2022, 1 (42)

Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameMethods of Assessing Radioactive Contamination of Underlying Surface Using Unmanned Dosimeter System
AuthorsI.A. Rodionov1, A.P. Elokhin2

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, kashirskoe highway, Moscow, Russia, 344000


e-mail: uxanson@bk.ru


ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7682-8504
ResearcherID: G-9573-2017
e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

AbstractThe paper considers methods of estimating radioactive contamination of the underlying surface, based on two scenarios. In the first one the analysis of contamination is performed within the framework of a geophysical model of the surface layer of the atmosphere, while the transport of radioactive admixtures, which causes contamination of the underlying surface, is calculated within the turbulent diffusion model. The second scenario consists of an analysis of the radioactive contamination of the underlying surface, which has a random nature due to technogenic causes, and its implementation is carried out by means of an unmanned dosimetric complex (UDC). The latter allows to considerably reduce direct human involvement in radiation reconnaissance of the territory.The work draws attention to the program of drone flight (altitude, route, etc.), composition of the dosimetric complex, mathematical support of the unmanned dosimetric complex, mathematical models of atmospheric meteorological parameters estimation underlying the model of surface layer and radioactive admixture distribution in the atmosphere.
Keywordsradiation monitoring, radioactive contamination, environment, underlying surface, unmanned aerial vehicle, unmanned dosimetry system.
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