
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameDamage Assessment of Environmental Radioactive Contamination at Nuclear Facilities during Radiation Accident
AuthorsI.A. Starodubtcev *, A.P. Elokhin **

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Moscow, Russia 115409
* e-mail:
81-720@mail.ru ; ** e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

AbstractIn article the problem of safe operation of the existing radiation-hazardous waste storages, new storages constructions in the CIS territory is considered. A brief classification of the existing radioactive waste is given. The review of a complex of the reasons of the largest radiation accidents at nuclear facilities is carried out from the point of view of technical faults of the serving automatic devices of automatic equipment. The short characteristic of the radioactive materials released into the atmosphere as a result of radiation accidents, features of radioactive pollution of adjacent territories, the dosimetric analysis of the district is provided.
Keywordsradiation-hazardous objects, radiation-hazardous waste, nuclear safety, radiation safety, radiation accident, environmental damage

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Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameExpediency of Mobile Technological Equipment Use During Production of Nuclear Machine Building Objects
AuthorsP.D. Kravchenko

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

AbstractSubstantiation of expediency of mobile technological equipment use during production of nuclear machine building objects is represented. Instead of known system “lathe – adjustment – instrument – blank” the system “blank – instrument – adjustment – lathe” is proposed, which allow to object from huge technological equipment and use small mobile equipment. Application of heuristic methods during design process with using the wild nature principles - “ant” , “spider”, “beaver” – led to nearly optimal decisions.
Keywordsnuclear machine building, technology, mobile equipment, heuristic method

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Article NameFormation Process Modeling of the Seam Underside on Weight when One-side Welding Pipe Root Joints by Metal Cored Wire
AuthorsA.M. Rybachuk*1, Gu. Czigany*2, Yu.V. Doronin**3, P.S. Kuznetsov**4

* Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 5 Vtoraya Baumanskaya St., Moscow, Russia 105005
** Certification Center of Municipal Economy (CCME), 47a Izmajlovskoy Shosse, Moscow, Russia 105187
1 e-mail:
amrybachuk@mail.ru ; 2 e-mail: gujieren12345@163.com
3 e-mail: bekkenbauer@yandex.ru ; 4 e-mail: psmaiden@gmail.com

AbstractIn work formation process of the seam root roller at one-side arc welding by metal cored wire on weight is simulated. Influence of physical and chemical properties of liquid metal on border with the gas environment on formation process of seam return roller surface is shown. Pressure force calculation of arch is made.
Keywordsone-sided welding, seam root, arc pressure, viscosity, interfacial tension

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Article NameProduction of Shutoff Valves Details by Powder Metallurgy Methods
AuthorsA.V. Marchenko, E.I. Kolokolov

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: VITIkafMPM@mephi.ru

AbstractOperating conditions of shutoff valves are studied. The main shortcomings of surfacing methods by manual and automatic arc welding at production of fittings saddles are listed. The way of production of locking knot saddle of the high pressure valve by method of dynamic hot pressing of previously baked preparation of the necessary structure in the “in-sity” case is offered.
Keywordsvalve, saddle, defects, porosity, wear, dynamic hot pressing

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Article NameExperimental Research Protection against Gamma Radiation of Organic and Metallic Compositions
AuthorsO.L. Tashlykov*, S.E. Shsceklein*, A.P. Chomjakov*, I.M. Russkikh**, E.N. Seleznev**

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Sverlovsk region 
JSC «Institute of Nuclear Materials», Zaretchny, Sverlovsk region
e-mail: otashlykov@list.ru

AbstractPotential of design of optimum structure of fillers of homogeneous radiation protective materials for the given isotope structure of radioactive pollution is shown. Pilot study results of the weakening ability of homogeneous radiation protective materials with various fillers in relation to gamma radiation are given.
Keywordsradiation protection optimization, frequency rate of weakening, homogenous radiation protective material

[1] Publikaciya 103 Mezhdunarodnoj Komissii po radiacionnoj zashhite (MKRZ) [ Publication 103 International Commissions on radiation protection (ICRP)].  Per s angl [Translation from English.]. Pod obshhej red. M.F. Kiselyova i N.K. Shandaly[ Edited by M.F. Kiselyov and N.K. Shandala]. М. Pub. Izd. OOO PKF «Alana» [JSC publishing house “Alana” business concern], 2009. (in Russian)

[2] Russkih I.M., Seleznev E.N., Tashlykov O.L., Shheklein S.E. Eksperimentalno-teoreticheskoe issledovanie organometallicheskih radiacionno-zashhitnyh materialov, adaptirovannyh k istochnikam izlucheniya soslozhnym izotopnym sostavom [Experimental and theoretical research the organometallicheskikh of the radiation protective materials adapted for radiation sources with difficult isotope structure]. Yadernayafizika i inzhiniring [Nuclear physics and engineering], 2014, Vol. 5, №5, ISSN 2079-5629, DOI 10.1134/S207956291405008X, p. 449–455. (in Russian)

[3] Tashlykov O.L. Dozovye zatraty personala v atomnojenergetike. Analiz. Putisnizheniya. Optimizaciya [Dose expenses of the personnel in nuclear power. Analysis. Ways of decrease. Optimization]: Monographia [monograph]. – Saarbrüсken, Germany, Pub. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. RG, 2011, 232 p. (in Russian)

[4] Tashlykov O.L., Shheklein S.E., Bulatov V.I., Shastin A.G. O problem snizheniya doz ovyh zatrat personala AES [About a problem of decrease in dose expenses of the NPP personnel]. Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Yadernaya energetika [News of higher education institutions. Nuclear power], 2011, №1, ISSN 0204-3327, p.55–60. (in Russian)

[5] Tashlykov O.L., Shheklein S.E., Kadnikov A.A. Optimizaciya dozovyh zatrat v processe glubokoj modernizacii blokov AES s celyu prodleniya sroka ekspluatacii (na primere zameny parogeneratorov PGV-1000) [Optimization of dose expenses in the course of deep modernization of blocks of the NPP for the purpose of extension of term of operation (on the example of replacement of PGV-1000 steam generators)]. Trudy Odesskogo politexnicheskogo universiteta [Works of the Odessa polytechnical university], 2012,Vypusk [Issue] 1(38), ISSN 2076-2429,p. 107–112. (in Russian)

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[8] Prakticheskaya realizaciya metodologii ALARA na AES [Practical realization of methodology of ALARA on the NPP]: metodicheskoe posobie [methodical manual]. М. Pub. «Rosenergoatom», 1999, ISBN 5-98298-264-4, 186 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameSystem of Electrodriving Fittings Diagnostic Signals Processing
AuthorsE.A. Abidova, O.V. Malik, D.S. Gavrilenko

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: nii-energomash@mephi.ru

AbstractIn scientific research institute NPE of VETI NRNU “MEPhI” the System of data processing which is the instrument of diagnosing of electrodriving fittings was developed. Advantages of this system are: association in one program of all methods of processing of the signals provided by the Technique; possibility of inclusion of new methods and algorithms of processing; increase of speed and reliability of receiving results; automation of calculations.
Keywordsthe electrodriving fittings, system of diagnostics, envelope, the frequency analysis, phase and plane method, range, cepstrum

[1] Pugacheva O.Yu., Podrezov N.N., Nikiforov V.N. Informacionnoe obespechenie remontnyx texnologij teplomexanicheskogo oborudovaniya AES [Information support of repair technologies of the heatmechanical equipment of the NPP]. Sovremennye texnologii, oborudovanie, texnicheskoe osnashhenie i podgotovka personala dlya remontnyx rabot v atomnoje'nergetike : materialy konferencii [Modern technologies, the equipment, hardware and preparation of the personnel for repair work in nuclear power: conference materials]. Novovoronezh, 2013, p. 87–90. (in Russian)

[2] Slepov M.T., Abidova E.A., Nikiforov V.N., Pugacheva O.Yu. Texnologii analiza diagnosticheskih parametrov elektroprivodnoj armatury na dejstvuyushhih energoblokax Novovoronezhskoj AES [Technologies of the analysis of diagnostic parameters of electrodriving fittings on the operating power units of the New Voronezh NPP]. Elektrotexnicheskie kompleksy i sistemyupravleniya [Electrotechnical complexes and control systems], 2014, №4, ISSN 1990-5246, p. 16–22. (in Russian)

[3] Vasilenko S.V., Elzhov Yu.N., Nikiforov V.N., Pugacheva O.Yu. Metodicheskoe obespechenie processa diagnostiki vrashhayushhixsya elektroprivodnyx mexanizmov [Methodical ensuring process of diagnostics of the rotating electrodriving mechanisms]. Elektrotexnicheskie kompleksy i sistemyupravleniya [Electrotechnical complexes and control systems], 2014, №4, ISSN 1990-5246, p. 33–36. (in Russian)

[4] Abidova E.A., Chernov A.V. Metody obrabotki informacii v diagnosticheskih sistemah [Information processing methods in diagnostic systems]: Uchebnoeposobie [Manual], Volgodonsk. Pub. VITI NIYaU MIFI [VETI NRNU “MEPhI”], 2013, 72 p. (in Russian)

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Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameAbout Improving the Efficiency and Safety of NPP Thermal and Mechanical Equipment
AuthorsV.A. Dunaev, N.A. Lonshakov, V.A. Gorbunov

Ivanovo State Power Engineering University,
34 Rabfakovskaya St., Ivanovo, Ivanovo region, Russia 153003
e-mail: office@ispu.ru

AbstractThis article discusses the problem of finding ways to improve the operational efficiency and safety of thermal and mechanical equipment on the basis of the analysis of modes of NPP equipment and determination of technically based rate of use energy. For analyze and improve the performance and safety of the equipment A technology based on neural network modeling is considered for analyze and improve the performance and safety of the equipment. The possibility of the using the technology as an example of one of the turbine drive feed water pumps Kalinin NPP power unit № 2.
Keywordsturbine drive feed water pump, efficiency, safety, analysis, reliability, neural network technology, operation of power generating unit, operating parameters, rate of heat energy using

[1] Xaage Monika. Yadernaya bezopasnost i kultura bezopasnocti [Nuclear safety and culture of safety] : doclad [report]. MAGATE [IAEA]. Pub.  ATOMEKSPO [ATOMEKSPO], 2015. (in English)

[2] Strategicheskie celi i celi v oblasti energoeffektivnosti na srednesrochnuyu perspektivu [Strategic objectives and the purposes in energy efficiency area on medium-term prospect:]. Prilozhenie №2 k prikazu OAO «Koncern Rose'nergoatom» ot 15.11.2013 №9/1055-P [appendix № 2 to the order of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern of 15.11.2013] (in Russian)

[3] Gorbunov V.A. Ispolzovanie nejrosetevyh texnologij dlya povysheniya energeticheskoj effektivnosti teplotexnologicheskix ustanovok [Use of neural network technologies for increase of power efficiency of heattechnological installations]. Ivanovo. Pub. Ivanovskij gosudarstvennyj energeticheskix universitet im. V.I. Lenina [The Ivanovo state power university of V. I. Lenin], 2011, ISBN 978-5-89482-793-3, 475 p. (in Russian)

[4] Prilozhenie №15 k dokumentu SENM «Metodika energeticheskogo analiza», utverzhdennomu prikazom OAO «Koncern Rosenergoatom» ot 30.01.2014 №9/83-P [The appendix № 15 to the document SENM "Technique of the Power Analysis" approved by the order of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern of 30.01.2014 No. 9/83-P] (in Russian)

Papers63 - 70
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Article NameTest Results of the Rostov NPP Power Unit № 3 Protective Cover
AuthorsV.N. Medvedev*, Aleksandr S. Kiselev*, Aleksej S. Kiselev*, A.N. Ulyanov*, V.F. Strizhov*, A.A. Salnikov**

* Institute of nuclear power safe development problems,
52, Bolshaya Tulskaya, Moskow, Russia 113191

** Rostov NPP the branch of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern,
Volgodonsk-28, Rostov region, Russia 347340
e-mail: admin@rosnpp.org.r

AbstractThe assessment of the intense deformed condition of the Rostov NPP power unit №3 protective cover is given in work from the moment of the termination of pretension to acceptance tests.
Keywordsprotective cover, NPP, reinforcing ropes, concrete, tension, efforts

[1] Programma naturnyh nablyudenij za zashhitnoj obolochkoj energobloka №3 Rostovskoj AES v period vozvedeniya, prednapryazheniya, priyomo-sdatochnyx ispytanij i ekspluatacii [The program of natural supervision over the Rostov NPP power unit № 3  protective cover during construction, pretension, acceptance tests and operation]. M. Pub. OAO «Atomtexenergo»   [JSC Atomtekhenergo], 2011. (in Russian)

[2] Normy proektirovaniya zhelezobetonnyh konstrukcij lokalizuyushhih sistem bezopasnosti atomnyh stancij. PNAE G-10-007-89 [Norms of design of ferroconcrete designs of the localizing security systems of nuclear power plants. PNAE G-10-007 - 89]. Pub. Gospromatomnadzor SSSR [Gospromatomnadzor of the USSR], 1991. (in Russian)

[3] Medvedev V.N., Ulyanov A.N., Strizhov V.F., Kiselev A.S. Analiz rezultatov predvaritelnogo napryazheniya zashhitnoj obolochki e'nergobloka № 3 Rostovskoj AES [Analysis of results of preliminary tension of a protective cover of the Rostov NPP power unit № 3]. Bezopasnost, effektivnost i ekonomika atomnoj energetiki [Safety, efficiency and economy of nuclear power] : tez. Devyatoj mezhdunar. nauch.-tehn. konf.: plenarnye i sekcionnye doklady []. – MNTK[(международная научно-техническая конференция) [theses of the Ninth international scientific and technical conference: plenary and section reports]-2014, Moscow, May 21–23, 2014. M. 2014, p. 290–295. (in Russian)

[4] Karpenko N.I. Obshhie modeli mexaniki zhelezobetona [General models of mechanics of reinforced concrete]. M. Pub. Strojizdat [Stroyizdat], 1996, ISBN 5-274-01682-0, 416 p. (in Russian)

[5] Otchet VITI NIYaU MIFI na temu: «Provedenie instrumentalnogo kontrolya geometricheskih parametrov zashhitnoj obolochki i fiziko-mexanicheskix svojstv elementov stroitelnyh konstrukcij» [VITI NRNU MEPhI report: "Carrying out tool control of geometrical parameters of a protective cover and physicomechanical properties of elements of construction designs"]. Volgodonsk, 2014, 23 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameConstructive Schemes Load Gripping Devices Intended for Dismantling Nuclear Facilities and Elimination of Emergency Situation Consequences
AuthorsD.N. Fedorenko

Institute of service industry and business (ISIB) the branch of DSTU ,
282-2 Krasnoarmeyskaya St., Orlovskiy, Rostov region, Russia 347512

AbstractNew suspended automatic load gripping devices for operation with sheets, bars and tubes without human intervention are considered.
Keywordssuspended automatic captures, constructive schemes, sheet, rod, tube, operational process, deserted technology

[1] Kravchenko P.D., Russkaya N.A., Fedorenko D.N. Uroven veroyatnosti bezotkaznoj raboty avtomaticheskih gruzozaxvatnyh ustrojstv [Level of probability of no-failure of automatic load gripping devices.  Mashinostroenie i texnosfera XXI veka : sbornik trudov XXI mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-texnicheskoj konferencii v g. Sevastopol 15–20 sentyabrya. 20 let. [Mechanical engineering and technosphere of the XXI century: the collection of works of the XXI international scientific and technical conference, Sevastopol, September, 15th-20th. 20 years] Donetsk. Pub. MSM [International union of mechanicians], 2014, 326 p. (in Russian)

[2] Kravchenko P.D. etc. Konstruktorskie resheniya pri proektirovanii transportno-texnologicheskogo oborudovaniya v atomnom mashinostroenii [Construction decisions during transport processing equipment design in nuclear mechanical engineering] : monografiya [monograph]. Shahty, Pub. Izdatel'stvo YuRGUES [Shahty. Pub. SRSUES], 2008, 186 p. (in Russian)

[3] Polovnikin A.I. Osnovy inzhenernogo tvorchestva [Bases of engineering creativity]. Uchebnoe posobie dlya stud. vuzov [manual for students of higher education institutions] M. Pub. Mashinostroenie [Mechanical engineering], 1988, ISBN 5-217-00016-3, 368 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameImproving of Efficiency of Cleaning up Watersheds Basins of Cooling Vaporizing Towers
AuthorsO.L. Kolchenko *, I.A. Nagibina*, Ju.M. Matevosjan*, G.V. Domrina**, I.P. Tjumenev***

* Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
** Novocherkassk Engineering and Meliorative Institute, Don State Agricultural University, 111, Pushkinskaya, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, 346428
Rostov NPP the branch of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern, Volgodonsk-28, Rostov region, Russia 347340

AbstractTheoretical justification of not power-intensive mode of creation of a rotary motion is given in watersheds basins of modern cooling vaporizing towers for the purpose of prevention of carrying out of the solid soiling particles out of borders of the pool and their automatic collecting is given. It will allow to minimize costs of cleaning, considerably to lower load of the rotating grids and filters. The mode of creation of such movement and a way of modernization of design decisions is described.
Keywordswater, speed, expense, stream, spray, rotary motion, watersheds basin, cooling towers

[1] Spravochnik po gidravlike [Reference book on hydraulics].  Pod red. V.A. Bol'shakova. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. [Edited by V.A. Bolshakova, 2nd edit., reslave and additional ] Kiev. Pub. Vishhashk. golovnoe izd.-vo [The higher school. Head publishing house], 1984, 343 p. (in Russian)

[2] Ehkologicheskijj vestnik Dona. «O sostojanii okruzhajushhejj sredy i prirodnykh resursov Rostovskojj oblasti v 2013 godu» [Ecological bulletin of Don. "About a state of environment and natural resources of the Rostov region in 2013"]. Rostov-in-Don, Pub. Administracija Rostovskojj oblasti [Administration of the Rostov region], 2013, 291 p. (in Russian)

[3] Shterenlikht D.V.  Gidravlika [Hydraulics]. Uchebnik dlja vuzov [The textbook for higher education institution] M. Pub. Ehnergoatomizdat [Energoatom Publishing House], 1984, 640 p. (in Russian)

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Article NameEconomic Safety Culture аnd its Strategic Importance for Nuclear Power
AuthorsM.V. Golovko

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

AbstractIn article value of economic safety culture for nuclear power is shown. The materials testifying to development of destructive tendencies in branch are given. Need of cooperation of the state, business and science for formation of high level of economic culture is noted.
Keywordssafety culture, economic safety, nuclear power, of internal control system, theory of a threefold spiral

[1] Opalev A.V., Pirumov V.S. Natsionalnaya bezopasnost [National safety]. M. Pub. “Oruzhiye i tekhnologii” [Weapon and technologies], 2011, ISBN: 978-5-93799-042-6, p. 21. (in Russian)

[2] Rudenko V.A. K istorii ponyatiya «kultura bezopasnosti» [To history of the concept "safety culture"] Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost. [Global nuclear safety] 2014, №3(12), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 100. (in Russian)

[3] SMI: YeS mozhet zablokirovat atomny kontrakt Vengrii s Rossiyey [Mass media: The EU can block the nuclear contract of Hungary with Russia] RIA TASS [RIA TASS] Available at: http://tass.ru/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/1785211. (in Russian)

[4] Schetnaya palata: normativy v stroitelstve privodyat k zavysheniyu raskhodov byudzheta na 20-45% [Audit Chamber: standards in construction lead to overestimate of expenses of the budget for 20-45%] RIA TASS [RIA TASS] Available at: http://tass.ru/ekonomika/1753460 (in Russian)

[5] Schetnaya palata raskritikovala Rosatom za narusheniya pri finansirovanii stroitelstva AES [Schetnaya palata raskritikovala Rosatom za narusheniya pri finansirovanii stroitelstva AES] RIA FederalPress.[ RIA of Federalpress] Available at: http://fedpress.ru/news/econom/budget/1421386803-schetnaya-palata-raskritikovala-rosatom-za-narusheniya-pri-finansirovanii-stroitelstva-aes. (in Russian)

[6] Top-10 samykh rastochitelnykh pokupok goskompany [Top-10 the most wasteful purchases of state companies] RIA FederalPress.[RIA of Federalpress] Available at: http://fedpress.ru/news/polit_vlast/news_polit/1416565156-top-10-samykh-rastochitelnykh-pokupok-goskompanii. (in Russian)

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Article NameThe Concept of Materials Pre-trial Preparation for the Crimes Committed in the Nuclear Safety Sphere in Russia
AuthorsV.Yu. Dolgopolov

Advocates’ chamber of the Rostov region
12 Voroshilovsky Av., Rostov-in-Don, Russia 344006
e-mail: 8827555@mail.ru

AbstractIn work the assessment of severity determination of the crimes committed in the nuclear safety sphere is given and also the question of the investigative jurisdiction of these crimes investigation is considered.
Keywordsnuclear safety, severity of a crime, the preliminary investigation, inquiry

[1] IAEA Safeguards. Glossary. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, 1980, p. 71. (in English)

[2] Lichaev V. Problema beskhoznykh radioaktivnykh istochnikov: puti reshenija. Sut' i masshtab problemy – kto vinovat? [Problem of ownerless radioactive sources: solutions. An essence and scale of a problem – who is guilty?]. Available at: http://www.sql-tutorial.ru  (in Russian)

[3] Mezhdunarodnoe atomnoe pravo [International nuclear law]. Otv. red. A.I. Iojjrysh, A.M. Petros'janc, V.F. Petrovskijj [editors-in-chief A.I. Ioyrysh, A.M. Petrosyants, V. F. Petrovsky] M. Pub. “Nauka” [Science], 1987, p. 384–385. (in Russian)

[4] Dolgopolov V.Ju. K voprosu o doznanii kak vidu rassledovanija [To a question of inquiry as to a type of investigation]. Sbornik tezisov Mezhdunarodnojj nauchno-prakticheskojj konferencii, posvjashhennojj 150-letiju sudebnojj reformy 1864 goda «Juridicheskaja nauka: tradicii i novacii» [The collection of theses of the International scientific and practical conference devoted to the 150 anniversary of judicial reform of 1864 "Jurisprudence: traditions and innovations"] Vol. II, Rostov-in-Don. Pub. “Izdatelstvo Juzhnogo federal'nogo universiteta” [Publishing house of the Southern federal university], 2014, p. 446. (in Russian)

Papers106 - 110
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Article NameModern Realization Features of Practice-Oriented Training Approach for Nuclear Branch in the Conditions of the Enterprise Resource Centers
AuthorsV.A. Roudenko, N.P. Vasilenko

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

AbstractIn work modern approaches to the organization of the student practice-oriented training on the basis of the VETI NRNU “MEPhI” Resource center for training of Russian and foreign students to operating, to technical maintenance, repairing and engineering of the Russian and foreign NPPs are considered.
Keywordsthe practice-oriented approach, training, the resource center, the academic mobility

[1]    Federalnaya tselevaya programma razvitiya obrazovaniya na 2011–2015 gody [The federal target program of a development of education for 2011-2015]. Available at: http://фцпро.рф (in Russian)

[2]    Simonyants R.P. Problemy inzhenernogo obrazovaniya i ikh reshenie s uchastiem promyshlennosti. [Problems of engineering education and their decision with participation of the industry] Nauka i obrazovanie. [Science and Education] 2014, №3, ISSN 1994-0408, Available at: http://technomag.edu.ru/doc/699795.html (in Russian)

[3]    Nikiforov V.I., Chernenkaya L.V. «Vsemirnaya initsiativa CDIO» v rossijskom obrazovanii. ["The world initiative of CDIO" in Russian education] Vestnik vysshej shkoly. [Bulletin of the higher school] 2015, №3, ISSN 1026-955X, p. 8–11. (in Russian)

[4]    Pokholkov Yu.P. Praktiko-orientirovannye obrazovatelnye tekhnologii v inzhenernom vuze. Vvedenie. [Practice-oriented educational technologies in engineering higher education institution. Introduction] Inzhenernoe obrazovanie. [Engineering education] 2013, №13, p. 2–3. (in Russian)

[5]    Godovoj otchet OАO «Kontsern Rosehnergoatom» za 2014 god. [The annual report of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern for 2014]. Available at: http://www.rosenergoatom.ru/resources  (in Russian)

[6]    Novyj vuz na donskoj zemle. V Volgodonske sozdana unikalnaya baza obucheniya i perepodgotovki atomshhikov. [New higher education institution on the Don region. In Volgodonsk the unique base of training and retraining of nuclear scientists is created]  Rosehnergoatom. [Rosenergoatom] 2010, №11. (in Russian)

[7]    Rudenko V.А., Vasilenko N.P. Integratsiya obrazovaniya, nauki i proizvodstva kak osnova povysheniya kachestva podgotovki kadrov dlya atomnoj otrasli. [Integration of education, science and production as basis of improvement of quality of training for nuclear branch]   Materialy XII Mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii «Bezopasnost' АEHS i podgotovka kadrov 2011». [Materials XII of the International conference "Safety of the NPP and Training 2011"]  Obninsk [Obninsk] , 2011. (in Russian)

[8]    Kontseptsiya razvitiya akademicheskoj mobil'nosti v Rossijskoj Federatsii. [The concept of development of the academic mobility in the Russian Federation]  Rosehnergoatom. [Rosenergoatom] Available at: http://intpr.ntf.ru/DswMedia/koncepciyaakademicheskoymobil-nosti_itog.pdf (in Russian)

[9]    Kontseptsii dolgosrochnogo sotsial'no-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya RF na period do 2020 goda. [Concepts of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020]  Informatsionnaya sistema GАRАNT. [Information system GUARANTOR]  Available at: http://base.garant.ru/194365/#ixzz3kp0Bmmjl  (in Russian)

[10]  Yadernoe inzhenernoe obrazovanie: kompetentsii na osnove podkhoda k razrabotke uchebnykh programm. [Nuclear engineering education: competences on the basis of approach to development of training programs] Аvstriya [Austria]: MАGАTEH [IAEA]. 2014, Iyul [June]. (in Russian)

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