
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameApplications of Monte Carlo Simulation for Analyzing γ-Radiation Characteristics of Radioactive Cloud Radiation in NPP Emissions
AuthorsA.I. Ksenofontov (1), A.P. Elokhin (2), E.A. Alalem (3)

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6864-9805
Wos Researcher ID: H-1833-2017
e-mail: AIKsenofontov@mephi.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7682-8504
Wos Researcher ID: G-9573-2017
e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7207-5939
Wos Researcher ID: G-9489-2017
e-mail: issaalem2@yahoo.com

AbstractMonte Carlo method is applied to assess the radiological risks to the environment. Determining the dose rates due to external radiation generated by radioactive inert gases when they are released from a nuclear power plant is discussed. The paper considers the estimation of volumetric concentrations of the released radioactive inert gases, and other characteristics associated with the use of gamma detectors of the automated radiation monitoring systems of the environment and unmanned aircraft radiometric system. In order to assure the reliability and the accuracy of the calculation by the Monte Carlo method for predicting the dose rates, the results are compared by this method with similar characteristics obtained by the integral method, which showed satisfactory agreement.
Keywordsradiation accident, dose rate of external radiation, ionizing radiation, radioactive dispersion, Monte Carlo method, integral method, radiation monitoring, Jordan nuclear power plant

[1]        Alalem E.A., Elokhin A.P., Ksenofontov A.I., Fedorov P.I. Meteorologicheskie harakteristiki rayona AES v Iordanii  [Meteorological Characteristics of Planed Nuclear Power Plant in Jordan]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost. [Global Nuclear Safety]. No. 3 (24). 2017. Р. 19-34 (in Russian).

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[11]     Zolotukhin VG, Kimel LR, Ksenofontov A.I. Pole izlucheniya tochechnogo mononapravlennogo istochnika gamma-kvantov [The Radiation Field of Point Mono-Directed Source of Gamma Quanta]. Moscow: Atomizdat. 1974. 160 p. (in Russian).

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[13]     Elokhin A.P., Khmylov A.N., Zhilina M.V. Metod ocenki posledstviy radiacionnih avariy v pomesheniyah reaktornogo bloka AES s reaktorom VVER – 1000 [Method for Assessing the Consequences of Radiation Accidents in the Premises of Reactor Unit at Nuclear Power Plant with VVER-1000 Reactor]. Atomic energy. 2007. Vol. 102. Issue 4. Р. 254-262 (in Russian).

[14]     Zhilina M.V. Primeneniye metoda Monte-Carlo v zadachah radiacionnogo monitoringa okrujayushey sredi [Application of the Monte Carlo Method in Problems of Radiation Monitoring of the Environment]. Ekologicheskie sistemy, pribory [Ecological Systems, Devices]. 2010. № 10. Р. 3-12 (in Russian).

[15]     Elokhin A.P., Zhilina M.V., Parkhoma P.A. Osobennosti skanirovaniya podstilayushey poverhnosti s pomoshjuy bespilotnogo dozimetricheskogo kompelksa [Features of Scanning the Underlying Surface with Unmanned Dosimetry Complex] [Atomic Energy]. 2009. T. 107. Vol. 2. Р. 103-112 (in Russian).

[16]     Elokhin A.P. Avtomatizirovanniye sistemi kontrolya okrujayushey obstanovki okrujayushey sredi [Automated Systems for Monitoring the Radiation Environment of the Environment]. Tutorial. National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI». Moscow: NRNU MEPhI. 2012. 316 p. (in Russian).

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Article NameApplication of Modern Digital Technologies for Atomic Energy Safety Strengthening from the Angle of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime
AuthorsA.V. Goncharuk

The State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom”, Bolshaya Ordynka, 24, Moscow, Russia 115211
WoS Researcher ID: O-63562018
e-mail: del17@yandex.ru

Abstractthis article studies the concept of safety and reliability of atomic energy from the angle of nuclear weapon non-proliferation regime. The main distinctive features of atomic generation compared with traditional sources of energy are highlighted. Basing on the selected features the current challenges to safety of atomic industry are presented and the main risk factors are introduced. Circulation of dual use items and sensitive technologies has always been raising extraordinary public attention whenever the nuclear energy is mentioned. Current technological progress allows people to elaborate new instruments for tightening of control on the nuclear non-proliferation regime. This paper goes through the main tasks of the Russian program of digital economy and its reflection on the nuclear industry. The features and advantages of blockchain technology application are examined. Basing on this analysis the concept of possible synergetic effect of introduction of blockchain into nuclear industry is discussed. Key features of blockchain might be widely applied in establishing of a control mechanism for tracking fissile material life path. The article brings into discussion the possibility of utilizing of a new digital instrument for tightening of control for movement of dual use items and sensitive technologies and by these means strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
Keywordsnuclear non-proliferation, IAEA safeguards, fissile material, digital economy, blockchain

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Article NameDirections of Access Control Systems Improving for Radiation Hazardous Facilities
AuthorsK.G. Terehov

JSC FCS&HT "SNPO "Eleron", 14, Gen. Belova str., Moscow, 115563, Russia
e-mail: gunper@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5161-6337
WoS Researher ID: O-3704-2018

AbstractThe safety of nuclear facilities is not possible without the use of access control systems at a radiation hazardous facility (ACS ROO). The article deals with the design and operation of equipment included in the ROO: turnstiles, radiation monitors, intelligent video surveillance, biometric scanners, etc. Measures to counter unauthorized actions of the offender at checkpoints are described, methods for detecting substances banned to penetration, electronic identity cards are described. The article provides options for protecting information assets from unauthorized access to the ACS. Prospects for the development of the ACS have been noted. Minimizing the role of security personnel with the corresponding development of the ACS functionality allows us to protect ourselves from mistakes or deliberate actions, reduce the time for monitoring access parameters, improve the quality of control while reducing financial costs, and provide effective counteraction to the prepared external and internal violator.
KeywordsGlobal nuclear safety, radiation hazardous facility, nuclear industry, human factor, access control system, checkpoint, radioactive substances, detection equipment classes, classification of search objects, inspection equipment

[1]        Elokhin A.P. Avtomatizirovanny`e sistemy` kontrolya radiacionnoj obstanovki okruzhayushhej sredy`: ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov [Automated Systems for Monitoring the Radiation Environment of the Environment]. Nacional`ny`j issledovatel`skij yaderny`j universitet «MIFI» [Textbook for High Schools. National Research Nuclear University "MEPI"]. Moscow. MEPI, 2012. 316 p. (in Russian).

[2]        Elokhin A.P. Metody` i sredstva sistem radiacionnogo kontrolya okruzhayushhej sredy`: Monografiya [Methods and Means of Radiation Monitoring Systems of the Environment]. The Monograph, 2014. 520 p. (in Russian).

[3]        Elokhin A.P., Ksenofontov A.I., Pyrkov I.V. Osnovy` e`kologii i radiacionno-e`kologicheskogo kontrolya okruzhayushhej sredy`: ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov [Bases of Ecology and Radiation-Environmental Control of the Environment]. Textbook for High Schools. Moscow. Publishing House «Tvant». 2016. 680 р. (in Russian).

[4]        GOST R 51241-2008 «Sredstva i sistemy` kontrolya i upravleniya dostupom. Klassifikaciya. Obshhie texnicheskie trebovaniya. Metody` ispy`tanij» [GOST R 51241-2008 «Means and Systems of Access Control and Management. Classification. General Technical Requirements. Methods of Testing»] (in Russian).

[5]        Popov M.N., Gorbatsevich N. Osnovny`e napravleniya razvitiya sistem kontrolya i upravleniya dostupom v FGUP «SNPO «E`leron» [The Main Directions of the Development of Access Control Systems in FCS&HT "SNPO" Eleron»]. Katalog «SKUD. Antiterrorizm» [Catalog «Anti-terrorism»]. 2013. P. 42-43 (in Russian).

[6]        Postanovlenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 19.07.2007 N 456 (red. ot 18.05.2017) [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 456 of 19.07.2007]. Ob utverzhdenii Pravil fizicheskoj zashhity` yaderny`x materialov, yaderny`x ustanovok i punktov xraneniya yaderny`x materialov [Approval of the Rules for the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Storage Facilities] (in Russian).

[7]        Terekhov K.G. Osobennosti vy`bora sovremenny`x metalloobnaruzhitelej dlya osoboopasny`x ob``ektov [Features of Choice of Modern Metal Detectors for Dangerous Objects]. Mezhdunarodnaya molodezhnaya nauchnaya konferenciya «Polyarnoe siyanie 2009». Yadernoe budushhee: texnologii, bezopasnost` i e`kologiya: sbornik tezisov dokladov [International Youth Scientific Conference «Polar Lights 2009». Nuclear Future: Technology, Safety and Ecology: a Collection Of Abstracts]. Moskva, NIYaU MIFI [MoscowNNIU MEPhI]. 2009. P. 132-133 (in Russian).

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[9]        Portnoy E. O nekotory`x osobennostyax sistem kontrolya i upravleniya dostupom [Some Features of Access Control Systems]. Direktor po bezopasnosti [Director of Security]. 2011. № 10 (in Russian).

[10]     Ivanov P.D., Suverina I.D. Analiz sostoyaniya i perspektivy` razvitiya sistem kontrolya i upravleniya dostupom v Rossii [Analysis of the State and Prospects of Development of Access Control Systems in Russia]. Inzhenerny`j zhurnal: nauka i innovacii [Engineering Journal: Science and Innovations]. 2014. № 10 (in Russian).

[11]     Terekhov K.G., Zhurin S.I. Sistemny`j podxod k osnashheniyu KPP SFZ sredstvami avtomaticheskogo kontrolya ob``ektov poiska [A systematic Approach to Equipping the Check Point of the SFZ with Automatic Monitoring of Search Objects]. Specztexnika i svyaz` [Special Equipment and Communication]. 2012. № 5-6. P. 19-23 (in Russian).

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Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameInvestigation of Four-pole Magnetic Field Deformation during Magnetic Metal Arc Welding
AuthorsJieren Gu (1), A.M. Rybachuk (2), M.E. Kozyrev (3)

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Build 1, Vtoraja Baumanskaya St., 5, Moscow, Russia 105005
1ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6287-1379
Wos Researcher ID: S-4188-2017
e-mail: gujieren12345@163.com

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9078-2653
Wos Researcher ID: O-6229-2017
e-mail: amrybachuk@mail.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2508-4215
Wos Researcher ID: J-9653-2018
e-mail: mikhail1000@mail.ru

AbstractThe article performs experimental measurements of the induction of magnetic fields in the arc welding zone of 10 mm thick low-carbon steel. Calculation nonmagnetic zone bounded Curie isotherm is performed to account the magnetic field distortion of the magnetic material. Measurements of magnetic fields were performed without welding, with a digital gaussometer GM2. As a result, data of deformation of a four-pole magnetic field in the direction of welding and in the thickness of the part are obtained. It is determined that the displacement of the axis of the magnetic field and the violation of the magnetic field symmetry of the four-pole magnetic system takes place in the direction of welding.
Keywordsarc welding, four-pole magnetic system, ferromagnetic metal, displacement of magnetic field

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[12]     Gu J., Rybachuk A.M. Elektricheskoye pole v izdelii pri dugovoy svarke normalno-ellipticheskim istochnikom [The Electric Field in the Work-Piece in Arc Welding by Elliptical Source]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety]. 2015. № 4. Р. 77-83 (in Russian).
[13]    Gu J., Krysko N.V., Rybachuk A.M. Analiz magnitnogo polya kvadrupolnoy magnitnoy sistemy chislennym modelirovaniyem [Analysis of Magnetic Field of Quadrupole Magnetic System by Numerical Modeling]. Aktualnyye problemy gumanitarnykh i yestestvennykh nauk [Actual Problems of Humanities and Natural Sciences]. 2016. № 11 (I). Р. 74-79 (in Russian).
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Article NamePossible Approach to Technical Condition Assessment of Two-Layer Reinforced Concrete Covers of NPP Unit Reactor Compartments
AuthorsY.I. Pimchin (1) ,Y.V. Zayrov (2), Y.S. Zabaznov (3)

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6610-8725
WoS Researcher ID: J-6791-2017
e-mail: YIPimshin@mephi.ru

2ORCID: 0000-0003-3353-8037
e-mail: YVZayarov@mephi.ru

WoS Researcher ID: V-3311-2017
e-mail: Jur-rik@mail.ru

AbstractThe paper deals with the theoretical solution of the technical condition assessment of the protective hermetic shell. The decision of the regular system intended for determination and assessment of the stress-strain state of protective hermetic covers during acceptance and operation is offered.
Keywordsprotective hermetic shell, technical condition, pre-stress, testing, control, mobile geodetic diagnostic system, assessment of stress-strain state

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 Open Article
Article NameThe Estimation of Randomization Parameters in the Analysis of Multivariate Random Processes
AuthorsV.V. Krivin (1), V.A. Tolstov (2), I.O. Ishigov (3)

Volgodonsk Engineering-Technical Institute – Branch of NRNU «MEPhI»,
Lenina street, 73/94, Volgodonsk, Russia 347360

1 ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0903-0786
WoS Researcher ID: E-2267-2018
e-mail: vvkrivin@mephi.ru

2 ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7144-5195
WoS Researcher ID: F-1032-2017
e-mail: v-tolstov-2017@mail.ru

3 ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5829-6989
WoS Researcher ID: E-2448-2018
e-mail: ioishigov@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article deals with method to characterize the identification of the state of the welding process based on phase portrait analysis. It is shown the various both recoverable and non-recoverable factors influence that process. The abilities of well-known statistical methods to identify such process were being analyzed. The article describes the algorithm to mine the phase portrait, its spleeting to states and estimation of identifying characteristics for each state.
Keywordswelding, phase portrait, identification of process state, robust methods

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Papers43 - 48
URL ArticleURL Article
 Open Article

Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameOptimization of Control Algorithms of NPP with WWER-1200 to Minimize First Circuit Water Exchange in the Implementation of Daily Maneuvering (Load Following) Modes
AuthorsS.B. Vygovskiy (1), R.T. Al Malkawi (2), A.G. Khachatryan (3), Sh.H. Abrahamyan (4)

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409
(1) ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9995-1222
WoS Researcher ID: P-5608-2018
(2) ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4458-7264
 WoS Researcher ID: P-5338-2018
(3) ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1785-5342
WoS Researcher ID: P-5318-2018
(4) ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9564-230X
WoS Researcher ID: P-5529-2018


AbstractIn this paper we present the results of numerical studies of control algorithms for the spatial distribution of the neutron field in the reactor core of WWER-1200 in the implementation of daily maneuvering regimes at NPPs with WWER-1200. The possibility of automated control of axial offset is demonstrated using one of the control groups with the aim of removing the psychological stress on operational personnel at nuclear power plants in maneuvering regimes. At the same time there is an additional minimization of water exchange while saving all nuclear safety parameters in the reactor core. The research is carried out on the basis of the PROSTOR software complex, which currently used in the Novo-Voronezh NPP to conduct training sessions with operational personnel of nuclear power plants and their training in optimal control algorithms for the power unit in maneuvering regimes. The methodology of adjustment of parameters of offset regulation depending on the neutron-physical characteristics of the core is proposed. The relevance of the conducted researches is related to the fact that for the NNPP-2 and LNPP-2 according to the NPP-2006 project in Russia it is planned to test the daily operating modes of the NPP with the power maneuvering in a wide range of their values. Verification of the operation of power units in such modes and their reliability will improve the competitive ability of NPP equipment with WWER abroad.
KeywordsWWER-1200, offset-power phase diagram, axial offset (AO), automated power controller (APC), control algorithm, water exchange

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Papers49 - 63
URL ArticleURL Article
 Open Article
Article NameEstimation of the Accuracy of the Method of Reactivity Coefficient Identification and Solid Absorbers Efficiency Based on Reverse Problem Solution of Point Reactor Dynamics
AuthorsV.K. Semenov (1), M.A. Volman (2)

Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, 34, Rabfakovskaya st., Ivanovo, Russia 153003
1ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9765-2096
WoS Researcher ID: T-1066-2017
e-mail: Semenov_vk@mail.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6805-6287
WoS Researcher ID: M-1304-201
e-mail: m_volman@mail.ru

AbstractThe estimation of the method of the reactivity coefficient determining and the absorbers efficiency is evaluated. The results of solving the direct and reverse task of the dynamics of a point reactor are compared. The technique is tested on a full-scale computer simulator of a power unit with a WWER-1000 reactor. It is shown that the optimization method for solving the inverse problem of reactor dynamics has good accuracy.
Keywordseffects and coefficients reactivity, reversed solutions, reactor dynamics, numerical experiments, point reactor, optimization method

RD EO 0151-2004. Metodiki rascheta neytronno-fizicheskikh kharakteristik po dannym fizicheskikh eksperimentov na energoblokakh atomnykh elektrostantsiy s reaktorami VVER-1000 [Calculation Methods of Neutron-Physical Characteristics According to Physical Experiments on Nuclear Power Units with WWER-1000]. Moscow: Rosenergoatom. 2005. 101 p. (in Russian).
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 Open Article
Article NameCalculation of Seismic Resistance of Group «B» Cranes Operating at Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)
AuthorsY.I. Pimchin (*1), V.A. Naugolnov (*2), G.A. Naumenko (**3), I.U. Pimchin (**4)

* Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,

Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 3473601 ORCID: 0000-0001-6610-8725WoSResearcherID: J-6791-2017

e-mail: YIPimshin@mephi.ru

2 e-mail:VANaugolnov@mephi.ru

** Don State Technical University, Gagarin square 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344000

3 ORCID: 0000-0002-7512-4687

WoSResearcherID: J-7170-2017

e-mail: geodez@aaanet.ru

4 ORCID: 0000-0002-8267-3617

WoSResearcherID: O-8809-2018

e-mail: geodez@aaanet.ru

AbstractThe paper considers the assessment of seismic resistance of cranes of group "B" operated at nuclear power plants (NPP). The example of calculation of the suspended five-ton crane is given. The conclusion about its compliance with seismic resistance of the region is made.
Keywordstechnical condition, bridge type cranes, seismic resistance, parameter calculation, voltage

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Article NameInstrumental Software Tools for Measuring the Reaction Time of a Person
AuthorsV.M. Alyushin

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

ORCID: 0000-0002-3816-6239

WoS ResearcherID: R-7963-2016

e-mail: VMAlyushin@mephi.ru

AbstractThe importance of monitoring the reaction time (RT) of the dangerous object managing operator directly during his professional activity is substantiated. The relevance of the use of RT automated controls is shown. The capabilities of the developed instrumental software tools for RT control are analyzed. The perspectivity of the instrumental software tools application is shown when creating automated testing systems, as well as assessing the level of acquired knowledge and skills.
Keywordsreaction time, instrument software, background mode of operation

[1]    Alyushin M.V., Alyushin V.M. Metodika izmereniya vremeni reakcii operatora upravleniya [A Technique for Measuring Time of Response in a Control Operator]. Voprosy Psikhologii [Psychology Issues]. 2015. Issue 5. Р. 157-165 (in Russian).
[2]    Alyushin M.V., Alyushin V.M. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie vremeni reakcii cheloveka v usloviyah dejstviya akusticheskih pomekh [Experimental study of human reaction time under the action of acoustic noise]. Voprosy Psikhologii [Psychology Issues]. 2016. Issue 1. Р. 163-168 (in Russian).
[3]    Alyushin M.V., Alyushin A.M., Atkina M.E. Pryamye i kosvennye metody izmereniya vremeni reakcii operatora upravleniya AEHS [Direct and Indirect Methods of the NPP Management Operator Reaction Time Measuring]. Global'naya yadernaya bezopasnost' [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2017. issue 1 (22). Р. 93-101 (in Russian).
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Papers81 - 86
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Article NameSituative and Personal Factors of Organizational and Professional Commitment to Safety Culture of VETI NRNU "MEPhI" Nuclear Energy Department Students
AuthorsV.A. Rudenko (1), N.I. Lobkovskaya (2), Y.A. Evdoshkina (3)

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,

Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6698-5469

WoS Researcher ID: B-7730-2016

e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0297-5800  

WoS Researcher ID: O-3879-2018

e-mail: NILobkovskaya@mephi.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6704-0643

WoS Researcher ID: G-8379-2017

e-mail: YAEvdoshkina@mephi.ru

AbstractThis article investigate the situational and personal factors of organizational and professional commitment to the safety culture of students of "Nuclear Power Plants: Design, Operation and Engineering" specialty. The paper uses the methods of sociological survey and data analysis. The findings suggest that students have the qualities necessary to form a commitment to safety at the individual level. The presented results of the study of the student motivational sphere reflect the importance of professional goal-setting formation as the basis of professional commitment and actualize the implementation of the safety culture principles as the basic corporate values of the nuclear industry.
Keywordssafety culture, organizational and professional commitment, goal-setting, motivational and communicative competence

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Article NameIllegal Business in the Field of Nuclear Energy as a Threat to the Safety of Nuclear Power Plant Operation
AuthorsM.V. Galda (1), I.V. Bushuyev (2), M.V. Petrov (3)

Volgodonsk branch of the Federal state educational institution of higher education «Rostov law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation», Rostov region, Stepnaya St., 40. Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia, 347360

1 ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9137-2819

WoS Researcher ID: P-2581-2018

e-mail: mikhail.galda@mail.ru

2 ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7401-9810

WoS Researcher ID: P-2560-2018

e-mail: bushuev.igor.2017@mail.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2787-3349

WoS Researcher ID: P-1604-2018

e-mail: petrovmaxim1980@yandex.ru

AbstractThe article deals with the problematic issues related to the implementation of illegal business activities at nuclear power facilities. The authors of this work analyze the causes of crimes at high-risk sites, consider measures to prevent this category of crimes.
Keywordsillegal business activity, nuclear energy, nuclear power plant, licensing

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