2020, 3 (36)

Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameAnalysis of Hydraulic Circuit of Power Plants with Internal Combustion Engines
AuthorsA.V. Razuvaev

Balakovo Engineering and Technological Institute the branch of NRNU MEPhI, Chapaev st., 140,
Balakovo, Russia 413850

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4593-0653

e-mail: AVRazuvaev1@mephi.ru

AbstractThe work examines the hydraulic circuit of the cooling system of power plants of various purposes on the basis of the internal combustion engines. Experimental data are provided to ensure the necessary high pressure in the high-temperature cooling system at the exit of the internal combustion engines. The results of the stand tests are analysed and some recommendations have been proposed for their use to improve the efficiency of the power plant itself by improving its operational efficiency
Keywordshigh-temperature cooling of the internal combustion engine, expansion tank, internal combustion engine cooling system, operational economy of power plants
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