
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameVariants of Constructive Schemes of Grippers for Lifting Dropped Horizontally Located Fuel Assemblies in the WWER Type Reactor
AuthorsP.D. Kravchenko*, D.N. Fedorenko**

* Volgodonsk Engineering-Technical Institute – Branch of NRNU «MEPhI»,
Lenina street, 73/94, Volgodonsk, Russia 347360
e-mail: MPMkaf@mephi.ru
** “Atomspetsservis” Ltd.
Vosmaya Zavodskaya St., 23,  Volgodonsk, Russia 347469
e-mail: info@acc.bz

AbstractThe paper proposes sketch constructive schemes of grippers for lifting dropped fuel assemblies located horizontally in the WWER type reactor. The variants of automation schemes for the process of capturing fuel assemblies are considered. A base has been created for the improvement of automatic load gripping devices for lifting dropped fuel assemblies.
KeywordsAutomatic load gripping device, lifting, seizure, dropped fuel assemblies, nuclear reactor, NPP

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