
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameThe Material Costs in the Aftermath of Radioactive Pollution as a Result of Radiation Accident at Nuclear Facilities
AuthorsA.P. Elokhin*, I.A. Starodubtcev**

Department of Automation Engineering, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409
* e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru;
** e-mail: 81-720@mail.ru

AbstractThe work on the example of a hypothetical accident at the nuclear facilities (nuclear facilities) presented the scenario that determines the sequence of works relating to the registration of ionizing radiation caused by the release of gas-aerosol radioactive impurities in the atmosphere, as well as the assessment of radioactive air pollution and the underlying surface in the propagation of impurities on wind. The estimation of dose loads on the personnel and population of the region came under the torch of the radioactive release, and work to eliminate the consequences of the radioactive pollution of the environment. A mathematical formulation of the statement on the assessment of the radioactive contamination of the environment problems and methods of its solution, as well as evaluation of environmental damage, including populated areas, farmland, parks, nature reserves and natural nature reserves.
Keywordsradiation accident at the nuclear facilities, registration of ionizing radiation, radioactive release torch assessment of radioactive contamination of air basin and the underlying surface, evaluation of radiation exposure of personnel and population of the region, assessment of environmental damage

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Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameCombined Laser Additive Manufacturing for Complex Turbine Blades
AuthorsBenjamin Graf *,1; Sergej Gook1; Andrey Gumenyuk1,2; Michael Rethmeier (1), (2), (3)

(1) Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK, Pascalstraße 8-9, 10587 Berlin, Germany
(2) BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung, Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, Germany
(3) Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
e-mail: Benjamin.graf@ipk.fraunhofer.de

AbstractLaser beam processes are increasingly used in the field of additive manufacturing. Prominent methods are either powderbed-based like Laser Metal Fusion (LMF), or utilizing a powder nozzle like Laser Metal Deposition (LMD). While LMF allows the manufacturing of complex structures, build rate, part volumes and material flexibility are limited. In contrast, LMD is able to operate with high deposition rates on existing parts, and materials can be changed easily during the process. However LMD shape complexity is limited. Utilizing their respective strengths, a combination of these two additive technologies has the potential to produce complex parts with high deposition rates and increased material flexibility. In this paper, combined manufacturing with additive technologies LMF and LMD is described. Its benefit for industry with emphasis on turbomachinery is shown. As reality test for the innovation, an industrial turbine blade is manufactured.
Keywordsadditive manufacturing; laser metal fusion; laser metal deposition; turbine blade

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Article NameConstruction of Cognitive Model System and Project Feasibility Analysis Methods for Nuclear Power Plant Information Management Systems Creation
AuthorsA.E. Kolodenkova

Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russia 450008

AbstractIt is offered to apply cognitive model system and methods of project feasibility analysis to modeling of project feasibility assessment process for the NPP information management system creation. The generalized scheme of project feasibility analysis, and structure of cognitive model system and methods of the project feasibility analysis for information management system creation is considered. Fragments of software screen forms which realizes separate models and methods of project feasibility analysis are given.
Keywordssystem of cognitive models and methods, project feasibility analysis; indistinct initial data, NPP
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Article NameThe Mechanism of Connection Impact Strength Increase during Pulse Impact on the Welding Circuit in the Nuclear Power Complex
AuthorsS.M. Burdakov

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: SMBurdakov@mephi.ru

AbstractBACKGROUND The processes of plastic deformation proceeding with different speed can take place at production and operation of responsible metal designs on the basis of heat resisting alloyed by steels in the nuclear power complex. A number of the used designs of their details and knots can be exposed to different deformation changes. Three samples for test for impact strength when welding with imposing of tension 80B with a frequency of 40 kHz and three samples without imposing of a pulse component were made. METHODS Multipass butt connection of steel plates 15 mm thick with imposing and without imposing on an arch of a direct current of tension 80B with a frequency of 40 kHz from the special generator at parallel connection to the main welding source was carried out by means of manual arc welding the electrode of TML-3U with a diameter of 4 mm. RESULTS The following results were received after carrying out mechanical tests. Average value of impact strength for samples without imposing of a pulse component is 24 kgf∙ m/ cm2, and for samples when welding with imposing of tension 80B with a frequency of 40 kHz is 26,6 kgf∙ m/ cm2. CONCLUSIONS It is possible to tell that the electromagnetic field with a frequency of 40 kHz provides metal structure formation of welded seam with higher rates of impact strength.
Keywordsresponsible metal designs, processes of plastic deformation, stability of the arc category burning, mechanical properties, dynamic loadings, impact strength, crushing of dendrites, defects of welded connection, electromagnetic field, metal structure of welded seam, high-frequency fluctuations

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Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameForecasting Algorithm of Temperature Drift of Main Circular Pump Oil System of the NPP Unit with the VVER-1000 Reactor
AuthorsYu.S. Sysoev*, V.G. Bekhetov**, N.A. Simakova***

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail: sysoev2004@mail.ru ; *
* e-mail: VGBeketov@mephi.ru; *** e-mail: simnataalex@gmail.com

AbstractWhen modeling the hardest consequences of global scale at nuclear power plant accidents special attention of researchers is paid to a problem of forecasting of those NPP equipment parameters which are able to afford to inform about the approach of emergency in advance. The control of the parameters influencing safety of reactor installation becomes particularly important. One of such parameters is oil temperature at the entrance to the Main Circulation Pump (MCP). The new technique of forecasting of continuous parameter changes allowing to predict emergency situations at the NPPs which can happen because of oil overheat in Main Circular Pump oil system and warn station personnel about possible time approach of emergency situation is presented.
Keywordsparameter restoration, interpolation, extrapolation, method of the smallest squares, forecasting

[1] Sysoev Yu.S. Analysis of the drift of the metrological characteristics of measuring devices by means of Markov chains. Measurement Techniques, 2012, Vol. 55, №1, ISSN 0543-1972, DOI: 10.1007/s11018-012-9910-5, pp. 14–19. (in English)

[2] Sysoev Yu.S., Tikhomirova A.I. Analysis of the operational stability of measurement instruments by stochastic prediction of drift in their metrological characteristics. Measurement Techniques, 2012, Vol. 55, №6, ISSN 0543-1972, DOI: 10.1007/s11018-012-0010-3, pp. 613–621. (in English)

[3] Sysoev Yu.S., Simakova N.A. Otsenka dlitelnosti mezhpoverochnykh intervalov izmeritelnykh ustroystv metodami teorii massovogo obsluzhivaniya [Assessment of duration of measuring devices intertesting intervals by methods of the theory of mass service]. Izmeritelnaya tekhnika [Measurement Techniques], 2014, №6, ISSN 0368-1025, pp. 10–15. (in Russian)

[4] Sysoev Yu.S. Ispolzovanie geometricheskogo i pokazatelnogo raspredeleniy dlya prognozirovaniya dreyfa parametrov tekhnicheskikh obektov [Use of geometrical and indicative distributions for forecasting of drift of technical object parameters]. Izmeritelnaya tekhnika [Measurement Techniques], 2015, №12, ISSN 0368-1025, pp. 17–19. (in Russian)

[5] Sysoev Yu.S., Salnikov A.A. , Beketov V.G., Chernov A.V. Prognozirovanie sostoyaniya tekhnologicheskikh obektov na osnove tekushchego monitoringa znacheniy ikh parametrov [Forecasting of technological object condition on the basis of the current monitoring of their parameter values]. Izmeritelnaya tekhnika [Measurement Techniques], 2016, №4, ISSN 0368-1025, pp. 3–7. (in Russian)

[6] Novoselov O.N., Gufeld I.L. Prognozirovanie sostoyaniya dinamicheskoy sistemy po rezultatam izmereniy [Forecasting of dynamic system condition by results of measurements]. Izmeritelnaya tekhnika [Measurement Techniques], 2015, №10, ISSN 0368-1025, pp. 11–15. (in Russian)

[7] Sysoev Yu.S. Algoritmy vybora vesovykh kharakteristik pri approksimatsii funktsiy po metodu naimenshikh kvadratov [Algorithms of the choice of weight characteristics at approximation of functions by the smallest squares method]. Izmeritelnaya tekhnika [Measurement Techniques], 1996, №8, ISSN 0368-1025, pp. 5–10. (in Russian)

[8] Plis A.I., Slivina I.A. Laboratornyy praktikum po vysshey matematike [Laboratory works on higher mathematics]. M. Pub. «Vysshaya shkola» [Higher School], 1983, 208 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameAdaptive Neural Network Controller for Power Control in Nuclear Power Plants WWER 1000
AuthorsH.F. Almasri

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

AbstractThe task of power control in nuclear reactors is one of the most important tasks in this field. Therefore, researches are constantly carried out to improve the power reactor control process. Nowadays, in the department of Automation in National Nuclear Research University MEPhI a study of intelligent power regulator models in the control systems of nuclear power reactors is carried out on the grounds of on multifunction computer analyzer (simulator) of reactor WWER 1000. In this paper, a block diagram of an adaptive reactor power controller was built on the basis of an intelligent control algorithm. When implementing the intelligent neural network principles, it is possible to improve the quality and the dynamic of any control system in accordance with the principles of adaptive control. As it is known, adaptive control system allows to adjust the controller's parameters ac-cording to the changes in the characteristics of the control object or external disturbances. In this paper it is shown that the promising options for an automatic power controller in nuclear power plants is an intelligent neural network control algorithms.
Keywordsartificial intelligence, neural networks, adaptive control, nuclear reactor, automatic power controller

[1] Gavrilova T.A., Khoroshevskiy V.F. Bazy znaniy intellektualnykh sistem [Knowledge bases of intellectual systems]. Sankt-Peterburg. Pub. Piter, 2000, 384 p. (in Russian)

[2] Vygovskiy S.B., Korolev S.A., Chernov E.V. Uchebnaya laboratoriya na baze mnogofunktsionalnogo analizatora reaktornoy ustanovki AES s VVER [Educational laboratory on the basis of the multipurpose analyzer of reactor installation of the NPP with WWER]. Vestnik Natsionalnogo issledovatelskogo yadernogo universiteta «MIFI» [Bulletin of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".], 2012,Vol. 1, №1, ISSN 2304-487X, pp. 104–110. (in Russian)

[3] Miroshnik I.V., Nikiforov V.O., Fradkov A.L. Nelineynoe i adaptivnoe upravlenie slozhnymi dinamicheskimi obektami [Nonlinear and adaptive management of difficult dynamic objects]. Sankt-Peterburg. Pub. Nauka, 2000, 549 p. (in Russian)

[4] Rotshteyn A.P. Intellektualnye tekhnologii identifikatsii: nechetkaya logika, geneticheskie algoritmy, neyronnye seti [Intellectual technologies of identification: fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, neural networks]. Vinnitsa. Pub. UNIVERSUM, 1999, 320 p. (in Russian)

[5] Bozhenkov O.L., Kabachnikov A.B. Sistemnaya inzheneriya ASUTP AES [System engineering of the NPP PCS]. Yadernye izmeritelno-informatsionnye tekhnologii [Nuclear measuring and information technologies], 2009, №2, ISSN 1729-2689, pp. 27–32. (in Russian)

[6] Kashirina I.L. Neyrosetevye tekhnologii: uchebno-metodichesoe posobie dlya VUZov [Neural network technologies: an educational and methodical grant for Higher Education Institutions]. Pub. Izdatelsko-poligraficheskiy tsentr Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Publishing and printing center of Voronezh State University], 2008, 72 p. Available at: http://www.ict.edu.ru/ft/005966/m08-110.pdf (in Russian)

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Article NameDiesel Generator Equipment Diagnostics of Nuclear Power Plant Using Deterministic and Stochastic Methods
AuthorsE.A. Abidova, L.S. Hegay, A.V. Chernov, V.A. Bulava, O.Yu. Pugachyova, V.I. Soloviev

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”
e-mail: nii_energomash@mail.ru

AbstractThe measurement of vibration and thermal control was carried out to assess the technical condition of the diesel generators of nuclear power plants in Russia. The paper describes the main provisions of methods of technical condition diagnosing which makes use of both traditional and new diagnostic methods of signal processing, including the assessment of entropy. The results of the equipment survey are presented.
Keywordsreserve diesel power station, thermal control, vibro-acoustic analysis, envelope spectrum analysis, Shannon entropy, permutation entropy, NPP

[1] Tikhomirov M.V., Ovchinnikov S.V., Khryashchev Yu.E. Razrabotka diagnosticheskogo kompleksa dlya elektronnoy sistemy upravleniya otechestvennykh avtomobilnykh dizeley [Development of a diagnostic complex for an electronic control system of domestic automobile diesels]. Vestnik MGTU im. N.E. Baumana. Seriya “Mashinostroenie” [Bulletin of N. E. Bauman MSTU. Mechanical engineering series], 2015, №1, ISSN 0236-3941, DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2015-1-142-148, pp. 142-148. (in Russian) 

[2] Krasheninnikov S.V. Sovremennye podkhody k diagnostirovaniyu dizelnykh dvigateley vnutrennego sgoraniya [Modern approaches to diagnosing of diesel internal combustion engines].  Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Novosibirsk state pedagogical university.], 2013, №2(12), ISSN 2226-3365, DOI: 10.15293/2226-3365, pp. 59-68. (in Russian) 

[3] Pugacheva O.Yu., Pugachev A.K., Solovev V.I., Abidova E.A. Diagnostika dizel-generatora 15D-100 po pokazatelyam vibratsii [15D-100 Diesel Generator Diagnostics on Vibration Indicators]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2014, №2(11), ISSN 2305-414X, eISSN 2499-9733, pp. 91–97 (in Russian) 

[4] Dulesov A.S., Uskova E.A. Primenenie podkhodov Khartli i Shennona k zadacham opredeleniya kolichestva informatsii tekhnicheskikh sistem [Application of Hartley and Shannon approaches to problems of determination of amount of information of technical systems]. Voprosy sovremennoy nauki i praktiki. Universitet im. V.I. Vernadskogo [Questions of modern science and practice. V. I. Vernadsky University.], 2009, №2(16), ISSN 1990-9047, pp. 46–50. (in Russian) 

[5] Chumak O.V. Entropiya i fraktaly v analize dannykh [Entropy and fractals in the data analysis]. M., Izhevsk Pub. NITs «Regulyarnaya i khaoticheskaya dinamika», Institut kompyuternykh issledovaniy [SRC "Regular and chaotic dynamics", Institute of Computer Science], 2011, ISBN 978-5-93972-852-2, 164 p. (in Russian) 

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Article NameMain Problems of Specialist Training for the Nuclear Industry in the Professional Standard Implementation
AuthorsV.A. Rudenko, S.A. Tomilin, N.P. Vasilenko

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Lenin St. 73/94,  Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

AbstractToday urgent is a question of providing nuclear power by highly qualified specialists capable quickly and accurately to solve the arising production problems. Extremely high degree of responsibility of workers employed in this industry defines the special requirements for training and qualification for personnel. However, there were no modern normative documents that contain clearly defined qualification requirements for each employee skill level by separately taken activity, necessary knowledge and skills for specific job functions for a long time. The introduction of professional standards should resolve this contradiction. The work presents the main problems of vocational training organization of workers in the nuclear industry during the implementation of professional standards. They are caused, first of all, by lack of the new educational standards considering requirements of professional standards. Furthermore, the requirements of professional education standards given in accordance with “All-Russian qualifier of specialties by training”, which causes a number of difficulties. The work suggests some ways to smooth the presented problems.
Keywordsnuclear industry, professional standards, specialist training

[1] Rudenko V.A., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. K voprosu o sovremennykh trebovaniyakh k razrabotke novykh professionalnykh standartov v atomnoy otrasli [Question of modern requirements to development of new professional standards in nuclear industry]. Novyy universitet. Seriya: Tekhnicheskie nauki [New university. Series: Technical science.], 2014, №2(24), ISSN 2221-9552, pp. 3–6. (in Russian)

[2] Rudenko V.A. Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. , Beketov V.G. Razrabotka professionalnogo standarta dlya spetsialistov po obsluzhivaniyu i remontu mekhanicheskogo oborudovaniya AES [Professional Standard Design for Specialists of Service and Repair of NPP Mechanical Equipment]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2014, №1(10), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 68–72. (in Russian)

[3] Razrabotka Professionalnykh standartov predpriyatiy atomnoy energetiki, promyshlennosti i nauki [Development of Professional standards of the enterprises of nuclear power, industry and science]. Availble at: http://srrosatom.ru/node/1281 (in Russian)

[4] Vvedenie professionalnykh standartov: chto trebuetsya ot kadrovika? [Introduction of professional standards: what is required from the personnel officer?]. Available at: http://totpp.ru/ru/publications/zhurnal-delovoj-tambov/?page=detail&code=141208 (in Russian)

[5] Federalnyy zakon «O vnesenii izmeneniy v Trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii i stati 11 i 73 Federalnogo zakona "Ob obrazovaniiv Rossiyskoy Federatsii" [The federal law "About introduction of amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and articles 11 and 73 of the Federal law "About Education in the Russian Federation"]. Available at: http://pravo.gov.ru (in Russian)

[6] Profstandarty Rosatoma [Professional standards of Rosatom]. Available at: http://srrosatom.ru/sites/default/files (in Russian)

[7] Prikaz Mintruda Rossii №147n ot 12 aprelya 2013 g. «Ob utverzhdenii Maketa professionalnogo standarta» [The order of Ministry of Labor of Russia № 147n of April 12, 2013. "About the statement of the Model of the professional standard"]. Available at: http://www.rosmintrud.ru/docs/mintrud/orders/47 (in Russian)

[8] Prikaz Mintruda Rossii №170n ot 29 aprelya 2013 g. «Ob utverzhdenii metodicheskikh rekomendatsiy po razrabotke professionalnogo standarta» [The order of Ministry of Labor of Russia № 170n of April 29, 2013. "About the approval of methodical recommendations about development of the professional standard".]. Available at:http://fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/profst/METOD.pdf (in Russian)

[9] Obshcherossiyskiy klassifikator spetsial'nostey po obrazovaniyu [All-Russian qualifier of specialties by training]. Available at:http://classifikators.ru/okso (in Russian)

[10] Ob ustanovlenii sootvetstviy pri utverzhdenii novykh perechney professiy, spetsialnostey i napravleniy podgotovki ukazannym v predydushchikh perechnyakh professiy, spetsialnostey i napravleniy podgotovki. Pismo Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 24 iyunya 2014 g. № AK-1666/05 [About establishment of compliances at the approval of new lists of professions, specialties and the directions of preparation specified in the previous lists of professions, specialties and the directions of preparation. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2014 № AK-1666/05.]. Available at:http://minobrnauki.rf/dokumenty/4266 (in Russian)

[11] O Federalnoy tselevoy programme razvitiya obrazovaniya na 2016-2020 gody. Postanovlenie pravitelstva ot 23 maya 2015 g. №497 [About the Federal target program of development of education for 2016-2020. The government resolution of May 23, 2015 № 497]. Available at: http:// government.ru/docs/18268/ (in Russian)

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Article NameThe Terminological System of the Russian Federation Criminal Code of 1996 in the Field of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Legal Protection
AuthorsE.A. Bragina

Volgodonsk Institute of Economics, Management and Law Southern Federal University,
Mira St., 47, Volgodonsk,Rostov region,  Russia 347383 
e-mail: advokat.bragina@mail.ru

AbstractIn this paper we have the analysis of historical events and facts, effecting on formation of the Criminal Code provisions in 1996, which elaborate criminal responsibility for crimes in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. The focus of the research is devoted to the gaps in the conceptual apparatus of the offences.
Keywordssource of ionizing radiation, weapons of mass destruction, conceptual apparatus, radioactive substances, radioactive materials, the Russian Federation Criminal Code of 1996, criminal responsibility, nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear law

[1] Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii (prinyata vsenarodnym golosovaniem 12.12.1993) [The constitution of the Russian Federation (it is accepted by national vote 12.12.1993)]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 26.01.2009, №4, st. 445. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 26.01.2009, №4, article 445]  (in Russian)

[2] Federalnyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 21.07.1994 № 1-FKZ «O Konstitucionnom Sude Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal constitutional law 7.21.1994 № 1-FCL "About the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 25.07.1994, №13, st. 1447 [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 25.07.1994, №13, article 1447]. (in Russian)

[3] Federalnyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 28.04.1995 № 1-FKZ «Ob arbitrazhnyx sudax v Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal constitutional law 4.28.1995 № 1-FCL "About arbitration courts in the Russian Federation"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 01.05.1995, №18, st. 1589. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 01.05.1995, №18, article 1589] (in Russian)

[4] Federalnyj konstitucionnyj zakon ot 31.12.1996 № 1-FKZ «O sudebnoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal constitutional law 12.31.1996 № 1-FCL "Judicial system of the Russian Federation"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 06.01.1997, №1, st. 1. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 06.01.1997, №1, article 1.] (in Russian)

[5] Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast pervaya) ot 30.11.1994 № 51-FZ [The civil code of the Russian Federation (part one) 11.30.1994 № 51-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 05.12.1994, № 32, st. 3301. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 05.12.1994, № 32, article 3301] (in Russian)

[6] Semejnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 29.12.1995 № 223-FZ [The family code of the Russian Federation 12.29.1995 № 223- FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 01.01.1996, №1, st. 16. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 01.01.1996, №1, article 16.] (in Russian)

[7] Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast vtoraya) ot 26.01.1996 № 14-FZ [The civil code of the Russian Federation (part second)  1.26.1996 № 14-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 29.01.1996, №5, st. 410. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 29.01.1996, №5, article 410] (in Russian)

[8] Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 № 63-FZ [The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 6.13.1996 № 63-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 17.06.1996, №25, st. 2954. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 17.06.1996, №25, article 2954] (in Russian)

[9] Ugolovno-ispolnitelnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 08.01.1997 № 1-FZ [The Penal Code of the Russian Federation 1.8.1997 № 1-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 13.01.1997, №2, st. 198. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 13.01.1997, №2, article 198] (in Russian)

[10] Vozdushnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19.03.1997 № 60-FZ [The air code of the Russian Federation 3.19.1997 № 60-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 24.03.1997, №12, st. 1383. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 24.03.1997, №12, article 1383] (in Russian)

[11] Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast pervaya) ot 31.07.1998 № 146-FZ [The Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part one) 7.31.1998 № 146-FL]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, № 31, 03.08.1998, st. 3824 [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation № 31, 03.08.1998, article 3824]. (in Russian)

[12] Federalnyj zakon ot 21.11.1995 № 170-FZ «Ob ispolzovanii atomnoj energii» [The federal law 11.21.1995 № 170-FL "About use of atomic energy"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 27.11.1995, №48, st. 4552. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 27.11.1995, №48, article 4552] (in Russian)

[13] Federalnyj zakon ot 09.02.1999 № 26-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolneniya v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 2.9.1999 № 26-FL "About modification and additions in the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 15.02.1999, №7, st. 873. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 15.02.1999, №7, article 873] (in Russian)

[14] Federalnyj zakon ot 19.06.2001 № 84-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v statyu 355 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 6.19.2001 № 84-FL "About introduction of amendments to article 355 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 25.06.2001, №26, st. 2588. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 25.06.2001, №26, article 2588]  (in Russian)

[15] Federalnyj zakon ot 07.05.2002 № 48-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stati 225 i 226 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 5.7.2002 № 48-FL "About introduction of amendments to articles 225 and 226 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 13.05.2002, №19, st. 1793. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 13.05.2002, №19, article 1793] (in Russian)

[16] Federalnyj zakon ot 07.05.2002 № 50-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stati 188 i 189 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 5.7.2002 № 50-FL "About introduction of amendments to articles 188 and 189 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 13.05.2002, №19, st. 1795. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 13.05.2002, №19, article 1795] (in Russian)

[17] Federalnyj zakon ot 08.12.2003 № 162-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 12.8.2003 № 162-FL "About modification and additions in the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 15.12.2003, №50, st. 4848. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 15.12.2003, №50, article 4848] (in Russian)

[18] Federalnyj zakon ot 21.07.2004 № 73-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 7.21.2004 № 73-FL "About introduction of amendments to the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 26.07.2004, №30, st. 3091. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 26.07.2004, №30, article 3091] (in Russian)

[19] Federalnyj zakon ot 21.07.2004 № 74-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stati 57 i 205 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 7.21.2004 №  74-FL "About introduction of amendments to articles 57 and 205 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 26.07.2004, №30, st. 3092. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 26.07.2004, №30, article 3092] (in Russian)

[20] Federalnyj zakon ot 30.12.2008 № 321-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdelnye zakonodatelnye akty Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosam protivodejstviya terrorizmu [The federal law 12.30.2008 № 321-FL "About introduction of amendments to separate acts of the Russian Federation concerning counteraction to terrorism]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 05.01.2009, №1, st. 29. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 05.01.2009, №1, article 29] (in Russian)

[21] Federalnyj zakon ot 07.12.2011 № 420-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i otdelnye zakonodatelnye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» [The federal law 12.7.2011 №  420-FL "About introduction of amendments to the Russian Federation Criminal Code and separate acts of the Russian Federation"]. Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF, 12.12.2011, №50, st. 7362. [Collection of the Russian Federation legislation 12.12.2011, №50, article 7362] (in Russian)

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