
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameMeasuring of Impact Angle of Transport Packaging Kit with Rigid Barrier in Emergency Test on Missile Track
AuthorsS.I. Gerasimov*,**1, V.I. Erofeev*2, V.A. Kikeev*3, O.V. Krivosheev**4, V.I. Kostin*5, I.A. Odzeriho*,**6, R.V. Gerasimova**7, A.A. Glukhov**8, V.V. Pisetskiy**9

*Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod,
85 Belinskogo str., Russia 603024

**Sarov Physics and Technical Institute of National Research Nuclear University «MEPHI»,
Nizhny Novgorod region, Sarov, 6 Duchova str., Russia 607186

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6850-0816

WOS Researcher ID: L-2727-2016

e-mail: s.i.gerasimov@mail.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6637-5564

e-mail: erf04@mts-nn.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002- 2040-2045

e-mail: vkikeev@mail.ru

4ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4597-4215

e-mail: staff@vniief.ru

5ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2711-3975

e-mail: costin.vasi1@yandex.ru

6ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2672-7318

e-mail: odzeriho.irina@yandex.ru

7 ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2711-3975

e-mail: grv@sarfti.ru

8ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4470-6518

e-mail: glukh0w.a@yandex.ru

9ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2878-6191

e-mail: pvv@sarfti.ru

AbstractIAEA standards for collision testing include conducting an experiment with a mock-up of a TUK package in conditions simulating an aviation accident. The sample should be subjected to a collision with a rigid barrier at a speed of not less than 90 m/s, and in such a position as to cause maximum damage. The target must also comply with the requirements of the norms-to be a flat horizontal surface of such a kind that any increase in the resistance to displacement or deformation of this surface when the sample falls on it does not lead to a significant increase in the damage of this sample. The surface of the target can be in any position, but it must be perpendicular to the trajectory of the sample. Rocket tracks are used to carry out such tests with packages weighing up to half a ton. AS such experiments are isolated and expensive, a strict justification of compliance with the requirements for the impact angle of the parameters that are actually implemented during the tests is required. The paper presents methods of measuring these parameters in the experiment and determines their accuracy
Keywordspackaging, radioactive materials, spent nuclear fuel, air transportation, accident, missile track equipment, impact angle
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  11. Gerasimov S.I., Erofeev V.I., Kamchatnyi V.G., Odzerikho I.A. The Sliding Contact Condition in Stability Analysis of Stage Motion for a Rocket Sled Track Facility. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2018. Vol. 47. No. 3. P. 221-226.
  12. Gerasimov S.I., Butova S.V., Erofeev V.I., Kamchatka V.G. Ustojchivost` dvizheniya vy`sokoskorostny`x ob``ektov po napravlyayushhim raketnogo treka [Stability of Movement of High-Speed Objects along the Guides of the Missile track]. Problemy` mashinostroeniya i nadezhnosti mashin [Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Reliability of Machines]. 2015. No.1. P. 3-8 (in Russian).
Papers7 - 15
URL ArticleURL Article
 Open Article
Article NameFeatures of Ionizing Radiation Effects on Biological Objects and Methods for its Radiation Monitoring at Nuclear Facilities (Analytical Review)
AuthorsB.K. Orumo1, A.P. Elokhin2, A.I. Ksenofontov3

National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (NRNU MEPhI),
Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

1ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6251-1736

ResearcherID: S-9359-2019

e-mail: orumokenoll@yahoo.com

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7682-8504

WoS Researcher ID: G-9573-2017

e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6864-9805

WoS Researcher ID: H-1833-2017

e-mail: AIKsenofontov@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article provides a brief analytical review of radiation effects associated with the impact of ionizing radiation on biological objects. The processes of the action of ionizing radiation on molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which occur in the body at the cellular level during its absorption, are considered. It is shown that in a wide range of dose rates generated by ionizing radiation when the latter acts on biological objects and, in particular, on humans, the most dangerous are the genetic consequences, which play an essential role for the population of countries that actively use ionizing radiation in industry. Other uses include medicine, particular types of production, as well as in the production of electricity at nuclear power plants. Particular attention is paid to the effects of ionizing radiation on children, requiring increased attention in the diagnosis of diseases in post-nuclear accidents, as well as during the diagnosis or treatment of radiation. As methods of radiation monitoring of ionizing radiation, the article provides a brief presentation of an automated system of radiation monitoring of the environment with its goals, objectives, and methods to minimize the consequences of radiation accidents at existing nuclear power plants.
Keywordsionizing radiation, radiation damage, deoxyribonucleic acid DNA, radiosensitivity, automated of environmental radiation monitoring system (ARMS), dose, and ionizing radiation dose rate.
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Papers16 - 41
URL ArticleURL Article
 Open Article

Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameMonitoring of Nuclear Power Plant Containments During the Acceptance Tests
AuthorsV.N. Medvedev*1, Aleksandr S. Kiselev**2, Aleksei S. Kiselev**3, V.F. Strizhov*4, A.N. Ulyanov*5, M.I. Skorikova*6, Yu.I. Pimshin***7

*Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), 52, Bolshaya Tulskaya St., Moscow, Russia 115191

**National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute», 1, Akademika Kurchatova pl., Moscow, 123182, Russia

***Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2182-9769

Wos Researher ID: U-8092-2018

e-mail: cont@ibrae.ac.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1405-4080

Wos Researher ID: U-8140-2018

e-mail: alkis_rrcki@mail.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2450-4495

Wos Researher ID: U-8820-2018

e-mail: kis-rncki@rambler.ru

4ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2244-6612

Wos Researher ID: V-5004-2018

e-mail: vfs@ibrae.ac.ru

5ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4850-4825

Wos Researher ID: U-8123-2018

e-mail: anumsk661@rambler.ru

6ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9090-346X

Wos Researher ID: U-8075-2018

e-mail: skorikova@ibrae.ac.ru

7ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6610-8725

WoS Researcher ID: J-6791-2017

e-mail: YIPimshin@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article presents the results of the study of changes in the stress-strain state and the geometric parameters of the containment shell near the junction of the cylindrical part with the dome and in the area of the crane rail of the polar crane during the acceptance tests.
Keywordscontainment, displacements, deformations, stresses, forces.

[1]    Medvedev V.N., Kiselev Alexander S., Kiselev Alexey S., Ulyanov A.N., Strizhov V.F., Potapov E.A. Naturny`e nablyudeniya na e`tape stroitel`stva zashhitnoj obolochki e`nergobloka № 3 Rostovskoj AE`S [Field Observations at the Construction Stage of the Containment of the Power Unit No. 3 of the Rostov NPP]. Global`naya yadernaya bezopasnost` [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2014.№ 3 (12). P. 89-99 (in Russian).

[2]    Medvedev V.N., Skorikova M.I. Vliyaniye reologicheskikh kharakteristik betona na napryazhenno-deformirovannoye sostoyaniye zashchitnoy obolochki AES [Influence of the Rheological Characteristics of Concrete on the Stress-Strain State of Containments of Nuclear Power Plants]. Atomnaya energiya [Atomic Energy]. 2019. № 6(126). P. 317-320 (in Russian).

[3]    Pimshin Yu.I., Klyushin E.B., Gubeladze O.A., Medvedev V.N., Burdakov S.M., Zayarov Yu.V. Vliyanie krana krugovogo dejstviya na texnicheskoe sostoyanie stroyashhejsya zashhitnoj germetichnoj obolochki AE`S [The Effect of a Circular Action Valve on the Technical Condition of the Protective Containment of the NPP under Construction]. Global`naya yadernaya bezopasnost` [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2016. № 2(19). P. 33-42 (in Russian).

[4]    Zabaznov Yu.S., Pimshin Yu.I., Klyushin E.B. Geodezicheskoe obespechenie monitoringa tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya zashchitnykh germetichnykh obolochek atomnykh elektricheskikh stantsiy (AES) v period ikh stroitel'stva, prednapryazheniya i ispytaniya [Geodetic Support of Monitoring of Technical Condition of Protective Tight Covers of the Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) during their Construction, Pretension and Test]. The collection of articles following the results of scientific and technical conferences. Issue 7 (in two parts). Part 1. Moscow: MIIGAiK / annex to the «Geodesy and Aero Photofilming» magazine №6, 2014. P. 19-23 (in Russian).

[5]    Pimshin Yu.I., Klushin E., Medvedev V., Gubeladze O., Naugol’nov V., Zayarov Yu., Zabaznov Yu. Diagnostika tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya zashchitnykh obolochek AES [Checking Technical Condition of Protective Leak-Tight Containment of Nuclear Power Plants]. Izvestia vuzov «Geodeziya i aerofotos"yemka» [Geodesy and Aerophotography]. 2016. №4. P. 55-59 (in Russian).

[6]    Salnikov A.A., Medvedev V.N., Kiselev Alexander S., Kiselev Alexey S., Ulyanov A.N., Strizhov V.F., Skorikova M.I. Osobennosti napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya zashchitnykh obolochek AES na etape vozvedeniya, prednapryazheniya, priyemo-sdatochnykh ispytaniy i ekspluatatsii [Specifics of the Stress-Strain State of Containments of Nuclear Power Plants at the Stage of Construction, Prestress, Hand-Over Tests and Operation] Bezopasnost', effektivnost' i ekonomika atomnoy energetiki [Safety, Efficiency and Economics of Nuclear Energy: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference, Moscow]. 2018. P. 24-30 (in Russian).

[7]    Pimshin Yu., Medvedev V., Naumenko G., Naugolnov V., Zabaznov Yu. Otsenka napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya zashchitnykh germetichnykh obolochek na primere blokov Rostovskoy AES [Assessing the Stress and Strain State of Containments by the Example of Rostov Nuclear Power Plant] Izvestia vuzov «Geodeziya i aerofotos"yemka» [Geodesy and Aerophotography]. 2017. №3. P. 36-42 (in Russian).

[8]    Strizhov V.F., Medvedev V.N., Kiselev Aleksandr S., Kiselev Aleksei S., Ul'yanov A.N., Skorikova M.I. Primeneniye ekspertnoy sistemy otsenki NDS zashchitnykh obolochek AES na etape sooruzheniya i ekspluatatsii [Application of the Expert System for Assessing of the Stress-Strain State of Containments of Nuclear Power Plants at the Stage of Construction and Operation]. Global`naya yadernaya bezopasnost` [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2019. № 1(30). P. 25-38
(in Russian).

[9]    Skorikova, M.I. Otsenka napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya zashchitnoy obolochki energobloka № 4 Rostovskoy AES v period priyemo-sdatochnykh ispytaniy [Evaluation of the Stress-Strain State of the Containment of Power Unit No. 4 of the Rostov NPP during the Acceptance Tests] Proceedings of the XIX Scientific School of Young Scientists of the IBRAE RAN. 2018. P. 155-158 (in Russian).

[10]  Medvedev V.N., Kiselev Aleksandr S., Kiselev Aleksej S., Ulyanov A.N., Strizhov V.F., Salnikov A.A. Rezul'taty ispytaniy zashchitnoy obolochki energobloka №3 Rostovskoy AES [Test Results of the Rostov NPP Power Unit №3 Protective Cover]. Global`naya yadernaya bezopasnost` [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2015. № 2(15). P. 71-83 (in Russian).

[11]  Gayrabekov, I.G. Pimshin YU.I., Gubeladze O.F., Medvedev V.N. Rezul'taty vypolnennykh rabot v ramkakh monitoringa zashchitnykh germetichnykh obolochek stroyashchikhsya blokov Rostovskoy AES [The Results of the Work Carried out in the Framework of Monitoring the Containments of the Building Blocks of the Rostov NPP] Izvestia vuzov «Geodeziya i aerofotos"yemka» [Geodesy and Aerophotography]. 2014. № 7-1. P. 29-30. (in Russian).

[12]  Medvedev V.N., Kiselev Alexander S., Kiselev Alexey S., Ulyanov A.N., Strizhov V.F. K voprosu o degradatsii zashchitnykh obolochek AES [On the Degradation of the Containments of Nuclear Power Plants]. Global`naya yadernaya bezopasnost` [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2012. - № 4(5).
P. 66-73 (in Russian).

Papers42 - 54
URL ArticleURL Article
 Open Article
Article NameDetection of Welded Joint Defects by Scanning Contact Potentiometry
AuthorsA.I. Alwaheba*1, V.I. Surin*2, T.E. Ivanova**3, O.V. Ivanov**4, V.G. Beketov***5, V.А. Goshkoderov*6

*National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

**Tekhnoskan Company, Chernikov str., 2, building 31, sq. 162, Volgodonsk, Russia 347375

***VETI NRNU MEPhI, Lenin street, 73/94. Volgodonsk, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9964-9146

e-mail: anas.kloub@jaec.gov.jo

2ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6153-0206

e-mail: visconst@rambler.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0517-8898

e-mail: tehnoskan@mail.ru

4ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5302-8988

e-mail: iovoi@mail.ru

5ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0242-6745

e-mail: VGBeketov@mephi.ru

6ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5526-6290

e-mail: vovagosh@mail.ru

AbstractScanning contact potentiometry (SCP) is used for defects detection and for determine the coordinates of the defects localized in welded joints. Studied samples are welded by manual arc welding of two halves austenitic steel 321H (Chromium-Nickel-titanium stainless Steel) dimension of each 200×110×13.5 mm. Thereafter welding, seam width is about 12 mm. Subsequently welded sample is inspected using X-ray radiographic testing system. In order to compare techniques capabilities, plotted potentiograms and weld radiograph are compared. Experimental outcomes prove that defects can be detected by SCP technique. SCP results are complied with mathematical signal analysis of defects. This method may substitute some destructive or nondestructive methods.
KeywordsScanning contact potentiometry, nondestructive testing, welded joints, X-ray radiographic testing, Signal discrete transformation, Chromium-Nickel-titanium stainless Steel.


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 Open Article
Article NameTechnical Theory of Bending of Elastic Rectangular Plate Pivotally Supported on the Perimeter or Pinched Along Two Adjacent Sides
AuthorsA.S. Kravchuk*1, A.I. Kravchuk **2, S.A. Tomilin***3, S.F. Godunov***

*Polytechnic Research Institute, a branch of the Belarusian National Technical University, Independence Avenue, 65, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 220013

**Belarusian State University, Independence Avenue, 4, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 220030

***Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4730-7769

Wos Researher ID: AAB-7774-2019

e-mail: ask_belarus@inbox.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6105-4200

Wos Researher ID: AAB-7880-2019

e-mail: anzhelika.kravchuk@gmail.com

3ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8661-8386

Wos Researher ID: G-3465-2017

e-mail: SATomilin@mephi.ru

AbstractThere is a need to improve methods for calculating elements of engineering structures and equipment for strength and stiffness, which directly affects the safety of nuclear power facilities. For the first time the theory of pure bending of rectangular plates pivotally supported at corner points is generalized to the case of their bending both when the plates are hinged around the perimeter and when a rectangular plate is pinched on two adjacent sides. It should be noted that the obtained system of equilibrium equations does not allow satisfying the equilibrium equations exactly, but only in the sense of the average integral value. However, the authors think this method of solving the deflection problem is much more mathematically and physically justified in comparison with the use of Kirchhoff hypotheses, which lead to contradictions when zero shear forces are assumed to be nonzero, only in order to obtain a deliberately equilibrium equation. The proposed approach allows us to evaluate the deflection of the plate in the case when the main vector of forces applied to the plate can be applied to its geometric center. The article indicates the conditions for the distribution of the transverse load under which it can be assumed that the main vector of forces can be applied to the geometric center of the plate. As examples, the problems of deflection of a rectangular plate under its own weight have been solved both when hinged around the perimeter and when pinched on two adjacent sides.
Keywordsrectangular plate, pure bending, distributed load, technical theory of bending, stress-strain state, stiffness.


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 Open Article

Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameInvestigation of Absorber Concentration Changes During Maneuvering Operation in VVER 1000 Reactor
AuthorsAnisur R.S.K.1, M.A. Uvakin2

National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (NRNU MEPhI), Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 1154091

1ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7803-8234

Wos Researher ID: D-3381-2019

e-mail: ranisur01@gmail.com

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4917-1770

Wos Researher ID: E-1027-2019

e-mail: uvakin_ma@grpress.podolsk.ru

AbstractBoron carbide, Dysprosium, Silver, etc have a lot of unique properties, high neutron absorption, chemical stability, high melting temperature, low density, and low price. These elements are widely using in the VVER power reactors. In this article was investigated the absorber cross-section, burring behavior and scram efficiency of these elements. If the control rod (CR) is made of only boron carbide chemical element and it will be used in the maneuvering mode then the power of a reactor will fall down drastically. But in this work main goal is that, which element will be required in the control rod, as a result, the reactor in the maneuvering mode work with different power without fall down power drastically. The result was calculated by the three programs GETERA, WIMS and SERPENT.
KeywordsBoron carbide, neutron, absorber cross-section, VVER-1000, control rod, maneuvering, reactor. GETERA, WIMS, SERPENT.


  1. Anisur R.S.K., Uvakin M.A. Analiz neopredelennosti v fizicheskom raschete yacheyek VVER v yezhednevnom grafike manevrirovaniya [Uncertainty analysis in the physical calculation of VVER cells in the daily maneuvering schedule]. 2018. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1133(1).
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  2. Anisur Rahman S.K., Uvakin M.A. Sravnite rezul'tat analiza neopredelennosti v fizicheskikh raschetakh yacheyek VVER v raspisanii yezhednevnogo manevrirovaniya programmami GETERA i WIMS. [Compare the Result of Uncertainty Analysis in the Physical Calculations of WWER Cells in the Daily Maneuvering Schedule by GETERA and WIMS Programs]. № 1(30). 2019. Global Nuclear Safety. P. 90-100 (in Russian).
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  9. Filimonov P.E., Averyanova S.P., Dubov A.A., Kosourov K.B., Semchenkov Yu.M. Rabota VVER-1200/1300 v sutochnom grafike nagruzki [WWER 1200/1300 Operation in the Daily Load Schedule]. Atomic Energy. 2012. V. 113. Issue 5. Р. 247- 252 (in Russian).
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Papers83 - 91
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 Open Article
Article NameAnalysis of Ice Melting Techniques on Aerial Power Lines in the Southern Region
AuthorsE.S. Moloshnaya1, I.V. Melnikov2, V.N. Kozobrod3

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhi», Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID: 0000-0001-8766-2290

WoS Researcher ID: AAH-5369-2020

e-mail: elena_moloshnay@mail.ru

2ORCID: 0000-0002-8613-9083

WoS Researcher ID: AHH-5335-2020

e-mail: comosabe@mail.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6558-4981

e-mail: kvn06@mail.ru

AbstractThe relevance of ice melting on air lines is due to a significant increase in their length in the electric power system of the Southern region under the conditions of operation of Rostov NPP 4 units. The paper makes the analysis of various methods of combating icing on overhead power lines with a voltage of 110-220 kV, on the basis of which recommendations for their use in these climatic conditions are given.
Keywordsice formation, wire breakage, accidents, ice melting, short circuit, electrothermal and electromechanical effects, vibration of wires.


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 Open Article
Article NamePhoton Radiation Fields Characteristics in Lead for Photon Sources With Energies From 10 to 50 MeV
AuthorsI.K. Alhagaish1, V.K. Sakharov

Institute of Nuclear Physics and Technology (INP&T), National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,

Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

1ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0099-153X

Wos Researher ID: AAE-8983-2019

e-mail: alhigesh@gmail.com


AbstractAccording to Monte Carlo calculations of spatial distributions of photon energy in Lead from point isotropic and plane mon-directional monoenergetic sources with energies of 10-50 MeV, define the attenuation coefficient of air Kerma and the dose buildup factors are determined for the studied material. The calculations take into account the contribution of fluorescence, annihilation radiation, and bremsstrahlung radiation. The independence of the Buildup Factors and attenuation coefficient from the angular distribution of the source radiation and the weak dependence of the attenuation coefficient on its energy in the range of 30-50 MeV are shown. Corrections for barrier protection were determined and their independence from the thickness of the shielding material and the photon energy of the source was noted. The obtained information makes it possible to reduce errors in the results of calculations of the thickness for anti-radiation protection of electronic accelerators at high energies, using the developed engineering methods of calculation. The obtained information can also be used in calculations of protection against bremsstrahlung radiation of electronic accelerators by engineering methods.
Keywordselectronic accelerators, bremsstrahlung radiation, protection, dose, accumulation factor, attenuation Multiplicity, Monte Carlo


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Article NameCooperative Design in Marketing of NPP Location Territories as a Factor of Social and Economic Security
AuthorsV.A. Rudenko*1, M.V. Golovko*2, S.P. Agapova*3, J.S. Rogacheva 4, V.G. Tkachev*5, A.V. Antsibor*6, A.N. Setrakov**7

*Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,

Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

** Volgodonsk Branch of The Federal State State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Rostov Law Institute of Internal Affairs Ministry of Russian Federation", Stepnaya St., 40, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6698-5469

WoS Researcher ID: B-7730-2016

e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru

 2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4835-9800

WoS Researcher ID: J-2461-2016

e-mail: MVGolovko@mephi.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8484-2912

WoS Researcher ID: E-4842-2017

e-mail: svetlana-1164@mail.ru

4ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3363-2691

e-mail: ZSRogacheva@mephi.ru

5ORCID: iD 0000-0001-5599-440X

WoS Researcher ID: AAP-73782020

e-mail: VGTkachov@mephi.ru

6ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1192-4554

WoS Researcher ID: K-6051-2018

e-mail: AVAntsibor@mephi.ru

7ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5599-440X

WoS Researcher ID: AAP-73782020

e-mail: aleksandr-maior@inbox.ru

AbstractThe article discusses some problems of providing the socio-economic security of the territories where nuclear facilities are located using the example of Volgodonsk, their dynamics are presented. The authors present the starting results of the project work of the initiative community of the city focused on the improvement of the territory. The importance of adhering to the principles of marketing, collaborative design, and tactical urbanism in the development of territorial development strategies is noted. Target and motivational guidelines for all groups of stakeholders are defined. The tasks and main directions of complicity in the project are set. The role of the key partner and project expert, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, is outlined.
Keywordsnuclear energy facilities, nuclear power plants, social and economic security, territory, Rosatom State Corporation, stakeholders, Agency for Strategic Initiatives, involving residents.


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Article NameInstitutional and Strategic Aspects State Policy in the Field of the Russian Federation National Security
AuthorsV.A. Plotnikov*1, A.V. Prolubnikov**, M.V. Rukinov***

*St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Sadovaya str., 21, St. Petersburg, Russia 191023

**Military Academy of Logistics, Makarova emb., 8, St. Petersburg, Russia 190000

*** A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University, Peterburgskoe road, 10, St. Petersburg, Russia 196605

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3784-6195

Wos Researcher ID: A-4854-2014

e-mail: plotnikov_2000@mail.ru


AbstractThe sphere of ensuring national security is an important object of state policy. When managing this sphere, strategic and tactical levels are distinguished, each of which has its own institutional consolidation. In addition, functional areas of national security, such as nuclear and radiation safety, can be distinguished. The article analyzes the texts of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation and the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Field of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Russian Federation from the perspective of analyzing the potential of the strategic regulatory impact of these documents. The inconsistency of their texts, the lack of complexity in regulating the institutional framework for the implementation of state policy in the field of national security is noted. It is also shown that there is no correlation between these important documents of strategic management. The study allowed the authors to conclude that strategic documents in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation require its processing and adjustment.
Keywordsstate policy, national security, economic security, nuclear and radiation safety, «Rosatom», Russian economy, strategic management.


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Article NameBuilding Partnerships Between the Nuclear Industry and the Public: Background and Development Prospects
AuthorsV.A. Rudenko1, T.S. Popova2, Yu.A. Evdoshkina3

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6698-5469

WoS Researcher ID: B-7730-2016

e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru

2ORCID: 0000-0002-0554-2672

e-mail: TSPopova@mephi.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6704-0643

WoS Researcher ID: G-8379-2017

e-mail: YAEvdoshkina@mephi.ru

AbstractEnergy consumption in modern society is growing every day, but the prospects for development and competitiveness of the nuclear industry today and in the long term are largely related to the attitude of the public to it. Taking into account the specifics of nuclear power, it becomes obvious that the successful development of the nuclear industry will not be fully realized without overcoming the negative attitude of the public towards it. It is becoming more and more important for the nuclear industry to establish an active dialogue with the broad masses in order to form an adequate attitude to the industry.
Keywordspublic opinion, loyalty, trust, radioactivity, socio-cultural aspect, work with the population, information and public relations Department of the Rostov NPP.


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