2019-2 (31)

Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article Name10.26583/GNS-2019-02-04
Weld Pool Static Equilibrium in Butt Welds with Full Penetration
AuthorsA.M. Rybachuk*1, V.F. Cubarew**2, Yu.V. Doronin***3

*Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Build 1, Vtoraja Baumanskaya St., 5, Moscow, Russia 105005

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9078-2653

Wos Researcher ID: O-6229-2017

e-mail: amrybachuk@mail.ru

**National Research University «MPEI», Krasnokazarmennaya St., 14, Moscow, Russia 111250

2ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8493-8933

WoS Researcher ID: J-5424-2017

e-mail: kubarevvf@mail.ru

***LTD «Certification Center of municipal services»,

Office 36, Tkatskaya St., 46,Moscow, Russia 105187

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3294-882X

 WoS Researcher ID: O-6190-2017

e-mail: doronin-45@mail.ru

AbstractThe article deals with the influence of surface tension forces in one-sided arc welding of butt joints on weight. It shows analytically the possibility of holding the liquid metal of the weld pool when the thickness of the welded parts is from 10mm. and above.
Keywordsweld pool, pressure of the arc, surface tension liquid steel.
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