
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameResults of Long-Term Biological Monitoring in the Tsimlyansk Reservoir in the Cooling Pond Purge of Rostov NPP
AuthorsO.I. Gorskaya*, S.V. Yakovlev**, L.A. Chereshneva**, V.M. Sapelnikov ***

* «Rostov Nuclear Power Plant» the Branch of « Rosenergoatom Concern» OJSC,
Volgodonsk-28, Rostov region, Russia 347388
e-mail: gorskayavdonsk@rambler.ru
ORCID: 0000-0003-3377-4654
** Volgograd Branch of Berg State Research Institute of Lake and River Fishery
Pugachevstaya St., 1, Volgograd, Volgogradsaya region, Russia, 400001
*** Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 34736
e-mail: viti@mail.ru 
ORCID: 0000-0001-5792-5344
WoS ResearcherID: J-7364-2017

AbstractAnnual work on biological monitoring in the Tsimlyansk reservoir in the area of cooling pond purge of Rostov NPP is carried out the eighth year during the purging period (April, May), and also before and after the end of purging (March, June). The object of the study is the main biocenoses (phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos) and water composition of the Tsimlyansk reservoir in the water area near the Rostov NPP.
KeywordsTsimlyansk reservoir, Rostov NPP, cooling pond purge, biocenoses, water composition

[1] Bakaeva E.N., Ignatova N.A, Chernikova G.G. E'kotoksichnost' vod priplotinnogo uchastka cimlyanskogo vodohranilishha [Ecotoxicity of Waters of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir Dam Site]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2012, Specvypusk(3), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 5–11. (in Russian)

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[4] Gorskaya O.I. Organizaciya i provedenie periodicheskoj produvki vodoema-ohladitelya Rostovskoj AE'S [Organization and Carrying Out a Periodic Purge of the Rostov NPP Cooling Pond] Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2012, Specvypusk(3), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 44–50. (in Russian)

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[6] Kalinina S.G., Xodyakov E.A., Yakovlev S.V. Uluchshenie e'kologicheskogo sostoyaniya priplotinnogo plesa Cimlyanskogo vodoxranilishha metodom al'golizacii [Improvement of Ecological Condition of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir Dam Reach by an Algolization Method]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2012, Specvypusk(3), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 72–82. (in Russian)

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Cooling Pond Purge and According to Effectiveness when Carrying Out
Cooling Pond Purge of the Rostov NPP.]. Fondy Rostovskoj AE'S [Funds of the Rostov NPP], 2010–2016. (in Russian)

[8] Rukovodstvo po metodam gidrobiologicheskogo analiza poverxnostnyx vod i donnyh otlozhenij [Guide to Methods of the Hydrobiological Analysis of the Surface Water and Ground Deposits]. 1983. Pod red. k.b.n. V.A. Abakumova [Edited by]. Leningrad. Pub. Gidrometeoizdat [Gidrometeoizdat], 1983. (in Russian)

[9] Xoruzhaya V.V., Yakovlev S.V. Mnogoletnyaya dinamika e'ffektivnosti razmnozheniya ryb v Priplotinnom plese Cimlyanskogo vodohranilishha [Long-term Dynamics of Effectiveness of Fish Manifolding in the Tsimlyansk Reservoir Dam Reach]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2012, Specvypusk(3), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 21–27. (in Russian)

[10] Chereshneva L.A. Strukturno-funkcional'nye harakteristiki zooplanktona na melkovodnyh biotopah Cimlyanskogo vodohranilishha [Structurally Functional Characteristics of Zooplankton on Shallow Biotopes of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir]. Materialy XIV shkoly-konferencii molodyx uchenyh «Biologiya vnutrennih vod» [Materials XIV of school conference of young scientists "Biology of Internal Waters"]. Borok: IBVV RAN [Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences], 2010. (in Russian)

Papers7 - 20
URL ArticleURL Article
 Open Article
Article NamePeculiarities of Underlying Surface Pollution by Radioactive Gasoaerosol Impurity after its Passage over Extensional Water Areas
AuthorsA.P. Elokhin*, M.V. Zhilina**

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409
* e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7682-8504
ResearcherID: G-9573-2017
** e-mail: mashazhilina@mail.ru

AbstractThe issue of radioactive contamination of the underlying surface with a gas-aerosol radioactive admixture after its passage over vast water areas within the framework of a hypothetical radiation accident is considered. The peculiarity of passing the admixture over the water area consists in increasing the effective altitude of the emission flare due to the interaction of the jet with the convective airflow emerging over the water area in the summer season. It is shown that the deposition of a radioactive impurity in this case decreases significantly over the water area and it increases over the underlying surface which reaches the air flow during its passage. The article gives a method of estimating and substantiating this effect, which requires measuring the temperature difference of the convective airflow, or directly the vertical component of its velocity, or other meteorological characteristics determining this parameter.
Keywordsunderlying surface, water area, radioactive contamination, convective airflow; atmosphere stability state; surface impurity concentration

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[4] Atmosfernaya turbulentnost i modelirovanie rasprostraneniya primesej [Atmospheric Turbulence and Modeling of Impurity Distribution]. Pod redakciej [Edited by] Nistadt F.T.M., Van-Dop KH. Leningrad. Pub. Gidrometeoizdat [Gidrometeoizdat], 1985, 350 p. (in Russian)

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[6] Byzova N.L., Krotova M.A., Natanzon G.A. O granichnom uslovii v zadachakh rasseyaniya primesi v atmosphere [On the Boundary Condition in Problems of Impurity Scattering in the Atmosphere]. Meteorologiya i gidrologiya [Meteorology and Hydrology], 1980, №2, pp. 14–20. (in Russian)

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[8] Elokhin A.P., Zhilina M.V., Cfasman G.Yu., Vorotyncev V.B., Shuyakov A.L., Semenov S.V. K voprosu ob ispol'zovanii kriogennykh tekhnologij dlya utilizacii IRG i radioaktivnykh ae'rozolej pri vybrosakh OIAE [The Issue of the Use of Cryogenic Technologies for the IRH Disposal and Radioactive Aerosols during OIAE Emissions] Nuclear Mesurement & Information Tecnologies. Yadernye izmeritel'no-informacionnye Tekhnologii, 2012, №3(43), pp. 4–20. (in Russian)

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[19] Starodubcev I.A., Elokhin A.P. K voprosu ob ispol'zovanii avtomatizirovannykh sistem kontrolya e'kologicheskoj obstanovki na territoriyakh, prilegayushhikh k predpriyatiyam chernoj, cvetnoj metallurgicheskoj i atomnoj promyshlennosti [The issue of the Use of Automated Environmental Monitoring Systems in the Territories Adjacent to the Enterprises of the Black, Non-Ferrous Metallurgical and Nuclear Industries]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety]. 2015, №4(17), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 15–34. (in Russian)

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 Open Article

Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameThe Static Parameters of the Comparators and the Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers of the МН2ХА010 Structured Array at Gamma Emission Influence
AuthorsO.V. Dvornikov*1, V.L. Dyatlov*2, N.N. Prokopenko**,***3, V.A. Chekhovskii****4, I.V. Pakhomov**5, A.V. Bugakova**6

* Plc., “Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute”
Kolasa st., 73, Minsk, Belarus,  220113

1 e-mail: Oleg_dvornikov@tut.by
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6450-9090
Scopus Author ID: 6602465259
WoS Researcher ID: I-7207-2013

 2e-mail: nitnelaff@gmail.com
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0325-3121
Scopus Author ID: 56047420100

** Don State Technical University
Gagarina sq. 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344000

3 e-mail: prokopenko@sssu.ru
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8291-1753
Scopus Author ID: 25227786700
WoS Researcher ID: I-6599-2013

5 e-mail: ilyavpakhomov@sssu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9861-7153
Scopus Author ID: 56535229400
WoS Researcher ID: E-4208-2017

6 e-mail: annabugakova.1992@mail.ru 
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9255-0015
Scopus Author ID: 56543776600
WoS ResearcherID: E-6820-2014
Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPPM RAS)
Sovetskaya st. 3,  Zelenograd, Russia, 124681

**** Research Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University
Bobruiskaya str. 11, Minsk, Belarus, 220030

4e-mail: vtchek@hep.by
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8653-9482
Scopus Author ID: 57190394579

AbstractThe effect of the 60Co gamma emission with the average energy 1.25 MeV on the static parameters of two analog components (АC) of the МН2ХА010 new structured array (SA) – the voltage comparator (VC) and the charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA) is investigated. It is found that the structural design solutions, applied at the development of the SA, which take into consideration the features of the parameter radiation-induced alteration of the complementary BiFETs and p-FET, provide minor changes of the AC static parameters at the absorbed dose of the gamma emission DG = 2,04 Мrad.
Keywordsvoltage comparator, charge sensitive amplifier, configurable structured array, analog sensor interface, analog integrated circuits, radiation hardness, gamma emission
  1. Dvornikov O.V., Prokopenko N.N., Butyrlagin N.V., Bugakova A.V. Perspektivy primeneniya novykh mikroskhem bazovogo matrichnogo i bazovogo strukturnogo kristallov v datchikovykh sistemakh [Perspectives of application of new chips of analog master slice array (AGAMC-2.1) and configurable structured array (MH2XA010) of crystals (JSC MNIPI, Minsk) in the radiation-hardened sensor systems of robots and analog processors]. SPIIRAS Proceedings. 2016. Issue 2(45). pp. 157–171. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15622/sp.45.10 (in Russian).
  2. Dvornikov O.V. Chekhovsky V.A., Dyatlov V.L., Prokopenko N.N.  Razrabotka mnogokanal'nykh sistem schityvaniya signalov fotopriemnikov na bazovom strukturnom kristalle MH2XA010 [Development of Multichannel Systems for Reading Signals from Photodetectors on a the Structured Array MH2XA010]. Earth observation, monitoring and remote sensing systems. Materials of the XIIIth Science and Technology Conference (Sochi, September 12-18, 2016). Kaluga: The Manuscript, 2016. pp. 273–278. (in Russian).
  3. Dvornikov O.V. The Design of the Circuits of Radiation-Hardened Charge-Sensitive Amplifiers Based on the Structured Array (MH2XA010) and Array Chip (AC-2.1) / V.A. Tchekhovski, N.N. Prokopenko, A.V. Bugakova // 2016 13th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Actual problems of Electronic Instrument Engineering (APEIE). In 12 Volumes. Vol. 1. Part 1. Novosibirsk, 2016. Pp. 253- 258. DOI: 10.1109/APEIE.2016.7802268 (in English).
  4. Dvornikov O.V. Radiation hardened analog IC design. Part 1. Radiation effects simulation in the "Spice-like" programs / V.N. Grishkov // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2010. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2010. P. 301-306. (in Russian).
  5. Dvornikov O.V., Tchekhovski V.A., Diatlov V.L., Prokopenko N.N. Influence of Ionizing Radiation on the Parameters of an Operational Amplifier Based on Complementary Bipolar Transistors. Russian Microelectronics. 2016. V. 45, No. 1. pp. 54-62. DOI: 10.1134/S10 63739716010030 (in Russian).
  6. Dvornikov O.V. Izmenenie parametrov komplementarnykh bipolyarnykh tranzistorov pri vozdeystvii ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy [Changing the complementary bipolar transistors when exposed to ionizing radiation] / V.A. Chehovskij, V.L. Djatlov, Ju.V. Bogatyrev, S.B. Lastovskij // Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tehniki “VANT” – Problems of Atomic Science and Technology "PAST". 2015. pp. 17-22. (in Russian).
  7. Dvornikov O. Primenenie strukturnykh kristallov dlya sozdaniya interfeysov datchikov [The use of structural crystals to create a sensor interface] / V. Chehovskij, V. Djatlov, N. Prokopenko // Sovremennaja jelektronika – Modern electronics. 2014. Vol. 1. pp. 32–37.
  8. Dvornikov О., Interfejsy datchikov dlya sistem na kristalle [Sensor interface for systems-on-chip] / V. Tchekhovski, V.Dziatlau, N. Prokopenko // Sovremennaja jelektronika [Modern electronics], 2013, № 8, pp. 40–47 (in Russian).
  9. Dvornikov O.V. Radiatsionno-stoykie analogovye integral'nye skhemy [Radiation hardened analog IC] / V.A. Tchekhovski, V.L. Diatlov, Yu.V. Bogatyrev, S.B. Lastovski // Problems of Perspective Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development - 2012. Proceedings / edited by A. Stempkovsky, Moscow, IPPM RAS, 2012. P. 280-283. (in Russian).
  10. Dvornikov O.V. Operation-routing sequence of production of the radiation-hardened microcircuits of the structured array MH2XA010 for multichannel sensor systems / О.А.Bozhatkin, N.N. Prokopenko, A.B. Bugakova, N.V. Butyrlagin // 2016 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering (APEDE-2016), September 22-23, 2016, Saratov, Russia. (in English).
  11. Dvornikov O.V. Design of the radiation-hardened analog processors and signal converters of the sensors systems based on basic structural crystal MH2XA010 / N.N. Prokopenko, I.V. Pakhomov, N.V. Butyrlagin, A.V. Bugakova // Radiotekhnika № 2, 2016. Pp. 107-113 (in Russian).
  12. Dvornikov O.V. The Drivers of the Differential Communication Lines based on Radiation-Hardened Structured Array MH2XA010 / N. N. Prokopenko, I.V. Pakhomov, A.V. Bugakova // Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS’2016), Yerevan, Armenia, October 14 – 17, 2016. Pp. 290-293. DOI: 10.1109/EWDTS.2016.7807728 (in English).
  13. Dvornikov O.V. The Radiation-Hardened Microcircuits of the Multichannel Op Amps with Current Feedback and the Analog Interfaces Based on the Structured Array MH2XA010 / N.N. Prokopenko, A.V. Bugakova, A.A. Ignashin // Proceedings of 2016 International Siberian Conference On Control And Communications (SIBCON’2016), Russia Moscow MAY 12−14, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/SIBCON.2016.7491790 (in English).
  14. Dvornikov O.V. New microcircuit of the master slice array MSA-2.1 for the design of the radiation-hardened analog and analog-digital interfaces of the sensor systems / V.A. Chekhovsky, V.L. Dyatlov, N.N. Prokopenko// Radiotekhnika № 6, 2016. Pp. 163-168. (in Russian).
  15. Titov A.E. The Radiation-Hardened Instrumentation Amplifier Based on the Differential Difference Operational Amplifier for BiJFET Technological Process / N.N. Prokopenko, E.A. Zhebrun, N.V. Butyrlagin. // IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS’2015), 26 – 29 Sep. 2015. Batumi, Georgia. DOI: 10.1109/EWDTS.2015.7493132 (in English).
  16. Prokopenko N.N. The Radiation-Hardened BiJFet Differential Amplifiers with Negative Current Feedback on the Common-Mode Signal / O.V. Dvornikov, N.V. Butyrlagin, A.V. Bugakova // 2016 13th International conference on actual problems of electronic instrument engineering (APEIE – 2016). Novosibirsk, October 3-6, 2016. In 12 Vol. Vol. 1. Part 1. Pp. 104-108 DOI: 10.1109/APEIE.2016.7802224 (in English).
  17. Starchenko E.I. The Radiation-Hardened Voltage References On Bipolar and JFET Transistors / N.N. Prokopenko, P.S. Budyakov // Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February, 2015. Pp. 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/IEEEGCC.2015.7060065 (in English)
  18. Prokopenko N.N. The Radiation-Hardened Differential Stages and Op Amps without Classical Reference Current Source / O.V. Dvornikov, I.V. Pakhomov, N.V. Butyrlagin // 2015 Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), September 14th– 18th, 2015, Moscow, Russia. DOI: 10.1109/RADECS.2015.7365681 (in English).
  19. Prokopenko N.N. The Differential Difference Amplifiers of Sensor Systems with Input Transistors of Various Physical Nature / N.V. Butyrlagin, A.V. Bugakova, I.V. Pakhomov // ICSES 2016 International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, Krakow, Poland, 5-7 September, 2016, pp.135-138. (in English).
  20. Prokopenko N.N. The Reconfigurable Radiation-Hardened Differential Difference Operational Amplifier and its Main Connection Circuits in Sensor Systems / O.V. Dvornikov, N.V. Butyrlagin, I.V. Pakhomov // IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS’2015), 26 – 29 Sep. 2015. - Batumi, Georgia. DOI: 10.1109/EWDTS.2015.7493108 (in English).
Papers38 - 46
URL ArticleURL Article
 Open Article
Article NameMonitoring of the Nuclear Engineering Large Size Products
AuthorsYu.I. Pimshin*1, G.A. Naumenko**2, L.V. Postoy*3, S.M. Burdakov*4

* Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1 e-mail: yipimshin@mephi.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6610-8725
WoS ResearcherID: J-6791-2017

3 e-mail: lvpostoj@mephi.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6637-7976
WoS ResearcherID:
4 3 e-mail: SMBurdakov@mephi.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8599-6008
WoS ResearcherID: F-6903-2017

** Don state technical university,
Gagarina Sq., 1, Rostov-on-Don, Rostov region, Russia, 344000

2 e-mail: eodez@aaanet.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7512-4687
WoS ResearcherID: J-7170-2017

AbstractResults of the performed works at output monitoring of nuclear engineering products on the example of the portal crane detail are given in the article. The technology of monitoring realization is considered. The conclusion where it is noted that laser trackers including the measuring Vintag vehicle produced by Faro, have high efficiency of problem solving of product monitoring of mechanical engineering is made. Their software has an opportunity to carry out processing of observed dates and preparation of reports immediately on the platform of work performance and to give results immediately. To provide accuracy of spatial coordinate measurements of 0,005-0,01 mm at distances to 10000-15000 mm. All these characteristics allow recommending to machine-building enterprises use of such and similar measuring cars for problem solving on monitoring of product geometrical parameters.
Keywordslaser tracker, measuring geometric parameters, straightness, squareness, alignment, metrology, metrological characteristics, accuracy, admissions

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[4] GOST 2.308-2011. Edinaya sistema konstruktorskoy dokumentatsii (ESKD). Ukazaniya dopuskov formy i raspolozheniya poverkhnostey. [Uniform System of Design Documentation (USDD). Indications of admissions of a form and arrangement of surfaces]. Moscow. " Standartinform " [Standartinform publishing house], 2012, 25 p. (in Russian)

[5] Pimshin Yu.I., Zayarov Yu.V., Burdakov S.M., Naumenko G.A., Postoy L.V. Kalibrovka stankov s chislovym programmnym upravleniem s pomoshch'yu lazernogo trekera VINTAG [Calibration of machines with numerical program control by means of a laser tracker of VINTAG] [E-journal “Engineering journal of Don”], 2016, №3. – Available at: http://ivdon.ru/ru/magazine/archive/n3y2016/3667. (in Russian)

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[7] Polyanskiy A.V. Razrabotka metodiki geodezicheskogo obespecheniya stroitel'stva i ekspluatatsii uskoritel'no-nakopitel'nogo kompleksa na osnove garmonicheskogo analiza. [Development of a technique of geodetic support of construction and operation of an accelerating and accumulative complex on the basis of a Fourier analysis].  Novosibirsk. " Siberian state university of geosystems and technologies " [Siberian state university of geosystems and technologies publishing house], 2015, 24 p. (in Russian)

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 Open Article
Article NameStudy of Mass Transfer in Welding Tub
AuthorsV.F. Cubarew

National Research University «MPEI»,
Krasnokazarmennaya St., 14, Moscow, Russia, 111250
e-mail: doronin-45@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8493-8933
WoS ResearcherID: J-5424-2017

AbstractThe mass transfer at the melting front of the welding tub is evaluated when welding with butt joint non-consumable electrode of low-alloy steels 4-10 mm thick. The problem of undercutting on the seam face is one of the main problems of weld formation when welding with a consumable electrode at high speeds. It became necessary to model the mass transfer process from the head to the tail part of the welding tub taking into account all the basic forces affecting the metal movement. The evaluation was carried out using a flat tub model. The melting process was simulated by blowing the metal mass through the fusion front in the coordinate system connected with the arc. Evaluation of significant forces was made using similarity criteria. It was found out that the main forces are gravity forces, electrodynamics forces, arc pressure on the molten metal surface. The proposed model of the tub differs in principle from existing models (the variability of the melt flow along the length of the front, the distribution of forces over the surface and the volume of the melt, the possibility of calculating the change in the melt velocity along the length of the fusion front).
Keywordswelding tub, metal consumption, electrodynamics force density, melt, arc pressure, metal movement speed

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Article NameMetrological Estimates For Structural and Analytical Design of Complex Measurement Systems
AuthorsY.P. Mucha*, O.A. Avdeuk**, I.Y. Koroleva***, A.D. Korolev****

Volgograd state technical university,
Lenin, 28, Volgograd, Russia, 400005

* e-mail: muxaup@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0919-5732
WoS Researcher ID: M-4084-2015;

** e-mail: oxal2@mail.ru
WoS Researcher ID:
*** e-mail: artmd64@rambler.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9185-6976
WoS Researcher ID: N-4037-2015;

**** e-mail: artmd64@mail.ru
WoS Researcher ID:

AbstractThe creation of complex measuring devices and control systems is carried out based on analytical, structural, structural and analytical methods. It is noted that at design of measuring means algorithms (functions) are chosen at first implemented by measuring system and then the equipment for realization of algorithms is selected or created. At the same time there are no ideology and formalism of the metrological description corresponding to process of synthesis of difficult information and measuring systems. There is no problem of development of estimated ratios for the analysis of the current design and result of design in general. The problem of the general error reduction of measurement results is a problem urgent always. Therefore, also kickdown of the general error at a design stage due to a methodical error reduction is also urgent. Preferable method of synthesis of difficult information and measuring systems is structural and analytical, realized according to the scheme: an analytical form → category → the graph with optimization of structure → the analytical forms distributed to the column → categories → columns with optimization of structure → … → a final analytical form with analytical optimization. An innovative component is the technology of metrological analysis of a complex measuring system. The result of the research is the synthesis of the equations of methodical error for one-dimensional four-parameter information and measuring systems in the multiplexed version of commutation of input channels.
Keywordsstructural and analytical design of the system, сomplex measuring system, total measurement error, metrological evaluation of measurement error

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Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameOrganization of Automatic Load Gripping Device Designing for Fallen Cartridge Lifting in the PWR 1000 Reactor
AuthorsP.D. Kravchenko*1, D.N. Fedorenko**2, V.Yu. Ryabenko*3

* Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1e-mail: krapa21@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3437-9998
WoS ResearcherID: G-5279-2017

2e-mail: fdn999@ya.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2483-7801
WoS ResearcherID: G-5164-2017
** Institute of Service and Business the Branch of Don State Technical University
Shevchenko str., 147, Shakhty, Rostov region, Russia 346500

3e-mail: vya4eslav-00@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8593-0570
WoS ResearcherID: G-5165-2017

AbstractA plan for designing automatic load-gripping devices (ALGD) for fallen cartridge lifting in a nuclear reactor of the PWR type is presented. The existing constructive schemes of ALGD are considered. Heuristic methods in the pre-project analysis and in the design process are applied.
KeywordsAutomatic load-gripping devices, design, fallen cartridge lifting, nuclear reactor, NPP

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[15] Kravchenko P.D., Yablonovskii I.M. Podvesnoe avtomaticheskoe ustroistvo povorota kryshki germopenala. Patent RF na izobretenie [Suspended Automatic Device for Turning the Hermetic Cover. Patent of the Russian Federation for invention] №2319234 Rossiiskaia Federatsiia S1 MPK G 21 C 19/00 (2006.01); Zaiavitel i patentoobladatel Iuzhno-Ros. gos. un-t ekonomiki i servisa. №2006112706/06; zaiavl. 17.04.2006; opubl. 10.03.2008, biul. №7. (in Russian)

[16] Kravchenko P.D., Yablonovskii I.M., Magalasov V.S. Podvesnoe avtomaticheskoe ustroistvo povorota i zakhvata probki penala. Patent RF na izobretenie [Suspended Automatic Device for Turning and Capturing the Cork Case. Patent of the Russian Federation for invention] №2332729 Rossiiskaia Federatsiia S1 MPK G 21C 3/00 (2006.01); zaiavitel i patentoobladatel Iuzhno-Ros.gos.un-t ekonomiki i servisa. №2007111699/06; zaiavl. 29.03.2007; opubl. 27.08.2008. Biul. №24. (in Russian)

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Article NameProspects of Nanoliquid Use in Heat Withdrawal Systems in the Beyond Design Basis Accidents Accompanied with Fissile Area Melting
AuthorsA.L. Sirotkina, E.D. Fedorovich, V.V. Sergeev

Peter the Great St.-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St.-Petersburg
Polytechnicheskaya S
t., 29, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 195251
e-mail: sashulena991@inbox.ru

AbstractThe article represents assessment results of prospects of nanodispersible liquids (nanoliquids) use in the NPP security systems, in particular, in emergency cooling system of the reactor vessel in the beyond design basis accidents accompanied with fissile area melting. The assessment is based on experiment and theoretical model operation results which short description is given at the beginning of article
Keywordscorium deduction, nanoliquid, security systems, burn-out, critical heat flux

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Article NameСauses of Vibroacoustic Resonances in Severe Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants
AuthorsK.N. Proskuryakov*1, A.I. Fedorov**2, M.V. Zaporozhets*3

* National Research University «MPEI»,
Krasnokazarmennaya St., 14, Moscow, Russia, 111250
e-mail: ProskuriakovKN@mpei.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1884-5576
WoS ResearcherID: I-3583-2017

3 ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8017-5200
WoS ResearcherID: K-3710-2017

** Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant the branch of «Rosenergoatom Concern» JSC
Yuzhnaya St., 1, Plant zone, Novovoronezh,
Voronezh region, Russia, 396072
2 ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5661-9502
WoS ResearcherID: K-3752-2017

AbstractThe paper shows that the results of scientific research carried out in the past century in MPEI, which outpaced in the past the current requirements of nuclear power, are of great importance. The results confirm the need for state support for scientific research work continuation in the new scientific area "Forecasting, Diagnostics and Prevention of Vibroacoustic Resonances in NPP Equipment" created at the Department of NPP MPEI, to increase safety and competitiveness of Russian nuclear power plants.
Keywordsstanding waves, vibrations, vibroacoustic resonance, electro-acoustic analogies, Helmholtz resonator, seismic effects, NPP

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[15] Proskuriakov K.N., Fedorov A.I., Zaporozhets M.V. Prognozirovanie uslovii vozniknoveniia v pervykh konturakh AES s VVER vibroakusticheskikh rezonansov s vneshnimi periodicheskimi nagruzkami. Teploenergetika [Heat Power Engineering], 2015,  №8, ISSN 0040-3636, pp. 17–23. (in Russian)

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Papers89 - 95
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Article NameStress Resistance Increase Due to the Skills of Self-control and Self-regulation Development on the Basis of Remote Non-contact Recording Person Bioparameters Technology
AuthorsM.V. Alyushin*, L.V. Kolobashkina**, A.M. Alyushin***, I.A. Morozov****

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

* e-mail: MVAlyushin@mephi.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7806-3739
WoS Researcher ID: R-7928-2016;

** e-mail: LVKolobashkina@mephi.ru
WoS Researcher ID:
*** e-mail: amalyushin@mephi.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1722-0598
WoS Researcher ID: F-8004-2017;

**** e-mail: csbwalker@yandex.ru
WoS Researcher ID:

AbstractStress resistance hazardous facilities management operators is one of the components of such a thing as the human factor, which is essential to ensure the facility safe operation. Method of psychological training using biofeedback is considered. Remote non-contact recording person bioparameter technologies are applied for the implementation of biological.
Keywordsstress resistance, self-control, self-regulation, remote non-contact technology, biofeedback

[1] Aliushin M.V., Aliushin V.M. Eksperimentalnoe issledovanie vremeni reaktcii cheloveka v usloviiakh deistviia akusticheskikh pomekh  [Experimental Study of the Time of Human Reaction under Acoustic Noise Conditions]. Voprosy psikhologii [Psychology Issues], 2016, №1, ISSN 0042-8841, pp. 163–168. (in Russian)

[2] Aliushin M.V., Aliushin V.M. Metodika izmereniia vremeni reaktcii operatora upravleniya [Measuring Technique of Reaction Time of Management Operator]. Voprosy psikhologii [Psychology Issues], 2015, №5, ISSN 0042-8841, pp. 157–165. (in Russian)

[3] Aliushin M.V., Kolobashkina L.V. Monitoring bioparametrov cheloveka na osnove distantcionnykh tekhnologii [перевод]. Voprosy psikhologii [Psychology Issues], 2014, №6, ISSN 0042-8841, pp. 135–144. (in Russian)

[4] Aliushin M.V., Aliushin A.V., Andriushina L.O., Kolobashkina L.V., Pshenin V.V. Distantcionnye i nekontaktnye tekhnologii registratcii bioparametrov operativnogo personala kak sredstvo upravleniia chelovecheskim faktorom i povysheniia bezopasnosti AES [Monitoring of Bioparameters on the Basis of Distant Technologies]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety], 2013, №3(8), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 69–77. (in Russian)

[5] Aliushin M.V., Aliushin A.V., Belopolskii V.M., Kolobashkina L.V., Ushakov V.D. Opticheskie tekhnologii dlia sistem monitoringa tekushchego funktcionalnogo sostoianiia operativnogo sostava upravleniia obektami atomnoi energetiki [Optical Technologies for Systems of Monitoring of the Current Functional State of Nuclear Power Object Management Quick Structure]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost  [Global Nuclear Safety], 2013, №2(7), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 69–77. (in Russian)

[6] Aliushin V.M. Diagnostika psikhoemotcionalnogo sostoianiia na osnove sovremennykh akusticheskikh tekhnologii [Diagnostics of Psychoemotional State on the Basis of the Modern Acoustic Technologies]. Voprosy psikhologii [Psychology Issues], 2015, №3, ISSN 0042-8841, pp. 145–152. (in Russian)

[7] Aliushin M.V., Aliushin V.M., Dvoriankin S.V., Kolobashkina L.V. Akusticheskie tekhnologii dlia «intellektualnykh» sistem monitoringa funktcionalnogo sostoianiia operativnogo sostava upravleniia obektami atomnoi energetiki [Acoustic Technologies for "Intellectual" Systems of Functional Condition Monitoring of Nuclear Power Object Management Quick Structure]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety], 2013, №4(9), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 63–71. (in Russian)

[8] Aliushin M.V., Abramova V.N., Kolobashkina L.V. Psikhologicheskii trening stressoustoichivosti na osnove distantcionnykh nekontaktnykh tekhnologii registratcii bioparametrov [Psychological Training of Stress Resistance on the Basis of Remote Non-Contact Recording Person Bioparameter Technologies]. Voprosy psikhologii [Psychology Issues], 2014, №6, ISSN 0042-8841, pp. 144–152. (in Russian)

[9] Aliushin M.V., Kolobashkina L.V., Khazov A.V. Professionalnyi otbor personala po psikhologicheskim kachestvam na osnove metodov, razrabotannykh v ramkakh teorii priniatiia reshenii [Professional Selection of Personnel on Psychological Qualities on the Basis of the Methods Developed within a Decision Theory]. Voprosy psikhologii [Psychology Issues], 2015, №2, ISSN 0042-8841, pp. 88–94. (in Russian)

[10] Aliushin M.V., Kolobashkina L.V. Metodologicheskie aspekty avtomatizirovannogo prognozirovaniia chrezvychainykh situatcii tekhnogennogo proiskhozhdeniia [Methodological Aspects of the Automated Prediction of Technogenic Emergency Situations]. Voprosy psikhologii [Psychology Issues], 2016, №2, ISSN 0042-8841, pp. 83–90. (in Russian)

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Article NameSafety Culture as an Integrated Element in Forming Professional Competencies of NPP Workers
AuthorsV.A. Rudenko*, Y.A. Evdoshkina**, A.V. Zheleznyakova***, A.V. Zhuk****

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail: viti@mephi.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6698-5469
WoS ResearcherID:B-7730-2016
** e-mail: YAEvdoshkina@mephi.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-6704-0643
WoS ResearcherID: G-8379-2017
*** e-mail: AVZheleznyakova@mephi.ru
ORCID: K-2597-2017
WoS ResearcherID: K-2597-2017
**** e-mail: AVZhuk@mephi.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-7596-5240
WoS ResearcherID: G-3749-201

AbstractIssues of safety culture including the culture of each individual working in potentially hazardous industries and the formation of safety awareness of the population living near these facilities, have a number of contradictions. The article considers the peculiarities of the public opinion formation process about the factors that affect the safe functioning of the NPP. Special attention is paid to the results of the professional analysis of the expert group consisting of NPP workers: managers, competent employees. The main problems and trends in the structure of the assessment of factors affecting the NPP safe operation process are determined based on a comparative analysis of the survey results of Volgodonsk residents and the expert group. Authors conclude the priority substantiation of professionally significant personal qualities of NPP workers, who have a system forming importance for the labor activity success. The results of the work can be taken into account when organizing the information work of nuclear stations with the population.
Keywordssafety culture, professional standard, professional competencies, social and psychological characteristics, NPP

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[2] Professionalnyi standart «Inzhener po stroitelstvu atomnykh elektricheskikh stantsii», Professionalnyi standart «Inzhener-proektirovshchik po vyvodu iz ekspluatatsii obieektov ispolzovaniia atomnoi energii»(utverzhdeny prikazom Mintruda Rossii ot 6 noiabria 2015 goda. №850n) [Professional Standard "Engineer of Nuclear Power Plant Construction", Professional Standard "Design Engineer of Nuclear Facility Decommissioning " (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia on November 6, 2015, No. 850n)]. 2015. Available at: http://fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/profstandart/01.004.pdf (in Russian)

[3] Rudenko V.A, Podrezov N.N., Tomilin S.A., Zaiarov Iu.V., Dobler G.A., Sinelshchikov V.V., Gook A.E. Novye professionalnye standarty dlia atomnoi otrasli i proizvodstvennaia sistema «Rosatom» [New Professional Standards for the Nuclear Industry and "Rosatom" Production System]. Novyi universitet. Seriya Tekhnicheskie nauki [New University. Series of Engineering.], 2014, №09(31), ISSN 2221-9552, pp. 4–8. (in Russian)

[4] Rudenko V.A., Tomilin S.A., Vasilenko N.P. Osnovnye problemy organizatsii podgotovki spetsialistov dlia atomnoi otrasli v usloviiakh vnedreniia professionalnykh standartov [The Main Problems of Training Specialists for the Nuclear Industry in the Context ofProfessional Standards Introduction]. Globalnaya yadernaia bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2016, №3(20), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 80–87. (in Russian)

[5] Evdoshkina Iu.A. Formirovanie kultury bezopasnosti lichnosti kak novoe napravlenie obrazovatelnogo protsessa v tekhnicheskom vuze [Forming Personal Safety Culture as a New Area of the Educational Process in Technical University]. Globalnaya yadernaia bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2013, №2(7), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 92–94. (in Russian)

[6] Rudenko V.A., Vasilenko N.P. Kompetentnostnyi podkhod v vospitanii kultury bezopasnosti v vuze [Competence Approach in the Education of Safety Culture in the University]. Globalnaya yadernaia bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2012, №2-3(4), eISSN 2499-9733, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 136–140. (in Russian)

[7] Tomilin S.A., Vasilenko N.P., Zhelezniakova A.V., Vasilenko I.S. Korporativnye tsennosti kak osnova formirovaniia professionalnogo samoopredeleniia studentov pri podgotovke spetsialistov dlia atomnoi otrasli [Corporate Values as a Basis for the Professional Self-Determination Formation in Training Specialists for the Nuclear Industry]. Pedagogika i prosveshchenie [Pedagogy and Education], 2017, №1, ISSN 2306-434X, pp. 31–41. Available at: http://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=220761 (in Russian)

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