Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment
Article Name | Setting up Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipping Containers in Rocket Sled Track Facility |
Authors | S.I. Gerasimov*,**,***1, R.V. Gerasimova**,***2, V.I. Erofeev*3, K.I. Lyakhov**4, A.V. Melnik**5, I.A. Odzerikho**6, B.A. Yanenko**7 |
Address | * Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, |
Abstract | Transport is an integral part of the nuclear fuel cycle. Any event involving nuclear material that could threaten public health and safety or the environment would trigger special procedures providing expert consultation, support, and assistance to state and local responders. The fundamental principle is that the protection comes from the design of the package, regardless of how the material is transported. The choice of air transport for international traffic allows you to remove several of the problems associated with transit countries: there is no need of transit multilateral international agreements, the customs procedures are simplified, the easier the task of providing security significantly reduced the cost of multilateral approval certificates-permissions for package design and transport of SNF and issuance of permits in transit countries. The types of tests that have to withstand packing in normal conditions of transport, are common and do not depend on the mode of transport used. Testing of mockup packaging nuclear flask in conditions simulating aircraft accident (collision with a rigid obstacle with a velocity of 90 m/s) is required to achieve this goal. The paper presents the formulation of this task solution using the capabilities of the rocket track. |
Keywords | fuel packing kit, radioactive materials, spent nuclear fuel, air transportation, accident, rocket track |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 68 - 76 |
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