Operation of nuclear industry facilities
Article Name | Operating Condition Research of Air Heat Exchanger of Emergency Cooling |
Authors | A.M. Besedin*1, A.Yu. Smolin*2, A.S. Shamarokov**3, S.B. Kravets***4, A.S. Mirzaliev*5 |
Address | * Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, ** Russian Research and Development Institute for Nuclear Power Production Sector Engineering, *** All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operation, |
Abstract | The research of aerodynamics, heat exchange, vibration and tension of the heatexchange device which surface of heating being gathering from evolvent screens is made on full-scale model. The vibration resistance of the tube and the gate of the apparatus is estimated. The influence of propellants and their geometry on the intensity of heat exchange is determined. Recommendations are given for equalizing the distribution of the air flow, accessibility of the slide and tubing. |
Keywords | heat exchanger, heating surface, evolvent shields, aerodynamic resistance, heat transfer, vibration, strain gauge, velocity and temperature fields, reliability, NPP |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 68 - 77 |
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