
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameIndistinct and Multiple Simulation and Assessment of Farmland Ecological Safety in Case of Radiation Pollution
AuthorsA.F. Rogachev*, E.V. Melikhova**

Volgograd State Agricultural University, 26 Univercitetski prospect, Volgograd, Volgograd region, Russia 400002
*e-mail: rafr@mail.ru ; **e-mail: mel-v07@mail.ru

AbstractBACKGROUND: Development of nuclear power engineering and its influence on all spheres of economy defines importance of reviewing of simulation questions and an assessment of ecological safety level taking into account specific threats for agricultural production within development of agricultural radio ecology. The significant amount of the local factors defining the overall level of ecological and radiation safety requires reasons for system of the modelled indices and tools of their aggregation. OBJECTIVES: Development of mathematical apparatus and indistinct and multiple model for an integral assessment of agricultural production ecological safety in case of radiation pollution. It is necessary to solve the following problems: – reasons for system of indices and their integrated groups for simulation of agricultural production ecological safety taking into account specific threats; – to justify the structure and to realize indistinct and multiple model of ecological safety of regional agrarian production; – to enable the computer realization of the developed system of an indistinct output with the help of which to reveal the priority directions of enhancement of agrarian production ecological safety of the region on the example of the Volgograd region. METHODS: Research was conducted with use of freely extended software environment of "FisPro version 3.5", allowing to build the simulating systems of an indistinct logical output in the automated mode, and also statistical data under the terms of agrarian production in the conditions of the Volgograd region. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The system of ecological safety indices of agrarian production taking into account specific threats of radiation pollution including the integrated groups, and also local indices characterizing them for indistinct and multiple simulation is justified. 2. The two-level model of ecological safety constructed on the basis of algorithm of an indistinct output by Mamdani realized in the environment "FisPro version 3.5" allows to simulate and estimate influence of the integrated groups of ecological indices system on the ecological safety level of agrarian production of different level subjects in the conditions of specific threats of farmland pollution. 3. Enhancement of the farming standard and, first of all, maintenance of soil cover taking into account regional system of dry agriculture can be the priority direction of improving of agrarian production ecological safety of the Volgograd region.
Keywordsmathematical simulation, ecological safety, radiation pollution, system of ecological indices, indistinct and multiple model, farmland state

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Article NameThe Analysis of Existing Methods for Washing the Filter Cloths of the Fish Protection Devices, Designed to Ensure Industrial and Environmental Safety of Nuclear Power Plants
AuthorsV.G. Tkachev, L.V. Postoj

 Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

* e-mail: VGTkachev@mephi.ru ; ** e-mail: LVPostoj@mephi.ru

AbstractOne of the aspects of ensuring industrial and environmental safety of nuclear power plants is the prevention of reduction of volume of industrial water supplied for cooling of equipment or exceeding the concentration of pollutants. Reducing the amount of incoming water can be caused by a decrease in the filtration capacity of the intake device, the quality degradation occurs as a result of contamination by biological organisms (clogging algae, remains of fish). At present, widely found FPS fish protection device with filter elements, which are an insurmountable obstacle for young fish and prevent it from entering the cooling system. The article analyzes the scientific papers on the study of ways to wash the filter cloths of fish protection devices, the existing theoretical methods for calculating the parameters of plane turbulent jets formed near the waterproof screen. Conclusions: 1. Method of parameter calculation of submerged turbulent axisymmetric jets formed near the filter surface (permeable screen) was not found. 2. Existing theoretical methods of parameter calculation of planar turbulent jets, emerging close to waterproof screen, and some of the theory of turbulent jets and methods for calculating jets in a drifting thread can be used in the development of methods of calculation of axisymmetric jet developing near the filter surface. 3. Jet parameters in the free development of the site are comparable with the parameters of a conventional submerged jet in the orthogonal coordinates associated with the jet axis. 4. Characteristics of a submerged axisymmetric jet on the site free of development near the filtering surface (screen) can be determined. 5. Velocity profiles in cross sections of free jet water-exchange layers can be similar, dependence with the refined exponent can be used for their description. The research results can be important in the equipment of nuclear power plant intakes with special fish protection structures.
Keywordsecology, nuclear power plant, fish protection device, filter cloth, flutes, intake structures, methods of washing, axisymmetric jet, gassing jets

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Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameExploratory Researches in Information and Control System Creating for Nuclear Power Plants under Uncertainty
AuthorsA.E. Kolodenkova

Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 12 Karl Marks St., Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia 450025
e-mail: anna82_42@mail.ru

AbstractIt is emphasized that for safety and functioning of information and control systems for nuclear power plants it is necessary to conduct exploratory researches at early stages of system creation. The structural scheme of process control system of exploratory researches is offered. We consider the cognitive approach to information and control system safety modeling for nuclear power plants. Some results of impulse modeling possible scenarios of the situation when creating information-control systems for nuclear power plants are given.
Keywordsexploratory research, system approach, symbolic directed graph, safety, NPP

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Article NameLaser and Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding of Cryogenic 9%NI Steel
AuthorsS. Gook*(1), A. Gumenyuk*,**(2), M. Rethmeier*,**(3), A.M. El-Batahgy***(4)

* Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK, Pascalstraße 8-9, Berlin 10587
(1)e-mail: sergej.gook@ipk.fraunhofer.de
** Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing BAM, Unter den Eichen 87 Berlin 12205
(2)e-mail: andrey.gumenyuk@bam.de ; (3)e-mail: michael.rethmeier@bam.de
*** Central Metallurgical R&D Institute, Manufact Technology Dept., Helwan,  P.O. Box 87, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt 11421
(4)e-mail: elbatahgy@yahoo.comuring

AbstractHeat treated 9%Ni steel is considered the most suitable and economic material for construction of large-size liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tanks which operate at cryogenic temperatures (-196°C). Strength above 700 MPa as well as a minimum impact value of 60 J are required to ensure reliable operation of the LNG tanks at operating temperature. Conventional arc welding processes, including shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding and submerged arc welding, are currently used in construction of LNG tanks. Ni based filler wire is the preferred filler metal of choice in LNG tank construction. The main problem with this choice is the lower mechanical properties, particularly tensile strength of the weld metal. To compensate, the wall thickness needs to be excessively thick to ensure the strength of the welded structures. Ni based filler material is expensive and a large quantity is needed to fill the multi-pass weld grooves. These factors significantly add to the cost in the fabrication of LNG storage tanks. For these reasons, exploration of new welding technologies is a priority. A big potential can be seen in laser based welding techniques. Laser beam welding results in much smaller fusion zone with chemical composition and mechanical properties similar to that of the base material. Laser welding is a much faster process and allows for a joint geometry which requires less filler material and fewer welding passes. The advantages of laser welding can help to overcome the problems pointed out above. Trials of autogenous laser welding, laser cold-wire welding and hybrid laser-arc welding conducted on the 9%Ni steel are presented in this paper. Chemical composition of the weld metal as well as effects of welding parameters on the weld formation, microstructure and tensile strength is discussed. Filler wire penetration depth as well as character of its distribution in the narrow laser welds was examined using EPMA - electron probe microanalysis.
Keywordscryogenic steel, laser welding, microstructure, hardness, tensile strength

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Article NameStudy of Wear-Resistance Coatings Obtained by Means of Supersonic Gas-powder and Gas-powder Surfacing
AuthorsT.А. Litvinova, A.А. Metsler, R.V. Pirozhkov

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail: bratsk_tanja@mail.ru ; **  e-mail: razvitie@zao-grant.ru ;

*** e-mail: RVPirozhkov@mephi.ru

AbstractThis work is continuation of researches of coatings made by the method of gas-powder surfacing and a supersonic gas-powder surfacing for the purpose of studying the ability of a material to resist the impact of abrasive particles. For this purpose there were performed a comparative study of weld alloys, the resistance to mechanical wear. Deposited coating samples were cut, according to the requirements, of rectangular shape measuring 4 x 5 x 10 mm, with a surfacing material of a thickness h1,2=1,0-1,2 mm, and h3,4=1,5-1,7 mm at the end. Reference samples were pre-seasoned by the standard method (heating to 850 ° C, exposure time 2 min, cooling; hardness during quenching HRC 62 in water, in oil HRC 54). The static load on a sample of this size was 8,75 kg/cm2. The value of ΔU wear weight was determined by weighing before and after tests on a laboratory analytical balance with an accuracy of 2∙10-4 g (type VLR-200). After each test the samples were removed, washed, dried. Tests were carried out at constant load P = 400 g. Under other equal conditions of testing samples from previously conducted a supersonic gas-powder surfacing, have the best resistance to abrasive wear, as a result, the weight loss of the sample is 3 times less than in the sample of gas-powder surfacing. Study of wear-resistance in the weld coating methods and powder supersonic gas-powder surfacing has revealed that the preferred method, producing samples is a supersonic gas-powder surfacing.
Keywordssupersonic gas-powder surfacing, wear-resistance, protective coatings, subsonic gas-powder surfacing, abrasive particles, equipment of nuclear power plants

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[8] Litvinova T.A., Egorov S.N. Features of powder steel formation with electric-contact compaction // Metallurgist. 2013, Vol. 57, №3–4, ISSN 0026-0894, DOI: 10.1007/s11015-013-9735-8, pp. 342-345. (in English)
[9] Litvinova T.A., Egorov S.N. Mechanical properties of powder steel prepared by electrical contact compaction // Metallurgist. 2010, Vol. 54, №1–2, ISSN 0026-0894, DOI: 10.1007/s11015-010-9254-9, pp. 57–61. (in English)
[10] Litvinova T.A., Egorov S.N. Effect of Iron Powder Preparation Method on Powder Steel Compact Formation During Electric-Contact Compaction // Metallurgist. 2015, Vol. 59, №1, ISSN 0026-0894, DOI: 10.1007/s11015-015-0090-9, pp. 57–60. (in English)

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Article NameStability of Steel Cylindrical Shell Made of Prefabricated Elements
AuthorsS.A. Rashchepkina
Balakovo engineering and technological institute the branch of Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", 140 Chapaeva St., Balakovo, Saratov region, Russia, 413800
e-mail: Rashh2008@mail.ru 
AbstractThe paper proposes a capacity of a full cross-section of core elements is intended for of various nuclear material storage. The stability of the bar element to a central compression is considered. Expressions to determine the critical stress beam elements are obtained. It is shown that the variation of the critical stress occurs when the coefficient of deformation of strip blanks during the creation of the hollow member is increased. Thus the critical voltages relative to the x-axis increase with the blow-up ratio, the critical voltages relative to the y-axis significantly reduce. Nomogram showing the variation of the critical stress in the direction of the central axes is provided.
KeywordsNPP reconstruction, metal, ribbed shell, the hollow element, calculation, stability

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[6]    Rashchepkina S.A., Botova L.V. Raspredelenie napryazheniy v rebristoy emkosti dlya khraneniya razlichnykh veshchestv AES [The stress Distribution in corrugated containers for storage of various substances NPP]. Materialy X Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Bezopasnost yadernoy energetiki» [Mater. X Intern. scientific.-practical. conf. "Nuclear energy safety"]. Volgodonsk. Pub. VITI NIYAU MIPHI [VETI NRNU MEPhI], 2014, ISBN 978-5-9905145-3-9, pp. 30–32 (in Russian).

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Article NameInfluence of Surface Boiling at Underheating on Boiling Area State
AuthorsP.A. Ponomarenko, M.A. Frolova, N.N. Lenivenko

Sevastopol State University
1 Kurchatov St., Crimea, Sevastopol, Russia, 299016
е-mail: frolova-85@mail.ru

AbstractResults of study of nucleate boiling phenomenon with underheating on a status of the heatgiving surface of the heat-generating part of an element during reactor installation by means of special apparatus are provided. The apparatus allowed to measure heat flux density continuously from the plates made from different materials to the heat carrier, value of underheating in flow core and temperature pulsation of the boiling surface.
Keywordsthe heat-generating element, heat carriers, underheating nucleate boiling with, radio ecological safety

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Article NameModern Methods of Automatic Welding of Responsible Large Dimension Thin-walled Aluminum Workpieces: Analysis of the Technological Capability
AuthorsA.M. Tupitsyn* **(1), E.A. Gladkov** (2), A.V. Chernov***(3)

* LLC "SVARBI", 6 build, 6 Dorozhny proezd, Moscow, Russia 117545
** Moscow State Technical University by N.E. Bauman, 1 build, 5 Second-Bauman St., Moscow, Russia 105005
***  Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: alexhao@ya.ru ; (2) e-mail: 123777@bk.ru ; (3) e-mail: viti@mephi.ru

AbstractThis article analyzes the technological capability of the modern methods of welding large dimension thin-walled aluminum workpieces. Types, merits and demerits, types of defects which appear when using arc, frictional, laser and hybrid techniques are considered. The most optimum and rational method of welding is selected according to analysis results.
Keywordsautomatic welding methods, welding of aluminum alloys, welding of large workpieces, arc welding, friction welding, laser welding, hybrid welding

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Article NameMultichannel Radiation-Hardened Instrumentation Amplifier for Sensor Systems and Analog Interfaces of Demanding Application (2)
AuthorsN.N. Prokopenko, N.V. Butyrlagin, A.V. Bugakova, A.A. Ignashin

Don State Technical University, 1 Gagarin Sq., Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344000
e-mail: prokopenko@sssu.ru

AbstractThe article considers the design features of the instrumentation amplifier (IA) for sensor systems, realized on the radiation-hardened microcircuits of AC_1_4, AC_2_1 (OJSC “MRIMI”, Minsk city). The new architecture of IA is developed, which can operate without resistors of common negative feedback with classical bridge measuring circuits and provides higher common-mode rejection ratio. In IA the digital control of the transfer ratio is available due to the elements commutation of the array “R-2R” by CMOS transistors. The feature of the suggested IA lies in application of the transistors of various physical natures in its input stage – Bi-JFETs and JFETs. The use of the complementary CMOS transistors in the input stage of IA is prospective, besides one of them must have an internal channel and another one - an induced one. The low offset voltages and the absence of classical sources of the reference current, setting the steady-state behavior of the input differential stage, are typical for the suggested circuit of IA. A big number of inputs for signal processing of a large number of sensors is possible in IA. The modification of IA with higher fast response in the large signal mode, which is provided due to the application of the input differential stages with the extended range of active work, is suggested.
Keywordsinstrumentation amplifier, sensor systems, analog interfaces, radiation hardness, differential difference amplifier

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Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameProblem of Transport Technology Equipment Improving in Nuclear Engineering Using Reloading Machine as an Example
AuthorsP.D. Kravchenko*, A.D. Maliarenko**

* Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

e-mail: oni-viti@mephi.ru
**  Department "Trade and Advertising Equipment", Belarusian National Technical University”BNTU”,
18a building, 65 Nezavisimosty Ave, Minsk, Belarus, 220013
e-mail: amalyar55@mail.ru

AbstractThe problem of longstanding use of cumbersome complicated transport technology equipment using the example of the reloading machine with rigid telescopic elements for PWR nuclear reactors is considered in article. New simplified construction of reloading machine with rope type hang of automatic grasp device is offered, which led to decrease of construction weight, number of elements and to increase the level of safety.
Keywordsreloading machine, nuclear engineering, working rod, rope hang, heuristic method, design, NPP

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Article NameOperation Extension Features of Overload Machines of PWR-1000 Reactors Power Units
AuthorsA.A. Lapkis, V.N. Nikiforov, O.Yu. Pugacheva

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: nii_energomash@mail.ru

AbstractThe considerable amount of works on machine operation extension of overload and transport technology equipment of fuel overload is made for Balakovo NPP in 2014-2015. Due to the revising STD (scientific and technical documentation) from the moment of power unit input in operation, the deep analysis of STD, designer and operational documents is carried out. Absence of the approved techniques of operation extension for this type of the equipment is revealed. The document analysis showed that machines are constructed with the considerable inventory of seismic stability and satisfy with STD. The research task of detection of the main faulting factors and residual resource assessment with their account for machine mechanical part of overload and transport technology equipment of fuel overload is set. Programs of survey on each machine are made individually and agreed with developers and operators of overload machines (and the set of СOM (current operating maintenance) differing on power units). Search of faulting factors is carried out using methods of visual and non-destructive testing. Survey revealed absence of degradation of metal that allowed to discard the majority of factors as not limiting the overload machines and СOM resource. For an assessment of a residual resource main ones as cyclic loading is selected. A bridge metalwork are selected to be nonrestorable elements for an assessment of a resource . The analysis of cyclic durability allowed to justify period of extension of operation, equal originally to assigned – 30 years. Need for development of the leading document regulating extension of operation period of mechanical part of overload machines and transport technology equipment for overload of PWR-1000 fuel is formulated following the results of operation.
Keywordsnuclear power, NPP, reactor, PWR, fuel overload, SPM (scheduled preventive maintenance), nuclear fuel, overload machine, transport technology equipment, load-lifting mechanisms, diagnostics, survey, resource extension

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[3]    STO Prodlenie sroka ekspluatatsii bloka atomnoy stantsii [STO Extension of period of operation of the unit of nuclear power plant]. (in Russian)

[4]    ПНАЭ Г-7-008-89. Pravila ustroystva i bezopasnoy ekspluatatsii oborudovaniya i truboprovodov atomnykh energeticheskikh ustanovok [PNAE G-7-008-89. Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of the equipment and pipelines of atomic power stations]. (in Russian)

[5]    NP-043-11. Pravila ustroystva i bezopasnoy ekspluatatsii gruzopodemnykh kranov dlya obektov ispolzovaniya atomnoy energii [NP-043-11. Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of load-lifting easels for objects of use of atomic energy]. (in Russian)

[6]    NP 031-01. Normy proektirovaniya seysmostoykikh atomnykh stantsiy [NP-043-11. Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of load-lifting easels for objects of use of atomic energy].

[7]    PNAE G-7-002-86. Normy rascheta na prochnost oborudovaniya i truboprovodov atomnykh energeticheskikh ustanovok [PNAE G-7-002-86. Norms of calculation on durability of the equipment and pipelines of atomic power stations]. (in Russian)

[8]    TU 108.1361-85. Mashina peregruzochnaya MPS-V-1000 3U4.2. [TU 108.1361-85. Machine overload MPS-V-1000 3U4.2.]. (in Russian)

[9]    Aslanyan E.G. Metrological facilities for measuring hardness. Measurement Techniques. 2005, №1, ISSN 0543-1972, DOI: 10.1007/s11018-005-0100-6, pp. 57–63. (in English)

[10]  Adamenkov K.A., Nikiforov V.N., Sirotin D.V. etс. Opyt provedeniya rabot po obsledovaniyu tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya i otsenke ostatochnogo resursa mashin peregruzochnykh tipa MPS-V-1000-3U4.2. [Experience of work on survey of technical condition and an assessment of a residual resource of machines overload the MPS-V-1000-3U4.2 type.] Tezisy dokladov II vserossiyskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Obespechenie bezopasnosti AES s VVER» [Theses of the report of the II All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Safety of the NPP with PWR"], Podolsk, 19-23 noyabrya 2001 [November, 19-23, 2001]. Podolsk. Pub. OKB «Gidropress» [Experimental design bureau "Hydraulic press"], 2001, pp. 117–118. (in Russian)

[11]  РД ЭО 0027-2005. Rukovodyashchiy dokument. Instruktsiya po opredeleniyu mekhanicheskikh svoystv metalla oborudovaniya atomnykh stantsiy bezobraztsovymi metodami po kharakteristikam tverdosti [RD EO 0027-2005. The leading document. The instruction for determination of mechanical properties of metal of the equipment of nuclear power plants by bezobraztsovy methods according to characteristics of hardness] (in Russian)

[12]  Kuznetsov K.A. Methods, models, and means of increasing the efficiency of the estimation of the technical conditions and residual operation life of technical devices. Journal of machinery manufacture and reliability. 2014, Vol. 43, №6, ISSN 1052-6188, DOI: 10.3103/S1052618814060053, pp. 497-502. (in English)

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Article NameVETI NRNU “MEPhI” Training Programs for the Self-Regulatory Organization Noncommercial Partnership “SOYuZATOMSTROY” Increase Security Installation Level of Nuclear Facilities
AuthorsV.S. Opekunov*, V.A. Rudenko**, V.A. Denisov*, A.V. Stambulko*, Yu.V. Zajarov**, Yu.I. Pimshin**

* Self-regulatory organization of the nuclear industry 29/1 Bolshaya Ordynka St., Mosсow, Russia, 119017
e-mail: stambulko@atomsro.ru
** Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: viti@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article presents the dynamics of the basic indicators and analysis of the training courses in VETI NRNU “MEPhI” for managers and specialists of the organizations that are members of SRO NP (self-regulatory organization noncommercial partnership) “SOYuZATOMSTROY” for 2010-2015. The measures that improve the training level by updating and variability of training programs, as well as to ensure the expansion of technology of VETI NRNU “MEPhI” educational activities for organizations-members of SRO NP “SOYuZATOMSTROY”. Appropriate divergent modules “Construction and Acceptance Testing of Protective Membranes of Nuclear Facilities”, ”Installation of Lifting Equipment at Nuclear Facilities” and “Development of Land-Surveying Projects at Nuclear Facilities” are developed for programs “Creating of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Monolithic Structures in Nuclear Facilities Construction”, “Installation of Nuclear Facility Equipment” and “Land-Surveying Work Performed at Construction Sites during the Nuclear Facility Construction”.
KeywordsSRO NP “SOYUZATOMSTROY”, nuclear power, programs and training courses, the variability of programs, managers and specialists of building organizations

[1]    Zayarov Yu.V. Opyt VITI NIYaU MIFI v organizatsii i provedenii kursov povysheniya kvalifikatsii NP SRO «SOYuZATOMSTROY» [VETI NRNU “MEPhI” experience in organizing and conducting training courses of NP SRO "SOYuZATOMSTROY"]. Atomnoe stroitelstvo [Nuclear Construction]. 2012, №7(13), Noyabr-dekabr [November-December], p. 35. (in Russian)

[2]    Pimshin Yu.I. O povyshenii kvalifikatsii spetsialistov stroitelnykh organizatsiy [Improving the skills of building organization specialists]. Atomnoe stroitelstvo [Nuclear construction]. 2012, №7(13), Noyabr-dekabr [November-December], p. 36. (in Russian)

[3]    Opekunov V.S., Stambulko A.V. Povyshenie kvalifikacii specialistov, vypolnyayushih stroitelno-montazhnye  i puskonaladochnye raboty na obektah ispolzovaniya atomnoj energii [Professional development of the experts carrying out construction and commissioning on objects of  nuclear energy usage]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2013, №2(7), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 78–82. (in Russian)

[4]    Opekunov V.S., Rudenko V.A., Zayarov Yu.V., Pimshin Yu.I., Stambulko  A.V. Povyshenie kvalifikacii specialistov stroitelnyh organizacij-chlenov SRO NP «SOYuZATOMSTROJ» v VITI NIYaU MIFI  [Professional development of specialists of the SRO NP "SOYuZATOMSTROY" construction member organizations in VETI NRNU “MEPhI”]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2014, №2(11), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 44–48. (in Russian)

[5]    Opekunov V.S., Denisov V.A., Sokolov V.S.,  Stambulko A.V., Chupeykina N.N. Vliyanie urovnya kvalifikatsii personala stroitelno-montazhnykh organizatsiy na bezopasnost sooruzheniya OIAE [Influence of skill level of construction organizations personnel to safety nuclear facilities construction]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2015, №4(17), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 97–102. (in Russian)

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Article NameInteraction of Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute the branch of NRNU “MEPhI” and the Nuclear Industry in the Scientific and Engineering Personnel Preparation
AuthorsG.D. Belyaeva, A.G. Sirotkinа, G. A. Fedorenko, A.B. Makarets

Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute
the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,

6 Duhov St., Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia 607186
e-mail: sarfti@mephi.ru

AbstractIn article approaches of higher education institutions to training of specialists in the context of transition of the Russian economy to innovative model of development are considered. Key factors and vectors of traditional education system transformation to the adaptive open educational system considering needs of economy real sector including high-tech industries are defined. The best practices of interaction of a higher educational institution and the leading enterprise are reflected in a format of a new educational paradigm.
Keywordscompetences, integration, Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, basic departments, scientific and educational centers, "The digital enterprise", educational and research center of competences, "factories of processes"

[1]   Aleksandrov A.A., Proletarskiy A.V., Neusypin K.A. Kontseptsiya vzaimodeystviya MGTU im. N.E. Baumana s predpriyatiyami raketno-kosmicheskoy otrasli v voprosakh tselevoy podgotovki inzhenerov i nauchnykh kadrov [The concept of interaction of Bauman MSTU and the enterprises of space-rocket branch in questions of target training of engineers and scientific frames]. Evropeyskiy zhurnal sotsialnykh nauk [European social science journal]. 2013, №1. ISSN 2079-5513, pp. 121–126. (in Russian)

[2]   Belyaeva G.D., Fedorenko G.A., Makarets A.B., Sirotkina A.G. Konkurentosposobnost i dinamicheskie sposobnosti rossiyskikh natsionalnykh issledovatelskikh universitetov. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Competitiveness and dynamic abilities of the Russian national research universities]. 2015, №4(17), ISSN 2305-414X, pp.115–129. (in Russian)

[3]   Belyaeva G.D., Fedorenko G.A. Organizatsionnye izmeneniya v vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyakh v usloviyakh innovatsionnogo razvitiya [Organizational changes in higher educational institutions in the conditions of innovative development]. Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami [Control of economic systems]. 2012, №11, ISSN 1999-4516. Available at: http://www.uecs.ru/component/flexicontent/items/item/1635-2012-11-07-06-04-50 (in Russian)

[4]   Sirotkina A.G. etc. Sarovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut [Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute] Integratsiya nauki i obrazovaniya [Integration of science and education]. – Sarov. Pub. IPK FGUP «RFYaTs-VNIIEF» [Institute of professional development. RFNC-VNIIEF], 2012. (in Russian)

[5]   Fedorenko G.A., Makarets A.B., Nikitin I.A., Lomteva E.E., Yutkina E.G. Perspektivy razvitiya sistemy povysheniya kvalifikatsii spetsialistov predpriyatiy YaOK na baze SarFTI NIYaU MIFI [Perspectives of development of system of professional development of specialists of the enterprises of the Nuclear Complex on the basis of SarPhTI MEPhI]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global Nuclear Safety]. 2015, №1(14), ISSN 2305-414X, pp. 70–76. (in Russian)

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Article NameSafety Culture in Value System of «Rosatom» State Corporation
AuthorsV.A. Rudenko*, N.P. Vasilenko**

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360 
* e-mail: VARudenko@mephi.ru ; ** e-mail: NPVasilenko@mephi.ru

AbstractBACKGROUND The «Rosatom» State Corporation defined corporate values such as «Security», «Unified Team», «Responsibility for the result», «Efficiency», «Respect» and «A step ahead». What role of Safety Culture in the system of these values? This article is devoted to reviewing of the matter. OBJECTIVES We determined the place of Safety Culture in system of values of «Rosatom» State Corporation. The following problems are solved: – the IAEA documents defining concepts of Safety Culture are considered; – scientific researches of Safety Culture in nuclear branch are analyzed. METHODS of the theoretical analysis were used. CONCLUSIONS: – Safety Culture takes the fundamental place in system of values of «Rosatom» State Corporation; – if the value system of «Rosatom» State Corporation is considered as a tree, the Safety Culture is its basis, i. e. the "roots".
KeywordsSafety Culture, values, values of «Rosatom» State Corporation, nuclear branch

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