

Article NameReducing Risk of Occurrence and Consequences of Technogenic Catastrophes by Minimizing Human Factor Impact on Reliability and Trouble-Free Operation of Nuclear Power Plants and Other Dangerous Objects
AuthorsM.V. Alyushin

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409
ORCID: 0000-0001-7806-3739
WoS Researcher ID: R-7928-2016

AbstractThe paper presents the results of the main aspects analysis of the human factor influence on the reliability and trouble-free operation of nuclear power plants and other hazardous objects. The need to take into account the influence of this factor while ensuring the reliability of security and transport systems of hazardous facilities, the reliability of operational, control and rescue personnel is shown. Using remote technologies for the current functional and psycho-emotional state of a person monitoring is proposed as a tool of human factor managing.
Keywordshuman factor, technogenic accidents, NPP reliability

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