Operation of nuclear industry facilities
Article Name | Vibroacoustic Monitoring and Thermovision Control when Diagnosing Diesel 12zv40/48 |
Authors | E.A. Abidova, V.I. Solovjyov, O.Yu. Pugachyova, R.I. Remizov |
Address | Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», |
Abstract | BACKGROUND In 2015 measurement of vibration level and thermovision control was carried out for technical condition assessment of two diesel-generator installations of the Rostov NPP. METHODS Basic provisions of a diagnosing technique of technical condition, including use of masks of vibroacoustic signal ranges are given in work. The equipment condition is estimated as in temperature as vibration parameters. RESULTS Diagnosing has shown that installations 2RDES-2 and 2RDES-3 of the Rostov NPP can be recognized efficient and functionally suitable for further operation as a part of power unit № 2 security systems by results of acoustic signal measurement and thermovision control (5/20/2015 and 6/15/2015). |
Keywords | the reserve diesel power plant, thermovision control, vibroacoustic analysis, envelope, spectral analysis, the fuel pump of high pressure, the oil pump, the NPP |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 70 - 76 |
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Open Article |