2022, 1 (42)

Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameMethods of Assessing Radioactive Contamination of Underlying Surface Using Unmanned Dosimeter System
AuthorsI.A. Rodionov1, A.P. Elokhin2

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, kashirskoe highway, Moscow, Russia, 344000


e-mail: uxanson@bk.ru


ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7682-8504
ResearcherID: G-9573-2017
e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

AbstractThe paper considers methods of estimating radioactive contamination of the underlying surface, based on two scenarios. In the first one the analysis of contamination is performed within the framework of a geophysical model of the surface layer of the atmosphere, while the transport of radioactive admixtures, which causes contamination of the underlying surface, is calculated within the turbulent diffusion model. The second scenario consists of an analysis of the radioactive contamination of the underlying surface, which has a random nature due to technogenic causes, and its implementation is carried out by means of an unmanned dosimetric complex (UDC). The latter allows to considerably reduce direct human involvement in radiation reconnaissance of the territory.The work draws attention to the program of drone flight (altitude, route, etc.), composition of the dosimetric complex, mathematical support of the unmanned dosimetric complex, mathematical models of atmospheric meteorological parameters estimation underlying the model of surface layer and radioactive admixture distribution in the atmosphere.
Keywordsradiation monitoring, radioactive contamination, environment, underlying surface, unmanned aerial vehicle, unmanned dosimetry system.
  1. H Sosnovsky R.I., Levin I.M., Raou D.F. Effektivnost' gibridnogo monitoringa radiacionnogo zagryazneniya atmosfery [Hybrid Monitoring Efficiency of Atmospheric Radiation Pollution]. //Atomnaya energiya [Atomic Energy]. T.71, vyp. 3. 1991. // Volume 71, no. 3. 1991, pp. 244-249 (in Russian).
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Article NameImpurity Diffusion at Instantaneous Outburst from a Point Source in Worst-Case Emergency Scenario Realization
AuthorsO.A. Gubeladze1, A.R. Gubeladze2

Don State Technical University, Gagarin square 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344000

1ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6018-4989

WoS Researcher ID: F-6921-201

e-mail: buba26021966@yandex.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6966-6391

WoS Researcher ID: F-7215-2017

e-mail: buba26021966@yandex.ru

AbstractThe article studies the emergency development accompanied by an explosive item explosion (burning) which contained in nuclear weapon and by a scattering nuclear fissile material into the environment. The impurity propagation simulation in atmosphere at the inactive explosion case was executed.
Keywordssmall-sized nuclear power plant, source of radioactive contamination, dispersion, emission cloud, impurity concentration
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 Open Article

Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameModernization of TV-Mast of MPS-V-428 Refueling Machine at the Tianwan NPP First Unit
AuthorsA.V. Sementsov*1, M.I. Malakhov**2, K.A. Duvarov**3

  *JSC «Atommashexport», Karl Marx Avenue, 44, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

  **Rostov nuclear power plant, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360  

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0445-5665

WoS Researcher ID: AAG-2048-2022

e-mail: sementsov.atomexp@yandex.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2663-643X

WoS Researcher ID: AAF-3914-2022

e-mail: mimalakhov@mephi.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4491-2752

WoS Researcher ID: AAF-3798-2022

e-mail: kduvarov@gmail.com


AbstractThe article is devoted to the project of the modernized television mast of the refueling machine MPS-V-428 of the Tianwan NPP first unit. The goal of the modernization is to reduce the economic costs at the NPP during the scheduled preventive maintenance due to the imperfection of the existing design of the refueling machine TV-mast due to which the unit downtime is overestimated.
KeywordsWWER, refueling machine, television mast, transport and technological equipment
  1. Prodanchuk A.V. Kravchenko P.D. Osobennosti sistemy upravleniya processom pod"ema s pomoshch'yu AGZU upavshih raspolozhennyh vertikal'no kasset v reaktore tipa VVER [Features of the Control System for the Lifting Process of Vertically Fallen Fuel Assemblies in a WWER-Type Reactor Using AGZU]. Sovremennye materialy, tekhnika i tekhnologii [Modern Materials, Equipment and Technologies.]. 2017. № 1(9). Р. 168-173 (in Russian).
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Article NameTemperature Influence on Plastic Properties of Porous Material during Sample Settling
AuthorsV.V. Sinelshchikov 1, S.A. Tomilin2

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1e-mail: VVSinelshchikov@mephi.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8661-8386

Wos Researher ID: G-3465-2017

e-mail: SATomilin@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article considers the feasibility of using powder materials for the manufacture of a number of products used in the nuclear power industry. Taking into account high requirements to the products operated in nuclear industry, the questions of studying the properties of materials obtained by powder metallurgy methods and its behaviour in different conditions are topical. Results of investigations on influence of temperature on plastic properties of powder material during hot upsetting of porous cylindrical samples are given. It is established that at temperature of recrystallization (ferrite to austenite transition) plastic properties of porous material decrease.
Keywordsdynamic hot pressing, heating temperature, powdered billet, pore, crack, recrystallisation temperature, ferrite, austenite, ductility
  1. Kolokolov E.I., Pirozhkov R.V., Tomilin S.A. Primenimost' poroshkovoj stali tipa 110G13P dlya izgotovleniya detalej uplotneniya energeticheskoj armatury vysokih parametrov [Applicability of Powder Steel of 110G13P Type for Manufacturing of Details of Power Armature Sealing of High Parameters] // V mire nauchnyh otkrytij [In a World of Scientific Discovery]. 2014. № 8 (56). P. 119-130 (in Russian).
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Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameEstimates of Flow Rate of Pure Condensate when WWER-1200 Reactor Plant is Brought to the Minimum Controlled Power Level after the Emergency Protection Triggering
AuthorsA.I. Al-Shamayleh1, D.A. Solovyov2, A.A. Semenov3, N.V. Shchukin4, A.L. Lobarev5, D.A. Plotnikov6, V.S. Potapov7

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0283-6798

WoS Researcher ID: AFT-1761-2022

e-mail: asema7078@gmail.com

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0507-0839

e-mail: vulture@inbox.ru

WoS Researcher ID: AFT-1248-2022

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5495-3662

WoS Researcher IDAFT-1728-2022

e-mail: dozaand@main.ru

4ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4228-7228

WoS Researcher ID: AFT-1678-2022

e-mail: nvshchukin@mephi.ru

5ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5258-357

WoS Researcher ID: AFT-1155-2022

e-mail: lobarev.alexey@gmail.com

6ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9387-170X

WoS Researcher ID: AFT-1105-2022

e-mail: plotnikov@secnrs.ru

7ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8004-8212

WoS Researcher ID: AAH-5193-2021

e-mail: volodya.potapov.39@mail.ru

AbstractActivation of the emergency protection entails the entering of boric acid solution into the reactor core to the parking value, then the control rods are raised, after which it is possible to obtain permission to start the reactor. The first stage of reaching the minimum controlled level (MCL) of power is feeding with pure condensate to the start-up interval at a high injection rate, the second is mixing the 1st circuit and then entering the pure condensate but at a low speed. At the same time, the technical regulations for safe operation indicate that the flow rate of pure condensate in the start-up interval should not exceed the flow rate of pure condensate to compensate for xenon poisoning by more than 10 t / h, and the input rate of positive reactivity should not exceed 0.02 βeff/min. At the same time, it is not entirely clear how to estimate the flow rate of pure condensate in the start-up interval, since there is no equipment on the power unit that measures the magnitude of xenon poisoning and the rate of reactivity input. This article will answer the question of what is the permissible flow rate of pure condensate the operator can use in the start-up interval in the presence of xenon processes.
KeywordsWWER-1200, MCL, reactor emergency protection, pure condensate, technological regulations for safe operations.


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Article NameConcept of Creating an Integrated Automated Thermal Imaging Control System
AuthorsD.V. Shvets*,1, E.A. Abidova**,2, M.V. Kalashnikov**,3, P.V. Povarov**,4, E.V. Vorobev**,5

*«Rostov nuclear power plant» branch of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC, Volgodonsk, Rostov region,
Russia 347360

**Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4651-9495


2ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0258-5543

WoS Researcher ID: O-1870-2018

e-mail: e-abidova@mail.r

3e-mail: ya.mkalashnikov@ya.ru

4e-mail: povarovp@yandex.ru

5e-mail: xpanr@ya.ru

AbstractThe scope of the research work is a complex of problems related to the processes of collecting and storing the results of thermographic control (TCE) used at nuclear power plants (AS) to assess the technical condition of equipment that directly affects safety. As a solution to eliminate existing problems, a comprehensive automated system for storing and analyzing the results of thermographic control of NPP equipment (CAS TVK) is being developed at the Research Institute of AEM VETI of the MEPhI Research Institute.
KeywordsNuclear power plant, thermal imaging control, equipment, non-contact thermography, non-destructive testing method.
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Article NameDeveloping Industry Competences in Higher Education as a Factor in Ensuring Safety of Nuclear Industry Enterprises
AuthorsM.V. Golovko*, A.A. Lapkis**, A.N. Setrakov***


*Non-state accredited non-profit private educational institution of higher education "Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies - IMSIT", Krasnodar, Russia

**Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia  

***Volgodonsk Branch of The Federal State State Educational Institution of Higher Education «Rostov Law Institute of Internal Affairs Ministry of Russian Federation», Stepnaya St., 40, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4835-9800

WoS Researcher ID: J-2461-2016

e-mail: golovko178@mail.ru

2ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9431-7046

e-mail: AALapkis@mephi.ru

 3ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5599-440X

WoS Researcher ID: AAP-73782020

e-mail: aleksandr-maior@inbox.ru

AbstractThe article justifies the importance of applying the competency-based approach for personnel training in accordance with the current demands of the real economy sector. An example of the development and implementation of the system approach by enterprises of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" to form the competence "Technological systems of power facilities" is given. The importance of this competence of ensuring the growth of productivity, efficiency and safety of nuclear power plants (NPPs) operation was noted. Involvement of educational organizations, enterprises of nuclear industry and other interested parties allows to approach comprehensively to the solution of an actual problem of development of in-demand skills and abilities of future specialists. The essence features of the competence are considered, as well as the plan and measures for its popularization both within enterprises and educational organizations in the territory of NPP presence.
Keywordscompetency-based approach, competencies, nuclear industry, Rosatom, technological systems of energy facilities, NPP, Skills, economic security, educational organisation.
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Article NameIndependent Assessment of Future Nuclear Power Specialist Qualifications as a Factor of Nuclear Power Plant Safety
AuthorsV.A. Rudenko1, N.F. Privalova2

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,

Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6698-5469

WoS Researcher ID: B-7730-2016

e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6464-188

e-mail: NFPrivalova@mephi.ru

AbstractThe paper considers the sectoral system of professional qualifications assessment in the field of nuclear energy, its structural components, and reveals the main tasks and activities for its improvement and development. The relevance of independent assessment of qualifications of future engineering personnel specialized in nuclear power industry at the stage of completion of higher education is disclosed.
Keywordssectoral professional qualifications system, independent qualifications assessment, professional standard, labour market, vocational education
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