
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameCalculation Modeling and Assessment of Containment Heat Removal Passive System Effectiveness in Case of Break Steam Pipe of the Steam Generator on NPP with WWER-1000
AuthorsKh.M. Naffaa*, D.V. Shevielov **, A.S. Balashevskyi**

* Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry, 7 Kurchatova St., Sevastopol, Ukraine (since 21.03.2014 – Russian Federation) 99015

** Sevastopol Branch of Scientific and Technical Support SE STC of SE NNEGC “Energoatom”, 7 Kurchatova St., Sevastopol, Ukraine (since 21.03.2014 – Russian Federation) 99015
e-mail: ontps@i.ua

AbstractThe article considers the results of the passive system modeling of heat removal for beyond design basis accident in the break steam pipe case of the steam generator inside the containment with the loss of station power. It is shown the passive system effectiveness of heat removal from containment for analyzing of beyond design basis accident at NPP with WWER-1000. The calculations were performed using MELCOR 1.8.5 code.
Keywordspassive system of heat removal (PSHR), containment, steam generator (SG), nuclear power plant (NPP), emergency feedwater (EFW), reactor facility (RF), water-water energetic reactor (WWER), beyond design basis accident (BDBA), two-phase thermosyphon (TPT)

[1] Naffaa H.M., Sviridenko I.I., Shevelev D.V. Passivnye sistemy ohlazhdenija zashhitnyh obolochek reaktornyh ustanovok [Passive cooling systems of reactor installation protective covers]. Zb. nauk. pr. SNUJaEtaP [Collection of scientific works of Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry]. Sevastopol: SNUJaJeiP. [Sevastopol, Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry], 2012, №2(42), pp. 46–55. (in Russian)

[2] Design of Reactor Containment Systems for Nuclear Power Plants. IAEA safety standards series. No. NS-G-1.10, 2004. 127 р. (in English)

[3] Lee S.-W. Assessment of Passive Containment Cooling Concepts for Advanced Pressurized Water Reactors. Ann. Nucl. Energy, 1997, Vol. 24, No. 6. pp. 467–475. (in English)  

[4] Passive  Safety  system  and  Natural  Circulation  in  Water  Cooled  Nuclear  Power  Plants. IAEA-TECDOC-1624. Vienna: IAEA, 2009, 159 р. (in English)

[5] Naffaa, H.M. Gerliga V.A.,  Shevelev D.V.,  Balashevskij A.S.  Ocenka jeffektivnosti sistemy passivnogo otvoda tepla ot zashhitnoj obolochki RU  s VVJeR v uslovijah  dlitel'nogo  obestochivanija [Assessment of system effectiveness of passive heat removal from a protective cover reactor facility with WWER in the long de-energization conditions]. Jadernaja  i  radiacionnaja  bezopasnost [Nuclear and radiation safety]. Kiev, №2(58). p. 27–31. (in Russian)

[6] Naffaa H.M.,  Shevelev D.V.,  Balashevskij A.S. Raschetnoe  modelirovanie  raboty  i  ocenka  jeffektivnosti  sistemy passivnogo otvoda teploty ot germoob’ema (SPOT) pri tjazhelyh avarijah na AJeS s VVJeR-1000 [Settlement work modeling and system effectiveness assessment of passive bend of warmth from a hermetic volume (SPOT) at severe accidents at the NPP with WWER-1000]. Globalnaja  jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, 3(8), ISSN 2304-414X, pp. 9–18. (in Russian)

[7] Zaporozhskaja  AJeS.  Jenergoblok № 5.  Baza  dannyh  po  JaPPU  dlja  celej  AZPA.  ER37-2006.310.OD (2) [Zaporozhye NPP. Power unit № 5. NSSS database for the  beyond design basis acciden purposes. ER37-2006.310.OD (2)]. Kiev, 2008. (in Russian)

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Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameAnalysis and Presentation of Environment Activity in the System of Projecting of Equipment Dismantling Technology in Withdrawal from Exploitation of NPP Block
AuthorsA.I. Berela*1, B.K. Bylkin2, S.A. Tomilin**1, A.G. Fedotov***1

1 Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360, *e-mail: berelaleks@yandex.ru ; **e-mail: SATomilin@mephi.ru ; ***e-mail: AGFedotov@mephi.ru
2 National Research Centre “Kurchatov’s Institute”, 1 AkademikaKurchatova St., Moskow,123182, e-mail: bbylkin@rambler.ru

AbstractThis article is devoted to analysis, systematization and presentation of environment activity data of technological process of equipment dismantling of nuclear power plants blocks, used in the system of dismantling technology process projecting in withdrawal from exploitation of NPP blocks.
KeywordsNPP block, equipment dismantling, informational-systematic support of decisions acceptance, technological process, environment activity of dismantling process, engineering-radiation survey, multitude, tables of relations, relational algebra

[1] Berela A.I.,  Bylkin B.K., Shaposhnikov V.A. Optimizacionnye aspekty proektirovanija tehnologicheskogo processa demontazha oborudovanija pri vyvode iz jekspluatacii bloka atomnoj stanci [Optimizing aspects of technological process design of equipment dismantle during NPP block decommissioning]. Tjazheloe mashinostroenie [Heavy engineering]. 2004, №6, pp. 9–14. (in Russian)

[2] Berela  A.I.,  Fedotov A.G., Tomilin S.A., Bylkin B.K. Razrabotka  tehnologicheskih  processov  demontazha  oborudovanija  pri vyvode iz jekspluatacii atomnyh stancij [Development of technological processes of equipment dismantle during NPP block decommissioning].  Inzhenernyj vestnik Dona [Engineering bulletin of Don]. 2013, №2(25). Available at: http://www.ivdon.ru/magazine/archive/n2y2013/1734 (in Russian)

 [3] Berela A.I., Bylkin B.K.P roblem-oriented system for designing a technology for disassembling the power -generating units of nuclear power plants. Atomic Energy. 2000, Vol. 89, №3, pp. 189–196. (in English)

 [4] Berela A.I., Bylkin B.K., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Znachenij parametrov  tehnologicheskogo  processa  demontazha oborudovanija blokov AJeS, vyvodimyh iz jekspluatacii  [Choice of technological process parameter values of equipment dismantle of NPP block decommissioning]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №3(8), ISSN 2305-414Х, pp. 60–64.  (in Russian)

[5] Berela  A.I.,  Fedotov A.G., Tomilin S.A. Tehnologicheskoe  oborudovanie,  primenjaemoe  v  rabotah  po  vyvodu  iz jekspluatacii blokov AJeS [The processing equipment applied in works during NPP block decommissioning]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost. [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, 1(6), ISSN 2305-414Х, pp. 58–66. (in Russian)

[6] Bylkin B.K., Berela A.I., Jetingen A.A., Mahov V.A. Tehnologicheskie aspekty demontazha teplomehanicheskogo oborudovanija bloka No1 i mashzala 1 ocheredi Belojarskoj AJeS [Technological aspects of heatmechanical equipment dismantle of the №1 block and turbine hall of 1 turn of the Beloyarsk NPP]. Jenergeticheskoe stroitelstvo [Power Construction]. 1994, №10, pp. 7–11. (in Russian)

[7] Bylkin B.K., Berela A.I.,  Garusov Ju.V. etc. Strategija vyvoda iz  jekspluatacii  pervogo  jenergobloka  Leningradskoj AJeS [Strategy of the Leningrad NPP first power unit decommissioning]. Izv.  Akademii  prom. jekologii [News of Academy of industrial ecology]. 2001, №1, pp. 67–84. (in Russian)

[8] Bylkin B.K., Berela A.I.,  Kopytov I.I. etc. K razrabotke v proekte AS voprosov demontazha oborudovanija na stadii vyvoda iz  jekspluatacii  bloka [To development of equipment dismantle during decommissioning in the NPP project]. Teplojenergetika [Heat Power Engineering]. 2006, №6, pp. 68–72. (in Russian)

[9] Bylkin B.K., Cypin S.G., Hrulev A.A.  Radiacionnaja bezopasnost demontazha pri snjatii s jekspluatacii AJeS [Radiation safety of dismantle during the NPP decommissioning]. Atomnaja tehnika za rubezhom [Nuclear Equipment Abroad].1995, №5, pp. 9–22. (in Russian)

[10] NP-012-99. Pravila obespechenija bezopasnosti pri vyvode iz jekspluatacii bloka atomnoj stancii [NR-012-99. Rules of safety during nuclear power plant unit decommissioning]. Gosatomnadzor Rossii. [State nuclear supervision of Russia]. M. 1999. (in Russian)

[11] Rukovodstvo po bezopasnosti pri ispolzovanii atomnoj ehnergii «Struktura i soderzhanie otcheta po rezultatam kompleksnogo inzhenernogo i radiatsionnogo obsledovaniya dlya vyvoda iz ehkspluatatsii bloka atomnoj stantsii» [The safety guide when using atomic energy "Structure and contents of the report on complex engineering and radiation inspection results for a conclusion from operation of the  of nuclear power plant block decommissioning"]. Gosatomnadzor RF [State nuclear supervision of Russian Federation]. М. 2013. (in Russian)

[12] Kulikovskij L.F., Motov V.V. Teoreticheskie osnovy informatsionnykh protsessov: ucheb. posobiedlya vuzov [Theoretical bases of information processes: manual for higher education institutions]. M. Vyssh. Sch. [High school]  1987, 248 p. (in Russian)

[13] Ivanov YU.N. Teoriya informatsionnykh ob"ektov i sistemy upravleniya bazami dannykh [Theory of information objects and database management system]. M. Pub. Nauka / Gl. red. fiz.-mat. lit [Science / Main edition of physical and mathematical literature], 1988. 232 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameAnalysis of Strengthening Characteristic Construction and Components Steadiness of Hexactinal Cross Arm for Bearing Framework Mounting of Support Reactor Carcass
AuthorsA.N. Dydchenko*, S.A. Tomilin**, M.E. Pinchuk***, E.V. Pinchuk****

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail: VITIkafMPM@mephi.ru ; ** e-mail: SATomilin@mephi.ru, *** e-mail:VITIkafTEO@mephi.ru, **** e-mail: VITIkafMPM@mephi.ru

AbstractThis work is devoted to testing calculation and it also suggests on this basis the recommendations for further optimization of construction of hexactinal cross arm with 120 t. load-carrying ability for bearing framework mounting of support reactor carcass.
Keywordsdurability and steadiness of construction, hexactinal cross arm, optimization of construction

[1] SNiP II-23-81*Stalnye konstrukcii [SNR II-23-81. Steelworks]. M. Pub. FGUP CPP [Federal state unitary enterprise "Center of Design Production of Mass Application"]. 2005, 90 p. (in Russian)

[2] Pisarenko G.S., Jakovlev A.P., Matveev V.V. Spravochnik po soprotivleniju materialov [Reference book on resistance of materials]. Otv. red. G.S. Pisarenko. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. Kiev: Naukova dumka[ Scientific thought]. 1988. 736 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameScience-Intensive Products Designing by Means of Modern Computer-Aided Design Systems
AuthorsD.S. Goriushkin*, Y.S. Zuyev**

Snezhinsk Physics-Technical Institute the Branch of National Nuclear Research University MEPhI
8 Komsomolsk st., Snezhinsk city, Cheliabinsk reg. 456776
* email: goruh@bk.ru,**  email: YSZuyev@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article is devoted to substantiation applicability of the methodology for calculation of structures when subjected to mechanical and thermal loads. The authors consider the possibility of transferring results based on scale models for experimental study of criteria and adjusting parameters.
Keywordsmechanical and thermal loads, scale models, experimental substantiation, criterial parameters

[1] Rahshtadt A.G., Brostrem V.A. Spravochnik metallista [Reference book of the metalworker]. M. Pub. Mashinostroenie [Engineering], 1976 (in Russian)

[2] Bernshtejn M.L. Mehanicheskie svojstva metallov [Mechanical properties of metals]. M. Pub. Metallurgija [Metal Industry], 1979. (in Russian)

[3] Smirnov-Aljaev G.A. Soprotivlenie materialov plasticheskomu deformirovaniju[Resistance of materials to plastic deformation]. M. Pub. Mashgiz [State publishing house "Engineering"], 1978. (in Russian)

[4] Ventcel E.S. Teorija verojatnosti [Probability theory]. M. Pub. Nauka, Fizmatgiz [Science. Publishing house of physical and mathematical and technical literature], 1969. (in Russian)

[5] Basov K.A. ANSYS. Spravochnik polzovatelja [User manual]. M. Pub. DMK, 2005. (in Russian)

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Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameComplex Dielectric Transmittivity Research of Watered Turbine Oils of NPP Aggregates
AuthorsV.V. Shaposhnicov, K.S. Sidorov

Snezhinsk Physisc-Technical Institute the Branch of National Nuclear Research University MEPhI
8 Komsomolsk st., Snezhinsk city, Cheliabinsk reg. 456776
e-mail: sfti@mephi.ru

AbstractThis article is devoted to the methods of complex dielectric permittivity calculating. It also proposes the method of analytical determination of dielectric transmittivity increment in known volume fraction of the components of heterogeneous system. Using of the proposed methods is rational for the setting of the threshold sensor «Elim» type for express diagnostics of turbine oils moisture of NPP units.
Keywordsnuclear power plants units, turbines, turbine oil, high moisture content of oil, dielectric transmittivity, dielectric constant increment, threshold sensor, moisture sensor threshold setting, complex dielectric transmittivity, heterogeneous systems

[1] Sidorov K.S., Shaposhnikov V.V. Apparatno-programmnyj kompleks dlja operativnogo opredelenija vlagosoderzhanija turbinnogo masla na agregatah AJeS [Hardware-software complex for expeditious determination of turbine oil moisture content on the NPP units]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №4(9), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 40–45. (in Russian)

[2] Adomian G. Stochastic systems. Orlando, FL: Academic Press Inc. 1983. 350 p. (in English)

[3] Gvozdev V.S. Obvodnenie turbinnogo masla i sredstva kontrolja i zashhity ego ot vlagi na turbogeneratorah TJeS [Turbine oil flood and control protection devices from moisture on thermal power plant turbogenerators] : dis. kand. tehn. nauk. [PhD thesis in Technical Sciences]. Novocherkassk. Pub. JuRGTU [SRSTU], 2003. 156 p. (in Russian)

[4] Lichtenecker K., Phis. Z., 27, 1926. 115 p. (in English)

[5] Piekara A. Kolloid. Z., 49, 1929. 97 p. (in English)

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Article NameProfessional Standard Design for Specialists of Service and Repair of NPP Mechanical Equipment
AuthorsV.A. Roudenko*, S.A. Tomilin**, A.G. Fedotov***, B.G. Bekhetov****

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru ; ** e-mail: SATomilin@mephi.ru, *** e-mail: VITIkafMPM@mephi.ru; **** e-mail: VGBeketov@mephi.ru

AbstractThis article concerns the main regulations of the professional standard design for specialists in the sphere of service and repair of mechanical equipment at nuclear power plants (NPP).
Keywordsprofessional standard, qualificational level, service and repair of mechanical equipment, NPP accessory equipment

[1] Rudenko V.A., Nikiforov V.N., Pugacheva O.Ju., Arzhenovskaja E.V., Bubnina Ju.A., Goldberg V.F. Obobshhennyj podhod k razrabotke novyh professional'nyh standartov v sfere atomnoj jenergetiki [The generalized approach to development of new professional standards in the nuclear power sphere]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №2(7), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 95–99. (in Russian)

[2] Rudenko V.A., Belyh G.A., Elzhov Ju.N., Rezenkova N.V., Solovev V.I. Razrabotka professionalnyh standartov VITI NIJaU MIFI [VETI NRNU MEPhI professional standards development]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №2(7), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 100–104.  (in Russian)

[3] Rudenko V.A., Podrezov N.N., Dobler G.A., Abrosimova N.V.  K voprosu ob aktualizacii dejstvujushhih professionalnyh standartov [To the question of the existing professional standards updating]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №3(8), ISSN 2305-414X, ISSN 2305-414Х, pp. 82–85. (in Russian)

[4] Rudenko V.A., Beketov V.G., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Primenenie metodologii strukturnogo analiza k razrabotke novyh professional'nyh standartov dlja atomnoj otrasli [Application of the structural analysis methodology to development of the nuclear branch new professional standards ]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №4(9), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 58–62. (in Russian)

[5] Rudenko V.A., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G., Dobler G.A., Vasilenko N.P., Beketov V.G. K voprosu o sovremennyh trebovanijah k razrabotke novyh professional'nyh standartov v atomnoj otrasli [To the question of modern requirements to the new professional standards development in nuclear branch]. Novyj universitet. Serija: Tehnicheskie nauki [New university. Series: Technical science]. 2014, №2(24), pp. 3–6. (in Russian)

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Article NameStudents Professional-Personal Self-Realisation in the Context of Security Culture Formation
AuthorsV.V. Jagodkina

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

AbstractThe article offers the author's investigation results of students’ personal and professional self-realisation dependence from safety culture development.
Keywordsself-realisation, safety culture, professional development, world view

[1] Rudenko V.A., Vasilenko N.P.  Centralnaja sostavljajushhaja kul'tury bezopasnosti [Central component of safety culture]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №4(9), ISSN 2305-414Х, pp. 82–86. (in Russian)

[2] Maslou A. Novye rubezhi chelovecheskoj prirody [New boundaries of human nature]. М. 1999. (in Russian)

[3] Vlasova L.M., Sapronov V.V., Frumkina E.S., Shershnev L.I. Sovremennyj kompleks problem bezopasnosti [Modern complex of safety problems]. М. 2009 (in Russian)

[4] Medouz D., Randers J., Berens III U. Predely rosta. 30 let spustja [Growth limits. 30 years later]. М. 2007 (in Russian)

[5] Vorobev Ju.L., Puchkov V.A., Durnev R.A. Osnovy formirovanija kul'ury bezopasnosti zhiznedejatelnosti naselenija [Formation bases of population health and safety culture]. М. 2006. (in Russian)

[6] Jagodkina V.V. Filosofija vospitanija i samorealizacii lichnosti v obshhestve postmoderna [Education Philosophy and personality self-realization in the postmodern society]. Materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Novejshie nauchnye dostizhenija-2009» [Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "The Latest Scientific Achievements-2009"]. Varshava [Warsaw], 2009. (in Russian)

[7] Kostina G., Oganesjan T. Malo ne pokazhetsja [It won't seem a little]. Jekspert: setevoj zhurn [Expert: network magazine]. 2012, №16(799). Available at: http://expert.ru/expert/2012/16/malone-pokazhetsya/ (in Russian)

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Article NameProfessional Standard Design for Specialists of Industrial Technological Packaging Arrangement Sphere in Nuclear Industry
AuthorsV.A. Roudenko*, B.G. Bekhetov**, S.A. Tomilin***, A.G. Fedotov****, V.A. Dzjubak*****

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru ; ** e-mail: VGBeketov@mephi.ru
*** e-mail: SATomilin@mephi.ru ; **** e-mail:
***** e-mail: VITIkafTEO@mephi.ru

AbstractThis article concerns the main regulations of the professional standard design for specialists in the sphere of industrial technological packaging arrangement at nuclear power plants (NPP).
Keywordsprofessional standard, qualificational specifications, quality control, acceptance, storing, equipment storing

[1] Rudenko V.A., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G., Dobler G.A., Vasilenko N.P., Beketov V.G. K voprosu o sovremennyh trebovanijah k razrabotke novyh professional'nyh standartov v atomnoj otrasli  [To the question of modern requirements to the new professional standards development in nuclear branch]. Novyj universitet. Serija: Tehnicheskie nauki [New university. Series: Technical science], 2014, №2(24), pp. 3–6. (in Russian)

[2] Rudenko V.A., Beketov V.G., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Primenenie metodologii strukturnogo analiza k razrabotke novyh professional'nyh standartov dlja atomnoj otrasli [Application of the structural analysis methodology to development of the nuclear branch new professional standards]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №4(9), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 58–62. (in Russian)

[3] Rudenko V.A., Nikiforov V.N., Pugacheva O.Ju., Arzhenovskaja E.V., Bubnina Ju.A., Goldberg V.F. Obobshhennyj podhod k razrabotke novyh professionalnyh standartov v sfere atomnoj jenergetiki [The generalized approach to development of new professional standards in the nuclear power sphere]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №2(7), ISSN 2305-414Х, pp. 95–99. (in Russian)

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Article NameIntroduction into Nuclear Law of the Russian Federation
AuthorsV.T. Kornienko

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: kvt@bk.ru

AbstractThis article concerns questions connected with the concept, system, principles and sources, as well as the subject and method of legal regulation of nuclear law in Russia.
Keywordsnuclear law, the nuclear law concept, the nuclear law system, the legal regulation subject of nuclear law, the legal regulation method of nuclear law, nuclear law principles, nuclear law sources, codification of nuclear legislation, nuclear safety code of Russia

[5] Korniyenko V.T. Yadernyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii – pervyy shag k kodifikacii yadernogo zakonodatelstva Rossii [The nuclear codex of the Russian Federation – the first step to codification of the nuclear legislation of Russia]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety], 2013, №1(6), ISSN 2305-414Х, pp. 87–90. (in Russian)

[2] Agapov A.M., Mihajlov M.V., Novikov G.A. Sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija gosudarstvennogo upravlenija ispol'zovaniem atomnoj jenergii na osnove metodov administrativno-pravovogo regulirovanija [State and prospects of public administration development  by use of atomic energy on the basis of administrative and legal regulation methods]. Bezopasnost' jadernyh tehnologij i okruzhajushhej sredy: setevoj zhurn [Safety of nuclear technologies and environment: network magazine]. 2011, 18 may. Available at: http://www.atomic-energy.ru/articles/2011/05/18/22313 (in Russian)

[3] Iojrysh A.I., Novikov G.A., Supataeva O.A. O koncepcii atomnogo prava Rossii [About the nuclear right concept of Russia]. Atomnaja strategija [Nuclear strategy]. 2004, №11, Ijun [June]. Available at: http://www.proatom.ru/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=75 (in Russian)

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Article NameProfessional Standards Design for Nuclear Industry
AuthorsV.A. Roudenko*, N.P. Vasilenko**, G.A. Dobler***, S.A. Tomilin****, B.G. Bekhetov*****, A.G. Fedotov******

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru ; ** e-mail: * e-mail: NPVasilenko@mephi.ru
*** e-mail: viti@mephi.ru ; **** e-mail: SATomilin@mephi.ru
**** e-mail: VGBeketov@mephi.ru ; ****** e-mail: VITIkafMPM@mephi.ru

AbstractThis article concerns the main approaches to the professional standards design for specialists in the sphere of nuclear industry. It is also devoted to regulations of standard «Specialist in the Sphere of Professional Stuff Training NPP».
Keywordsprofessional standard, qualificational level, generalized labour function, NPP stuff professional training

[1] Osnovy gosudarstvennoj politiki v oblasti obespechenija jadernoj i radiacionnoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 g. (utv. prikazom Prezidenta RF 1 marta 2012 g. №Pr.-539) [Bases of a state policy in the field of ensuring nuclear and radiation safety of the Russian Federation for the period till 2025 (№539 is approved by the order of the Russian President on March 1, 2012)]. Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/902385694 (in Russian)

[2] Rudenko V.A., Nikiforov V.N., Pugacheva O.Ju., Arzhenovskaja E.V., Bubnina Ju.A., Goldberg V.F. Obobshhennyj podhod k razrabotke novyh professional'nyh standartov v sfere atomnoj jenergetiki [The generalized approach to development of new professional standards in the nuclear power sphere]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №2(7), ISSN 2305-414Х, pp. 95–99. (in Russian)

[3] Rudenko V.A., Beketov V.G., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Primenenie metodologii strukturnogo analiza k razrabotke novyh professional'nyh standartov dlja atomnoj otrasli [Application of the structural analysis methodology to development of the nuclear branch new professional standards]. Globalnaja jadernaja bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №4(9), ISSN 2305-414Х, pp. 58–62. (in Russian)

[4] Rudenko V.A., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G., Dobler G.A., Vasilenko N.P., Beketov V.G. K voprosu o sovremennyh trebovanijah k razrabotke novyh professional'nyh standartov v atomnoj otrasli [To the question of modern requirements to the new professional standards development in nuclear branch]. Novyj universitet. Serija: Tehnicheskie nauki [New university. Series: Technical science]. 2014, №2(24), pp. 3–6. (in Russian)

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