTS In general, the nuclear branch intellectual potential created in the course of training which is immanently contains corporate values is the basis of nation-wide strategy realization of innovative development providing a sustainable development of nuclear power enterprises.
Keywordscorporate values, economic safety, economic thinking, industrial enterprises, nuclear power, economic safety culture of nuclear power enterprises

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