
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameThe Rostov Nuclear Power Plant Activity within Ecological Safety of the Don Region
AuthorsO. I. Gorskaya

Branch of Joint-Stock Company of open type «Concern Rosenergoatom» «Rostov Nuclear Power Plant»,
22, Kurchatova av.,Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: gorskayavdonsk@rambler.ru

Abstract2014 is a year of the third power unit start-up at the Rostov nuclear power plant. The great attention in this process is paid to questions of industrial and ecological safety. At the same time the staff of the NPP continued making of nature protection projects and ecological actions significant for the region.
KeywordsRostov NPP, ecological safety, ecology, Don region

[1]   Salnikova M.S., Gorskaya O.I. Provedenie algolizatsii vodoema-ohladitelja i proplotinnogo uchastka Tsimljanskogo vodohranilischa v 2012 godu [Carrying out an algolization of a reservoir cooler and dam site of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir in 2012]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost’ [Global Nuclear Safety]. Vol. 3(8), 2013, ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 5-8.

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Article NameDemographic Situation in the World and in Russia
AuthorsА.P. Elokhin, M.А. Boldyreva, V.А. Tabolich

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russia 115409
e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

AbstractThe demographic situation in the world and its consequences for environment is considered on the example of a number of the countries, including Russia. The analysis of statistics of the population birth rate of Earth from 1890 to 2014 is carried out. Hypotheses of further demography development on the basis of which conclusions were received are considered and methods solutions of the considered problems are proposed.
Keywordsdemography, statistics, world demographic situation, environment, Russia, ecological safety

[1]    Chislennost' naseleniya v mire vyrosla do 7,2 mlrd k nachalu 2014 goda – OON [Population in the world grew to 7,2 billion by the beginning of 2014 - UN]. Finmarket: setevoj zhurnal [Finmarket: network journal], 2014, April, 8. Available at: http://www.finmarket.ru/news/3674324. (in Russian)

[2]    Norvegiya…[Norway …] K istine: setevoy zhurn [To truth: network journal], 2013, March, 18 марта. Available at: http://www.k-istine.ru/sodom/sodom_bergset.htm (in Russian)

[3]    Bryntseva, G. Yuvenalnoye pokhishcheniye [Juvenile stealing] Rossyskaya gazeta: federalny vypusk [ Russian newspaper: federal release], 2014, November, 11, №6529(257). Available at: http://www.rg.ru/2014/11/11/norvegia-site.html (in Russian)

[4]    Finskaya opeka – molokh, pozhirayushchy detey [The Finnish guardianship – Moloch devouring children] Pravda.ru: setevoy zhurn. [Pravda.ru: network journal], 2013, November, 25. Available at: http://www.pravda.ru/society/how/25-11-2013/1183338-Finlandia-0/ (in Russian)

[5]    Barnevarn i «zashchita detey» v Norvegii [Barnevarn and "protection of children" in Norway] Yuvenalnaya yustitsiya: setevoy zhurn.[Juvenile justice: network journal] Available at: http://www.juvenaljustice.ru/index.php/news/1139-barnevarn-i-zaschita-detej-v-norvegii (in Russian)

[6]    Gall, Ya.M. Dzhulian Sorell Khaksli. 1887-1975 [Julian Sorell Huxley. 1887-1975] edited by academician A.L. Takhtadzhyan. Spb.Pub. Nauka [Science], 2004, ISBN 5-02-032934-7, 294 p. (in Russian)

[7]    Skolko naseleniya Zemli na 1 yanvarya 2014 goda ? [How many the population of Earth for January 1, 2014?]. Newsly.ru: setevoy zhurn.[ Newsly.ru network journal] Available at: http://www.newsli.ru/news/world/obschestvo/4159 (in Russian)

[8]    Zapad i v chastnosti SShA... gotovyat k sokrashcheniyu naseleniya [West and in particular USA... prepare for reduction of the population] Aftershok.ru: setevoy zhurn. [Aftershok.ru: network journal], 2014, November, 5, Available at:  http://aftershock.su/?q=node/267104 (in Russian)

[9]    Abrams, L. Nas slishkom mnogo [There is too much of us] InfoSMI.ru: setevoy zhurn.[ InfoSMI.ru: network journal], 2014, November, 4, Available at: http://aftershock.su/?q=node/267104 (in Russian)

[10]  Orlov D. Merkel zayavila o provale multikulturalizma [Merkel declared multiculturalism failure] Russkaya beseda: setevoy zhurn.[ Russian conversation: network journal], Available at: http://forum.rusbeseda.org/index.php?topic=8804.0%3Bwap2 (in Russian)

[11]  Fedoseyev A. Krakh multikulturalizma v Yevrope Fedoseyev A. [Crash of multiculturalism in Europe] Sozidatel: informatsionno-analitichesky portal. [Creator: information and analytical portal.], 2013, September, 25, Available at: http://sozidatel.org/articles/analitika/3811-krah-multikulturalizma-v-evrope.html (in Russian)

[12]  Britansky premyer predlagayet otkazatsya ot tolerantnosti [The British prime minister suggests to refuse tolerance] Forum svobodnykh russkikh: setevoy zhurn. [Forum of free Russians: network journal], 2011, February, 5, Available at: http://forum.dpni.org/showthread.php?t=32843&s=434c464baa7623082404453362945728 (in Russian)

[13]  Anan, Kofi. My narody: rol Organizatsii Obyedinennykh natsy v XXI veke. Doklad generalnogo sekretarya OON na Assambleye tysyacheletiya OON (54 sessiya, p. 49 povestki dnya) [Annan, Kofi. We are the people: a role of the United Nations in the XXI century. The report of the UN Secretary General on the Millennium Assembly of the UN (the 54th session, item 49 of the agenda)], 2000, March, 27. (in Russian)



[14]  Globalnye ekologicheskiye problemy [Global environmental problems] Grands.ru: setevoy zhurn. [Grands.ru: network journal] Available at:  http://www.grandars.ru/shkola/geografiya/globalnye-ekologicheskie-problemy.html (in Russian)

[15]  Valentey, D.I. Osnovy demografii [Demography bases]. M. Pub.: Mysl [Idea], 1984, 197 p. (in Russian)

[16]  Andreyev, Ye. i dr. Shestoy krizis [The sixth crisis] Druzhba narodov [Friendship of the people], 1996, №7, ISSN 0012-6756, p. 117–126. (in Russian)

[17]  Tkachenko, A.V. Vykhodit li Rossiya iz demograficheskogo krizisa? [Is there the end of demographic crisis in Russia?] Sotsialno-politichesky zhurnal. [Socio-political journal], 1996, №5, ISSN 0869-8120, p. 36–41. (in Russian)

[18]  Kvasha, A.Ya. Chto takoye demografiya [What is the demography]. M. Pub.: Mysl [Idea], 2003, 235 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameAtmospheric Air Pollution Analysis of Rostov Region
AuthorsM. V. Gulyaev*, K.V. Aram-Balyik**

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

2e-mail: mv_gulyaev@mail.ru ; 3 e-mail: KVArambalyk@mephi.ru

AbstractThe analysis of Rostov region atmospheric air pollution emitted from stationary and mobile sources of pollution is carried out in work. Level of largest cities atmosphere pollution of the analyzed region is considered.
Keywordsatmospheric air, atmosphere pollution index, stationary sources of pollution, mobile sources of pollution

[1] Postanovlenie Pravitelstva Rostovskoj oblasti ot 05.02.2013 №48 “Ob utvezhdenii Strategii sohranenia okruzhaushej sredy i prirodnyh resursov Rostovskoj oblasti na period do 2020 goda” [The resolution of the Rostov region government of 05.02.2013 No. 48 "About the adoption of Strategy of environment and natural resources preservation of the Rostov region for the period till 2020"], 2013. (in Russian)

[2] Ecologicheskij vestnik [Ecological bulletin]. Officialnij sait Ministerstva prirodnyh resursov i ecologii Rostovskoj oblasti [Official site of Natural Resources and Ecology Ministry of the Rostov region]. Available at: http://www.doncomeco.ru/state-of-the-environment/ekologicheskiy-vestnik. (in Russian)

[3] Lucanin V.N., Trofimov Yu.V. Promyshlenno-transportnaya ecologia [Industrial and transport ecology]. M. Pub. «Vyshaya shkola» [Higher School], 2001, 273 p., ISBN 5-06-003957-9 (in Russian)

[4] Gulyaev M.V. Otsenka prioritetov v sfere obespechenia ecologicheskoj bezopasnosti regiona [Assessment of priorities in the sphere of ensuring ecological safety of the region]. [New university. Series: Economy and Law], 2014, vol. 3, ISSN: 2221-7347, pp. 45–49. (in Russian)

[5] Strategia razvitia transportnogo kompleksa Rostovskoj oblasti do 2030 goda [Development strategy of a transport complex of the Rostov region till 2030]. Officialnij sait Ministerstva transporta Rostovskoj oblasti [Official site of the Transport Ministry of Rostov region], 2015. Available at: http://mindortrans.donland.ru/Default.aspx?pageid=107384. (in Russian)

[6]         Gulyaev M., Bogorovskaia S., Shapkina T. The Atmospheric air condition in Rostov Oblast and its effect on the population health // Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basiсs and innovative approach. CA, USA, B&M Publishing, 2014, ISBN 978-1-941655-02-3, pp. 56–60.

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Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameMethodical Recommendations Development of the Assessment of Fusion and Tightening of Welded Seams with the Removed Strengthening Roller at Radio Graphic Control
AuthorsN.A. Saushkina*, V.T. Saunkin**, A.A. Chukhov*

* «AEM-technologies – branch of JSC «Atommash» ,Volgodonsk, Rostov region
10 Zhukovskoje highway , Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: saushkina_na@atommash.ru

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: 5308014@mail.ru

AbstractIn work the problem of control and an assessment of convex camber and/or concave camber of a root seam at inadmissibility of its external examination is considered. The technique using specially made compensator bar imitating the roller of the welded seam allowing to estimate an tightening and fusion of seam root is offered.
Keywordswelded seam, radio graphic control, convex camber and concave camber of a welded seam, simulator of welded seam strengthening

[1] Oborudovaniye i truboprovody atomnykh energeticheskikh ustanovok. Svarnye soyedineniya i naplavki. Pravila kontrolya.PNAE G-7-010-89 [Equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. Welded connections and cladding. Rules of control. PNAE G-7-010-89] (in Russian)

[2] Unifitsirovannaya metodika kontrolya osnovnykh materialov (polufabrikatov), svarnykh soyedineny i naplavki oborudovaniya i truboprovodov AEU. Radiografichesky kontrol. PNAE G-7-017-89 [The unified technique of control of the main materials (semi-finished products), welded connections and cladding of the equipment and NPP pipelines. Radio graphic control. PNAE G-7-017-89] (in Russian)

[3] Gorbachev V.I., Semenov A.P. Radiografichesky kontrol svarnykh soyedineny [Radio graphic control of welded connections] Uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye [Educational and methodical manual] edited by PhD Gorbachev. M. Pub. “Sputnik+” [Satellite+], 2009, 458 p. ISBN 978-5-9973-0634-2 (in Russian)

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Article NamePulse Loading of the Extended Design by Means of Power Materials
AuthorsS.I. Gerasimov (1,2,3), V.I. Yerofeyev (4), V.A. Kuzmin (2,3), P.G. Kuznetsov (1), Ye.G. Kosyak (1, N.L. Telyakova (1)

(1)  Sarov Physics and Engineering Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
6 Duhova St., Sarov, Nizhegorodskaya region, Russia 607186
e-mail: sarfti@mephi.ru ;
(2) Federal state unitary enterprise «The Russian Federal Nuclear Center – the All-Russian Research Institution of Experimental Physics»,
37 Mira Avenue, Sarov, Nizhegorodskaya region, Russia 607188
e-mail: staff@vniief.ru

(3) Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev
24, Minina st., Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia 603950
e-mail: nntu@nntu.nnov.ru

(4) Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod
85, Belinskogo st., Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia 603024
e-mail: pevn@uic.nnov.ru

AbstractIt is shown that interaction of the powerful light waves generated by incoherent pulse gas-discharge sources, with photosensitive perchlorates charges which are power sated complex: 3(5) - gidrazino-4-amino-1,2,4-mercury (II) and 1-H-5-gidrazinotetrazol as a ligand it can be used in a technique of creation of pulse loads of extended designs.
Keywordsoptical initiation, VS-2 pyrotechnic structure

[1]    Bakulin V.N., Gribanov V.M, Ostrik A.V., Romadinova Ye.A., Cheprunov A.A. Mekhanicheskoye deystviye rentgenovskogo izlucheniya na tonkostennye kompozitsionnye konstruktsii. [ Mechanical action of X-ray radiation on thin-walled composite designs]. M. Pub. “Nauka” [Science], 2008, ISBN 978-5-9221-0967-3, 256 p. (in Russian)

[2]    Ostrik A.V., Petrovsky V.P., Cheprunov A.A. Metody modelirovaniya mekhanicheskogo deystviya izlucheny na materialy i konstruktsii. [Methods of mechanical action modeling of radiations on materials and designs] [Scientific and technical digest № 1 CPh-TI MR Russian Federation]. Sergiev Posad, 1997, 75 p. (in Russian)

[3]    Fizika yadernogo vzryva. V 5 t. Tom 3 Vosproizvedeniye faktorov vzryva. [Physics of nuclear explosion. In 5 vol. Volume 3 Reproduction of factors of explosion] [MR Russian Federation 12CSRI]. M. Pub. “Izdatelstvo fiziko-matematicheskoy literatury” [Publishing house of physical and mathematical literature], 2013, ISBN 978-5-94052-219-5, 472 p. (in Russian)

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[11]  Ilyushin M.A., Tselinsky I.V., Sudarikov A.M. i dr. Razrabotka komponentov vysokoenergeticheskikh kompozitsy [Development of components of high-energy compositions] edited by Tselinsky I.V., SPbSTI (TU), 2006,150 p. (in Russian)

[12]  Gerasimov S.I., Faykov Yu.I., Kholin S.A. Kumulyativnye istochniki sveta. [Cumulative light sources]. Sarov. FGUP "RFYaTs-VNIIEF" [Russian Federal Nuclear Center - The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics], 2011, ISBN 978-5-85165-639-2, 327 p. (in Russian)

[13] Fundamentalnye osnovy ballisticheskogo proyektirovaniya: IV Vserossyskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya. Sbornik materialov. [Fundamental bases of ballistic design: IV All-Russian scientific and technical conference. Collected edition of materials] edited by B. E. Kert [Baltic State University]. SP. Pub. 2014, ISBN 978-5-85546-824-3, p. 78. (in Russian)

[14]       Gerasimov S.I., Kuzmin V.A. Issledovaniye osobennostey initsiirovaniya svetochuvstvitelny vzryvchatykh sostavov nekogerentnym izlucheniyem [Research of features of initiation are photosensitive explosive structures incoherent radiation] [Works of the International conference "16 Haritonov’s scientific readings"]. Sarov. FGUP "RFYaTs-VNIIEF" [Russian Federal Nuclear Center – The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics], 2014, p. 90–93. (in Russian)

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Article NameNumerical Simulation of High-Speed Interaction of Aerial Bomb with Active Tools Target’s Defense
AuthorsI.A. Prib, Y.S. Zuev

Snezhinsk Physisc-Technical Institute the Branch of National Nuclear Research University MEPhI
8 Komsomolsk st., Snezhinsk city, Cheliabinsk reg. 456776
e-mail: YSZuyev@mephi.ru

AbstractThe results of numerical simulation software environment LS-Dyna interaction with different speeds and angles of the meeting body controlled bombs with active air defense, such as fragments of anti-aircraft guided missiles.
Keywordshigh-speed interaction, striking element, numerical simulation

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Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameThe Analysis of Personnel Dose Loadings in the Design Technological Processes of Equipment Dismantle of the NPP Units Decommissioning
AuthorsA.I. Berela*, S.A. Tomilin**, A.G. Fedotov ***

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail: berelaleks@yandex.ru ; 
** e-mail: SATomilin@mephi.ru ; *** e-mail: AGFedotov@mephi.ru

AbstractIn work approach to carrying out the analysis of personnel dose loadings during technological processes design of equipment and metalwork dismantle of decommissioned the nuclear power plants (NPP) units taken out of operation is considered.
Keywordsthe NPP unit, decommissioning, equipment dismantle, technological process, radiation safety, dose loadings

[1]    Byilkin B.K., Tsyipin S.G., Hrulev A.A. Radiatsionnaya bezopasnost demontazha pri snyatii s ekspluatatsii AES [Radiation safety of the NPP dismantle during decommissioning] [Nuclear equipment abroad], 1995, №5. ISSN 0320-9326, p. 9-22. (in Russian)

[2]    Berela A.I., Fedotov A.G., Tomilin S.A., Bylkin B.K. Razrabotka tehnologicheskih processov demontazha oborudovaniya pri vyvode iz ekspluatacii atomnyh stanciy [Development of technological processes of equipment dismantle during nuclear power plant decommissioning] [Engineering bulletin of Don], 2013, Vol. 25, №2(25). ISSN 2073-8633, p. 64. Available at: ivdon.ru/magazine/archive/n2y2013/1734. (in Russian)

[3]    Berela A.I., Bylkin B.K., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Analiz i predstavlenie sredy deystviya v sisteme proektirovaniya tehnologii demontazha oborudovaniya pri vyvode iz ekspluatacii bloka AES [The analysis and representation of the action environment in system of technology design of equipment dismantle during NPP unit taking out of operation] [Global nuclear safety], 2014, №1(10), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 25-31. (in Russian)

[4]    Berela A.I., Bylkin B.K., Shaposhnikov V.A. Optimizacionnye aspekty proektirovaniya tehnologicheskogo processa demontazha oborudovaniya pri vyvode iz ekspluatacii blokov atomnyh stanciy [Optimization design aspects of the equipment dismantling process during decommissioning of nuclear power plants] [Heavy mechanical engineering], 2004, №6, ISSN 0131-1336, p. 9-14. (in Russian)

[5]    Berela A.I., Bylkin B.K., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Vybor znacheniy parametrov tehnologicheskogo processa demontazha oborudovaniya blokov AES, vyvodimyh iz ekspluatacii [The choice of the parameters of the dismantling process during decommissioning of nuclear power plants] [Global nuclear safety], 2013,  №3(8), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 60–64. (in Russian)

[6]    Berela A.I., Bylkin B.K., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Adaptaciya tehnologii demontazha oborudovaniya vyvodimyh iz ekspluatacii blokov AES k trebovaniyam radiacionnoy bezopasnosti [Adaptation of dismantling technology of decommissioned nuclear power units to radiation safety requirements] [Engineering bulletin of Don], 2014, Vol. 29, №2,  ISSN 2073-8633, p. 98. Available at: ivdon.ru/ru/magazine/archive/n2y2014/2416. (in Russian)

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[8]    Berela A.I., Bylkin B.K., Etingen Yu.A. Tehnologicheskoe oborudovanie dlya germetizacii reaktornogo prostranstva blokov pervoy ocheredi Beloyarskoy AES [Technological equipment for the reactor cavity sealing of the first stage units of Beloyarsk NPP] [Heavy mechanical engineering], 2006, №9, ISSN 0131-1336, p. 10-13. (in Russian)

[9]    Berela A.I., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Realizaciya procedur obespecheniya radiacionnoy bezopasnosti v tehnologicheskih processah demontazha oborudovaniya pri vyvode blokov AES iz ekspluatacii [Realization of procedures of ensuring radiation safety in technological processes of equipment dismantle during decommissioning of nuclear power plants] [Engineering bulletin of Don], 2015, №1, ISSN 2073-8633,  Available at: ivdon.ru/ru/magazine/archive/n1y2015/2766. (in Russian)

[10]  Berela A.I., Fedotov A.G., Tomilin S.A. Tehnologicheskoe oborudovanie, primenyaemoe v rabotah po vyvodu iz ekspluatacii blokov AES [Technological equipment used in the work to decommission nuclear power units] [Global nuclear safety], 2013, №1(6), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 58–66. (in Russian)

[11]  Berela A.I., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G., Yakubenko I.A. Obrazovatelnyy modul dlya podgotovki specialistov po proizvodstvu demontazhnyh rabot pri vyvode iz ekspluatacii blokov AES [Educational module for training during demolition work for the decommissioning of nuclear power units] [Global nuclear safety], 2014, № 2(11), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 111-119. (in Russian)

[12]  Berela A.I., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G., Yakubenko I.A. Razrabotka obrazovatelnogo modulya dlya podgotovki specialistov po vyvodu iz ekspluatacii blokov AES [Development of an educational module for training of decommissioning nuclear power units]. [Nuclear power safety]. Volgodonsk, 2014, ISBN 978-5-9905145-3-9, p. 39-40. (in Russian)

[13]  Ishikawa M. et al. Reactor decommissioning in Japan: Philosophy and first programme. – «N power performance and safety. Conference proceedings. Vienna, 28 September – 2 october 1987, v. 5. Nuclear Fuel Cycle». IAEA, Vienna. 1988. ISBN 92-0-050488-4, P. 121–124.

Papers55 - 60
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Article NameModeling of High Speed Blow
AuthorsO.A. Gubeladze

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: geodez@aaanet.ru

AbstractThe problem of dynamic contact problems solution of interaction of a cylindrical form drummer with a barrier on a normal by numerical methods is considered.
Keywordsdynamic contact task, numerical methods, drummer

[1]   Bushman A.V., Kanel' G.I., Ni A.L. Teplofizika i dinamika intensivnyh impul'snyh vozdejstvij [Thermophysics and dynamics of intensive pulse influences], Chernogodovka: Izd. IHF AN SSSR [IHPh Academy of Sciences, USSR], 1988, p. 198. (in Russian)

[2]   Sakhabudinov, R.V. i dr. Nauchno-metodicheskiye osnovy obespecheniya fizicheskoy zashchity yadernoopasnykh obyektov [Scientific and methodical bases of ensuring physical protection of nuclear-dangerous objects]. Rostov-na-Donu: OOO «Terra» [JSC Terra], 2006, 153 p. (in Russian)

[3]   Gorelsky, V.A. i dr. Issledovaniye probivaniya pregrad pri nesimmetrichnom vysokoskorostnom udare s uchetom razrusheniya i teplovykh effektov [Research of punching of barriers at asymmetrical high-speed blow taking into account destruction and thermal effects] Izvestia AN RF. Mekhanika tverdogo tela.[Russian Federation Academy of Sciences News. Mechanics of a solid body], 1994,  Vol. 5, ISSN 0572-3299, p. 121–130. (in Russian)

[4]   Afanasyev, S.A. i dr. Chislennoye modelirovaniye razrusheniya konstruktsii s keramicheskim sloyem pri dinamicheskom nagruzhenii udlinennym udarnikom [Numerical modeling of destruction of a design with a ceramic layer at dynamic loading by the extended drummer] Izv. AN RF. Mekhanika tverdogo tela. [Russian Federation Academy of Sciences News. Mechanics of a solid body], 1996,  Vol. 1, ISSN 0572-3299, p. 114–123. (in Russian)

Papers61 - 69
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Article NameDevelopment Prospects of Professional Skills Improvement System of the Nuclear and Weapon Complex Specialists on the Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” Basis
AuthorsG.A. Fedorenko *, E.G. Yutkina*, A.B. Makarets *, I.A. Nikitin **1, E.E. Lomteva *

*  1Sarov Physics and Engineering Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
6 Duhova St., Sarov, Nizhegorodskaya region, Russia 607186
e-mail: sarfti@mephi.ru

** Federal state unitary enterprise «The Russian Federal Nuclear Center – the All-Russian Research Institution of Experimental Physics»,
37 Mira Avenue, Sarov, Nizhegorodskaya region, Russia 607188
e-mail: staff@vniief.ru

AbstractIn article results of work of professional skills improvement department (further – PSID) by SarPhTI NRNU MEPhI in recent years and prospects of its development are considered. The main customer of its educational services is Russian Federal Nuclear Center - The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics. PSID actively participates in formation of the new production environment "Digital enterprise" created in Russian Federal Nuclear Center - The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics.
Keywordsretraining of branch experts, SarPhTI NRNU MEPhI, the updated programs, the state subsidy, personnel potential, information potential, professional competences
Papers70 - 75
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Article NameApplication of Modern Information Technologies during Training of Nuclear Branch Specialists
AuthorsV.S. Kholushkin, N.N. Travova, T.E. Dorokhina, N.L. Telyakova, G.A. Fedorenko

Sarov Physics and Engineering Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
6 Duhova St., Sarov, Nizhegorodskaya region, Russia 607186
e-mail: sarfti@mephi.ru

AbstractIn article the structure of technical university in the closed settlement is described. It is shown that the higher education institution keeps in contact with employers. The main question opened in article concerns application of information technologies in the course of student training.
Keywordsnuclear branch, personnel policy, information technologies, the innovative focused scenario, Russian Federal Nuclear Center - The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, training programs, Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”
Papers76 - 79
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Article NameThe Role and Legal Status of Nuclear Law in the Systems of Russian Law Branches
AuthorsV.T. Korniyenko

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: kvt@bk.ru

AbstractThis article reflects problems, concerning with the legal status of Nuclear Law as one of the innovative branch of Russian law
KeywordsNuclear Law, environmental law, criminal law

[1]    Konstitutsiya Rossyskoy Federatsii (prinyata vsenarodnym golosovaniyem 12.12.1993) [The Constitution of the Russian Federation (it is accepted by national vote 12.12.1993)] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 26.01.2009, № 4, art. 445. (in Russian)
[2]    Ugolovny kodeks Rossyskoy Federatsii ot 13.06.1996 N 63-FZ [Criminal Codex of the Russian Federation of 13.06.1996 N 63-FL] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 1996, № 25, art. 2954. (in Russian)
[3]    Kodeks Rossyskoy Federatsii ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh ot 30.12.2001 №195-FZ [The Codex of the Russian Federation about administrative offenses of 30.12.2001 No. 195-FL] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 2002, № 1 (p. 1), art. 1. (in Russian)
[4]    Trudovoy kodeks Rossyskoy Federatsii ot 30.12.2001 N 197-FZ [Labor Codex of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2001 N 197-FL] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 2002, № 1 (p. 1), art. 3. (in Russian)
[5]    Vodny kodeks Rossyskoy Federatsii ot 03.06.2006 №74-FZ [Water Codex of the Russian Federation of 03.06.2006 No. 74-FL] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 2006, № 23, art. 2381. (in Russian)
[6]    Federalny zakon ot 04.05.1999 N 96-FZ «Ob okhrane atmosfernogo vozdukha» [The federal law of 04.05.1999 N 96-FL "About protection of atmospheric air"] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 1999, №18, art. 2222. (in Russian)
[7]    Federalny zakon ot 01.05.1999 №94-FZ «Ob okhrane ozera Baykal» [The federal law of 01.05.1999 No. 94-FL "About protection of Lake Baikal"] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 1999, №18, art. 2220. (in Russian)
[8]    Federalny zakon ot 21.11.1995 №170-FZ «Ob ispolzovanii atomnoy energii» [Federal the law of 21.11.1995 № 170-FL "About use of atomic energy"] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 1995, №48, art. 4552(in Russian)
[9]    Federalny zakon ot 10.07.2001 №92-FZ «O spetsialnykh ekologicheskikh programmakh reabilitatsii radiatsionno zagryaznennykh uchastkov territorii» [The federal law of 10.07.2001 № 92-FL "About special ecological programs of rehabilitation of radiation polluted sites of the territory"][Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 2001, №29, art. 2947.
[10]    Federalny zakon ot 10.01.2002 № 7-FZ «Ob okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy» [The federal law of 10.01.2002 № 7-FL "About environmental protection"][Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 2002, №2, art. 133(in Russian)
[11]    Postanovleniye Pravitelstva RF ot 22.09.1993 №941 «O poryadke ischisleniya vyslugi let, naznacheniya i vyplaty pensy, kompensatsy i posoby litsam, prokhodivshim voyennuyu sluzhbu v kachestve ofitserov, praporshchikov, michmanov i voyennosluzhashchikh sverkhsrochnoy sluzhby ili po kontraktu v kachestve soldat, matrosov, serzhantov i starshin libo sluzhbu v organakh vnutrennikh del, Gosudarstvennoy protivopozharnoy sluzhbe, uchrezhdeniyakh i organakh ugolovno-ispolnitelnoy sistemy, i ikh semyam v Rossyskoy Federatsii» [The resolution of the Russian Federation Government of 22.09.1993 № 941 "About an order of calculation of a length of service, appointment and payment of pensions, compensations and grants to the persons passing military service as officers, ensigns, warrant officers and the military personnel of extra urgent service or under the contract as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen or service in law-enforcement bodies, the Public fire service, institutions and bodies of criminal and executive system, and to their families in the Russian Federation"] [Collected edition of acts of the President and Russian Federation Government], 04.10.1993, №40, art. 3753. (in Russian)
[12]    Postanovleniye Pravitelstva RF ot 15.08.1997 №1039 «O Pravilakh opoveshcheniya organov ispolnitelnoy vlasti i Gosudarstvennoy korporatsii po atomnoy energii «Rosatom» pri zapuske kosmicheskogo apparata s yadernym istochnikom energii, a takzhe opoveshcheniya organov mestnogo samoupravleniya i okazaniya pri neobkhodimosti pomoshchi naseleniyu v sluchaye avarynogo vozvrashcheniya takogo apparata na Zemlyu» [The resolution of the Russian Federation Government of 15.08.1997 № 1039 "About Rules of the notification of executive authorities and the State corporation on atomic energy "Rosatom" at start of the spacecraft with a nuclear power source, and also notifications of local government bodies and rendering in need of the help to the population in case of emergency return of such device to Earth"] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 1997, №34,art. 3983. (in Russian)
[13]    Rasporyazheniye Pravitelstva RF ot 06.01.1997 №14-r «O Perechne morskikh portov Rossyskoy Federatsii, v kotorye razreshayutsya zakhody sudov i inykh plavatelnykh sredstv s yadernymi energeticheskimi ustanovkami i radiatsionnymi istochnikami» [The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.01.1997 № 14-r "About the List of seaports of the Russian Federation in which calling of courts and other swimming means with nuclear power installations and radiation sources are allowed"][Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 1997, №3, art. 396. (in Russian)
[14]    Korniyenko V.T., Bragina Ye.A. O neobkhodimosti stanovleniya yadernogo prava kak samostoyatelnoy uchebnoy distsipliny i sozdaniya akademicheskoy kafedry yadernogo prava [About need of formation of the nuclear right as independent subject matter and creation of the academic department of the nuclear right] [Global nuclear safety], 2012, №2-3(4), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 124–131. (in Russian)
[15]    Korniyenko V.T. Vvedenie v yadernoe pravo Rossiyskoy Federacii  [Introduction to the nuclear law of the Russian Federation] [Global nuclear safety], 2014, №1(10), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 82–86. (in Russian)
[16]    Korniyenko V.T. Problemy kvalifikacii yadernogo terrorizma [Problems of qualification of nuclear terrorism] [Global nuclear safety], 2012, №1(2), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 132–136. (in Russian)
[17]    Korniyenko V.T. Yadernyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii – pervyy shag k kodifikacii yadernogo zakonodatelstva Rossii [The nuclear codex of the Russian Federation – the first step to codification of the nuclear legislation of Russia] [Global nuclear safety], 2013, №1(6), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 87–90. (in Russian)

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Article NameRole and Legal Status of the International Nuclear Law in System of the International Public Law Branches
AuthorsE.A. Bragina

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
Lawyer office of "Bragina Elena Aleksandrovna"
e-mail: advokat.bragina@mail.ru

AbstractIn the present article the questions concerning a legal status of the international nuclear law as one of innovative branches in system of the international public law branches are considered.
Keywordsinternational nuclear law, international public law, international ecological law, international criminal law, international security law

[1]    Venskaya Konventsiya o prave mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov ot 23.05.1969 g. [The Vienna Convention on the right of international treaties of 23.05.1969.] [International public law. Digest of documents. Vol.1]. М. Pub. “VEK” [Age], 1996. p. 67–87. (in Russian)

[2]    Konventsiya o zapreshchenii voyennogo ili lyubogo inogo vrazhdebnogo ispolzovaniya sredstv vozdeystviya na prirodnuyu sredu ot 10.12.1976 g. [The convention on prohibition of military or any other hostile use of levers on environment of 10.12.1976.] [Digest of the existing contracts, agreements and conventions signed by the USSR and the foreign states, Issue XXXIV]. М. 1980, p. 437 – 440. (in Russian)

[3]    Konventsiya o fizicheskoy zashchite yadernogo materiala i yadernykh ustanovok (Vmeste s «Urovnyami fizicheskoy zashchity, primenyaemoy pri mezhdunarodnoy perevozke yadernogo materiala», «Klassifikatsiyey yadernogo materiala») ot 26.10.1979 g.[ The convention on physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear plants (Together with "Levels of the physical protection applied at the international transportation of nuclear material", "Classification of nuclear material") of 26.10.1979.] [Digest of international treaties of the USSR. Issue XLIII]. М. 1989, p. 105–115. (in Russian)

[4]    Konventsiya o pravakh rebyonka ot 20.11.1989 g.[ The Convention on the Child Rights of 20.11.1989][ Digest of international treaties of the USSR – Issue XLVI]. 1993(in Russian)

[5]    Venskaya konventsiya o grazhdanskoy otvetstvennosti za yaderny ushcherb 1997 g. ot 21.05.1963 g.[The Vienna convention on a civil liability for nuclear damage 1997 of 21.05.1963] [Moscow international law journal], 2005, № 3, ISSN 0869-0049 p. 271–292. (in Russian)

[6]    Mezhdunarodnaya konventsiya o borbe s aktami yadernogo terrorizma ot 13.04.2005 g.[ The international convention about suppression of   nuclear terrorism acts of 13.04.2005] [Conventions and agreements] [UN official site] Available at: http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/nucl_ter.shtml. (in Russian)

[7]    Vsemirnaya khartiya prirody ot 28.10.1982 g.[ The world charter of the nature of 28.10.1982.] [International public law. Digest of documents. Vol.2]. М. Pub. “Vek” [ Age], 1996, p. 132–135. (in Russian)

[8]    Vseobshchaya deklaratsiya prav cheloveka ot 10.12.1948 g.[ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10.12.1948] [Russian newspaper], 05.04.1995. (in Russian)

[9]    Stokgolmskaya deklaratsiya OON po okruzhayushchey srede ot 16.06.1972 g.[ The Stockholm United Nations Declaration on environment of 16.06.1972.] [Current international law. Vol. 3]. M. Pub. “Moskovsky nezavisimy institut mezhdunarodnogo prava” [Moscow independent international law institute], 1997, p. 682–687. (in Russian)

[10]  Vseobshchaya deklaratsiya o likvidatsii goloda i nedoyedaniya ot 16.11.1974 g.[The universal declaration on elimination of hunger and malnutrition of 16.11.1974.] [UN official site] Available at: http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/declarations/hunger.shtml. (in Russian)

[11]  Mezhdunarodny Pakt «O grazhdanskikh i politicheskikh pravakh» ot 16.12.1966 g.[ The international covenant "About the civil and political rights" of 16.12.1966.] [Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation],  №12, 1994. (in Russian)

[12]  Mezhdunarodny pakt «Ob ekonomicheskikh, sotsialnykh i kulturnykh pravakh» ot 16.12.1966 g.[ The international covenant "About the economic, social and cultural rights" of 16.12.1966.] [Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation], № 12, 1994. (in Russian)

[13]  Dogovor ob Antarktike ot 01.12.1959 g. [The Antarctic Treaty of 01.12.1959.] [Digest of the existing contracts, agreements and conventions signed by the USSR and foreign states. Issue XXII]. М., 1967, p. 233–239. (in Russian)

[14]  Dogovor o zapreshchenii ispytany yadernogo oruzhiya v atmosfere, v kosmicheskom prostranstve i pod vodoy ot 05.08.1963 g. [The Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 05.08.1963.] [Digest of the existing contracts, agreements and conventions signed by the USSR and foreign states. Issue XXIII]. М.,1970, p. 44–46. (in Russian)

[15]  Dogovor o nerasprostranenii yadernogo oruzhiya ot 12.06.1968 g. [The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 12.06.1968.] [Conventions and agreements] [UN official site] Available at: http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/npt.shtml. (in Russian)

[16]  Dogovor o zapreshchenii razmeshcheniya na dne morey i okeanov i v ego nedrakh yadernogo oruzhiya i drugikh vidov oruzhiya massovogo unichtozheniya ot 11.02.1971 g.[ The contract on prohibition of placement at the bottom of the seas and oceans and in its subsoil of the nuclear weapon and other types of mass destruction weapon of 11.02.1971.] [Digest of the existing contracts, agreements and conventions signed by the USSR and foreign states. Issue XXVIII]. М., 1974, p. 43–46. (in Russian)

[17]  Dogovor o vseobyemlyushchem zapreshchenii ispytany yadernogo oruzhiya ot 24.09.1996 g.[ The contract on comprehensive prohibition of the nuclear weapon tests of 24.09.1996.] [Diplomatic digest] , 1996, №11, p. 46–62. (in Russian)

[18]  Dogovor mezhdu Rossyskoy Federatsiyey i Soyedinennymi Shtatami Ameriki o merakh po dalneyshemu sokrashcheniyu i ogranicheniyu strategicheskikh nastupatelnykh vooruzheny ot 08.04.2010 g.[ The contract between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on measures for further reduction and restriction of strategic offensive arms of 08.04.2010.] [Collected edition of the legislation of the Russian Federation], 2011, №9, Art. 1209. (in Russian)

[19]  Osnovnye printsipy i rukovodyashchiye polozheniya, kasayushchiyesya prava na pravovuyu zashchitu i vozmeshcheniye ushcherba dlya zhertv grubykh narusheny mezhdunarodnykh norm v oblasti prav cheloveka i seryeznykh narusheny mezhdunarodnogo gumanitarnogo prava ot 16.12.2005 g. [The basic principles and guidelines concerning the right for legal protection and compensation of damage to the victims of gross violations of the international standards in the field of human rights and serious violations of international humanitarian law of 16.12.2005.] [Conventions and agreements] [UN official site] Available at: http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/principles_right_to_remedy.shtml (in Russian)

[20]  Bragina E.A. Sootnosheniye ponyaty «yaderny» i «atomny» skvoz prizmu leksicheskikh osobennostey i fizicheskikh kharakteristik spetsifiki obyektov pravovogo regulirovaniya odnoy iz innovatsionnykh otrasley rossyskogo prava.[ Ratio of the concepts "nuclear" and "nuclear" through a prism of lexical features and physical characteristics of specifics of legal regulation objects of one of Russian law innovative branches] ["Points of law in the modern world": materials of the international correspondence scientific and practical conference. (on May 07, 2013)]. Novosibirsk Pub. «SibAK»[SibAC]. 2013, ISBN 978-5-4379-0280-6, p. 44-49. (in Russian)

[21]  Bragina E.A. Ugolovno-pravovaya okhrana yadernoy i radiatsionnoy bezopasnosti Rossii po zakonodatelstvu Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh respublik [Criminal legal protection of nuclear and radiation safety of Russia by the legislation of the Union of the Soviet Socialist republics][ Historical, philosophical, political and law, cultural sciences and art criticism. Questions of the theory and practice], 2013, №3. 3 (29) Part II, ISSN 1997-292X p. 27–31. (in Russian)

[22]  Mezhdunarodnoye pravo.[International law] edited by Prof. G. V. Ignatenko and Prof. O. I. Tiunov. M. Pub. “NORMA—INFRA” [NORMA—INFRA], 1999, ISBN 5-86225-875-2, 584 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameIntegrative Habitat "School-University-Factory of Nuclear and Weapon Complex" in the Closed City of Sarov
AuthorsG.A. Fedorenko*, N.V. Volod’ko*1, N.А. Denisova*, V.V. Chulkov*

Sarov Physics and Engineering Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
6 Duhova St., Sarov, Nizhegorodskaya region, Russia 607186
e-mail: sarfti@mephi.ru

1 Education Department, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region
6 Gagarina, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia 607190
e-mail: do@sarov-online.ru

AbstractActual problems of engineers preparation for a nuclear weapon complex of Rosatom State corporation as unique structure of defense industry complex of the Russian Federation in the Nuclear closed cities are considered. Opportunities and conditions of the personnel problems solution through educational system and the Nuclear and Weapon Complex enterprises modernization in the Nuclear closed cities are shown. The purpose of modernization is defined as creation of profile education integrative system – innovative through adaptive system of career guidance, personnel preparation and retraining. The conclusion that implementation of the offered project will allow to create qualitatively new model of the Nuclear closed cities is drawn.
Keywordsdefense industry complex, engineering personnel, Nuclear closed cities, education systems, innovative development, Nuclear and Weapon Complex, Russian Federal Nuclear Center - The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics

[1]    Denisova N.A. Voprosy integratsii obrazovatel'noj i proizvodstvennoj sredy pri podgotovke inzhenerov mashinostroitel'nogo profilya [Questions of integration of the educational and production environment when training engineers of a machine-building profile]. Technologia mashinostroenia [Manufacturing engineering], 2011, №1, ISSN 1562-322X, p. 61-64. (in Russian)

[2]    Kirsanov A. Inzhenernoye obrazovaniye, inzhenernaya pedagogika, inzhenernaya deyatelnost [Kirsanov, A., etc. Engineering education, engineering pedagogics, engineering activity]. Vyssheye obrazovaniye v Rossii.[ The higher education in Russia]. 2008, №6, ISSN 0869-3617, p. 37–40. (in Russian)

[3]    Stazhkov S. Nekotorye aspekty reformirovaniya rossyskoy inzhenernoy vysshey shkoly [Some aspects of reforming of the Russian engineering higher school]. Vyssheye obrazovaniye v Rossii.[ The higher education in Russia]. 2008, №3, ISSN 0869-3617, p. 50–54. (in Russian)

[4]    Fedorenko G.A., Denisova N.A. Formirovaniye integrirovannoy sistemy profilnogo obrazovaniya predpriyaty YaOK i ZATO g. Sarov [Formation of the integrated system of profile formation of the Nuclear and Weapon Complex and Nuclear closed cities enterprises Sarov] Materialy XV Vserossyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii.[ Materials XV of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference]. Ozyorsk, 2015. (in Russian)

Papers102 - 114
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Article NameMilitary-Strategic and International Political Aspects of the Nuclear Weapons Preservation and Nuclear Safety Problem
AuthorsO.A. Gubeladze

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: geodez@aaanet.ru

AbstractThe problems of nuclear safety ensuring connected with need of nuclear weapon preservation on arms are considered.
Keywordsnuclear safety, nuclear weapon, nuclear control

[1]    Slipchenko V.I. Beschelovechnye vojny [Brutal wars], Populyarnaya mekhanika [Popular mechanics], 2004, Vol. 3. ISSN 0032-4558, p. 54-59. (in Russian)

[2]    Voennaya doktrina Rossijskoj Federacii (voenno-politicheskie, voenno-strategicheskie, finansovo-ehkonomicheskie i voenno-tekhnicheskie osnovy) [Military doctrine of the Russian Federation (military-political, strategic, financial and economic and military and technical bases)], Rossijskaya gazeta [Russian newspaper], 2000, April 25. (in Russian)

[3]    Kalashnikov M., Parshev A., Prohanov A., Stechkin V., Korotunov S. Predchuvstvie «holodnoj vojny» [Presentiment of "cold war"], : sbornik [digest], red.–sost. V. Bobrov [edited by V. Bobrov] M. YAuza-press [Yauza press], 2007, ISBN 978-5-903339-75-4, p. 384. (in Russian)

[4]    Sakhabudinov, R.V. i dr. Nauchno-metodicheskiye osnovy obespecheniya fizicheskoy zashchity yadernoopasnykh obyektov [Scientific and methodical bases of ensuring physical protection of nuclear-dangerous objects]. Rostov-na-Donu: OOO «Terra» [JSC Terra], 2006, 153 p. (in Russian)

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